Technion scientists develop material to treat genetic diseases


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Technion scientists develop material to treat genetic diseases
Mar. 25 - Technion scientists have developed a new material with the potential to treat "hundreds of genetic diseases," reported the Jerusalem Post. Created by Professor Timor Bazov of the chemistry faculty and Dr. Tamar Ben-Yosef of the Rappaport School of Medicine, they took a chemical modification of the antibiotic gentamycin, which can correct a defective gene in cystic fibrosis patients, that is much safer. The results were reported in the journal Bioorganic and Medical Chemistry Letters. "The new material has the potential to help cure hundreds of genetic diseases," Bazov claimed, "and perhaps even certain types of cancer."


New member
Technion scientists develop material to treat genetic diseases
Mar. 25 - Technion scientists have developed a new material with the potential to treat "hundreds of genetic diseases," reported the Jerusalem Post. Created by Professor Timor Bazov of the chemistry faculty and Dr. Tamar Ben-Yosef of the Rappaport School of Medicine, they took a chemical modification of the antibiotic gentamycin, which can correct a defective gene in cystic fibrosis patients, that is much safer. The results were reported in the journal Bioorganic and Medical Chemistry Letters. "The new material has the potential to help cure hundreds of genetic diseases," Bazov claimed, "and perhaps even certain types of cancer."


New member
Technion scientists develop material to treat genetic diseases
Mar. 25 - Technion scientists have developed a new material with the potential to treat "hundreds of genetic diseases," reported the Jerusalem Post. Created by Professor Timor Bazov of the chemistry faculty and Dr. Tamar Ben-Yosef of the Rappaport School of Medicine, they took a chemical modification of the antibiotic gentamycin, which can correct a defective gene in cystic fibrosis patients, that is much safer. The results were reported in the journal Bioorganic and Medical Chemistry Letters. "The new material has the potential to help cure hundreds of genetic diseases," Bazov claimed, "and perhaps even certain types of cancer."


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If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of those stories over the past 10 years.....

Maybe one day..... who knows....


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If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of those stories over the past 10 years.....

Maybe one day..... who knows....


New member
If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of those stories over the past 10 years.....

Maybe one day..... who knows....


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This one has been around for a while though, something about people with a certain gene defect having a positive reaction to gentamycin? Anybody remember that?


New member
This one has been around for a while though, something about people with a certain gene defect having a positive reaction to gentamycin? Anybody remember that?


New member
This one has been around for a while though, something about people with a certain gene defect having a positive reaction to gentamycin? Anybody remember that?


New member
Isnt this the PC124 (whatever it is) gene thingo? I seem to remember that they had done experiemnts using gentamycin.


New member
Isnt this the PC124 (whatever it is) gene thingo? I seem to remember that they had done experiemnts using gentamycin.


New member
Isnt this the PC124 (whatever it is) gene thingo? I seem to remember that they had done experiemnts using gentamycin.