Tattoo too


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I have 1 tattoo and I got it about 2 months ago. My friend designed's a shaded purple rubbon with a yellow and orange lightning bolt down the center of also has wings coming off both sides of the ribbon.. it my "rock CF" logo. You can check it out at It's the frontpage that my web guy imposed pictures behind for the site. We're making shirts with my design that say below it to sell at my CF benefit in March along with the logo shirts for the night. Oh yeah, it's on my right forearm. I just my docs and everyone else at clinic last week. Suprisingly they like it!!
Tattoos are sweet!!
Emily 22pwcf
(Check out my website!)


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Hey just read this and i've not only got CF i've got two tatts myself. On of with a nother CF'er drew up for me it is a Leo symbole with flame around it. The other is a Chaos star which i think all that read this will agree pretty well describes your doc's point of view as far as having CF goes. I've been thinking about my next but the money isn't coming in but it's gonna be something like a Ultrace pill broken inhalf with a double helix pouring out of it.By the way i've been looking for some people to keep in touch with so feel free to e-mail me @


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it does hurt a a bit worse than a blood test, imagine getting stuck hundreds and thousands of times by a tiny needle not piercing completly through your skin, yep that about somes it up.



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I have to say... It hurts, I guess. But I enjoyed it. Okay, maybe I'm weird. lol. But it was kind of fun. I don't know how to describe the actual procedure, but the best way to describe how it feels after is... it feels just like a skinned knee. Not too bad. Totally worth it, in my opinion. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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I will agree with you, that is weird. I am proud of my ink but would happily go without the "pain" of getting it.

Luke dawg


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I'm at two minds as to whether to get one. I was thinking something very small like a chinese symbol for perfect health (for the irony of course!) hmmm thousands of needles hitting me....


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I Haven't got a tatoo Yet but Ive Wanted one for years. think im going to go for wings across my shoulder blades but need some cash first


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Tatoos are can dratically vary from place to place. Normally it is based on size and amount of colors, some place use a graph paper and charge by the number of squares. Long story short for a small tatoo you can expect to pay between 40-90 dollars. Vague I know but that is how they like it. More important than price find a place that does QUALITY work and is clean, ask to see their autoclave if they don't use one you might want to go somewhere else.



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I have a tatoo on my foot -- it is 3 little stars and I love it. My family would agree that CFers have a bit of "wild" spirit!


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I have no tatoos but have wanted one for a long time. We are good friends with a tattoo artist and my dad is very into them. So I guess he rubed off on me. I also cant decied what i want i want one that represents freedom and Cystic Fibrosis. I need to find someone that would draw one for me. I do have percings though 7 to be exact and want more. For the people who have there nipples percied how bad did it hurt. I want to get them done but I heard its the most painful percing that you can get.


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I had both of mine done I one point, now only one. I took one out, I thought I looked like a sailor! I did them both myself and no they didn't hurt that bad, of course our genders differ so you might want a lady to weigh in.

I had both of my nipples done twice (so, yes, 4 times!) because I never really had feeling there. I had them done but had to take them out when I had sinus surgery, got them done again, then had to take those out when I had sinus surgery again. Both times I had to take them out the holes closed up by the time I was done feeling the effects of the anesthesia to try to put them back in. I have had about 9 other peircings in my ears, two of those stretched to bigger gages, and I can honestly say that only one of those felt worse than the nipples. I was contemplating getting my nipples done a third time but realized after I took them out the second time that they were more of a pain in the butt than they were worth. I washed them everyday but sometimes they would "crust" over and if that crust got pushed in the hole I was in pain for a few days whenever they would get touched.


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I had a similar circumstance with my tongue ring, I went in for a bronchoscopy and my hole closed up, I just re pierced it myself. I took out most of my piercings 3-4 years ago. The tongue ring I kept until it started getting in the way of life.

OUCH! repeirced yourself?! I went through a phase when I wanted to get my tongue peirced, but I thought it would get infected with all the crap I cough up...was that ever a problem with yours?


New member
I didn't have any troubles either time, you have to do your aftercare with listerine washes and such but that is all.



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i have 5 tattoos.....i got the first one right before i turned 18 and then, it was very addicting!! lol but i do have one on my lower back of a bunch of butterflies.....they are so beautiful....not to mention i have a tatt on my neck..of a dolphin with my name ....i love dolphins!!! and believe it or not, the tatt on my neck didnt hurt at all. just a little burn sensation like skinned knees. lol but i have cf also i will be 23 in july and cant wait. living every minute of it!!!! had it very hard my life so i look at it by treating myself!! good luck to you all