Teens with CF


New member
I am a mom with a 15 year old son with CF. I first want to say that I admire all of you teens who've become so involved in these forums, blogs, etc., they're great! My son has no interest at all in doing any such thing. He is doing very well and is very strong and self assured. He doesn't let CF get to him to much and does his daily treatments as instructed. All of that is wonderful but I sometimes feel that it might be good for him to talk to others his age with CF. If anything simply so he won't feel like he's the only CF kid out there during the tough times. Do any of you have any advice or know of other teens with the same feelings. I want to encourage him to communicate his feelings but let him do what he's comfortable with.


New member
I am a mom with a 15 year old son with CF. I first want to say that I admire all of you teens who've become so involved in these forums, blogs, etc., they're great! My son has no interest at all in doing any such thing. He is doing very well and is very strong and self assured. He doesn't let CF get to him to much and does his daily treatments as instructed. All of that is wonderful but I sometimes feel that it might be good for him to talk to others his age with CF. If anything simply so he won't feel like he's the only CF kid out there during the tough times. Do any of you have any advice or know of other teens with the same feelings. I want to encourage him to communicate his feelings but let him do what he's comfortable with.


New member
I am a mom with a 15 year old son with CF. I first want to say that I admire all of you teens who've become so involved in these forums, blogs, etc., they're great! My son has no interest at all in doing any such thing. He is doing very well and is very strong and self assured. He doesn't let CF get to him to much and does his daily treatments as instructed. All of that is wonderful but I sometimes feel that it might be good for him to talk to others his age with CF. If anything simply so he won't feel like he's the only CF kid out there during the tough times. Do any of you have any advice or know of other teens with the same feelings. I want to encourage him to communicate his feelings but let him do what he's comfortable with.


New member
I am a mom with a 15 year old son with CF. I first want to say that I admire all of you teens who've become so involved in these forums, blogs, etc., they're great! My son has no interest at all in doing any such thing. He is doing very well and is very strong and self assured. He doesn't let CF get to him to much and does his daily treatments as instructed. All of that is wonderful but I sometimes feel that it might be good for him to talk to others his age with CF. If anything simply so he won't feel like he's the only CF kid out there during the tough times. Do any of you have any advice or know of other teens with the same feelings. I want to encourage him to communicate his feelings but let him do what he's comfortable with.


New member
I am a mom with a 15 year old son with CF. I first want to say that I admire all of you teens who've become so involved in these forums, blogs, etc., they're great! My son has no interest at all in doing any such thing. He is doing very well and is very strong and self assured. He doesn't let CF get to him to much and does his daily treatments as instructed. All of that is wonderful but I sometimes feel that it might be good for him to talk to others his age with CF. If anything simply so he won't feel like he's the only CF kid out there during the tough times. Do any of you have any advice or know of other teens with the same feelings. I want to encourage him to communicate his feelings but let him do what he's comfortable with.


New member
Hi my name is ann and i have a 14 year old son that i wish the same for. He does not want to talk to anyone with c.f.

I just wanted to let you know that he is not alone. When the time is right i am sure adam will let me know when he wants to talk to someone.

Just be there for him.



New member
Hi my name is ann and i have a 14 year old son that i wish the same for. He does not want to talk to anyone with c.f.

I just wanted to let you know that he is not alone. When the time is right i am sure adam will let me know when he wants to talk to someone.

Just be there for him.



New member
Hi my name is ann and i have a 14 year old son that i wish the same for. He does not want to talk to anyone with c.f.

I just wanted to let you know that he is not alone. When the time is right i am sure adam will let me know when he wants to talk to someone.

Just be there for him.



New member
Hi my name is ann and i have a 14 year old son that i wish the same for. He does not want to talk to anyone with c.f.

I just wanted to let you know that he is not alone. When the time is right i am sure adam will let me know when he wants to talk to someone.

Just be there for him.



New member
Hi my name is ann and i have a 14 year old son that i wish the same for. He does not want to talk to anyone with c.f.
<br />
<br />I just wanted to let you know that he is not alone. When the time is right i am sure adam will let me know when he wants to talk to someone.
<br />
<br />Just be there for him.
<br />
<br />Welcome


New member
Hi Ann! Thank You!

And I'm probably there for him too much...HA!! Being the worrying mother to the son who wants his space! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I wish nothing but the best for your son and your family!


New member
Hi Ann! Thank You!

And I'm probably there for him too much...HA!! Being the worrying mother to the son who wants his space! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I wish nothing but the best for your son and your family!


New member
Hi Ann! Thank You!

And I'm probably there for him too much...HA!! Being the worrying mother to the son who wants his space! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I wish nothing but the best for your son and your family!


New member
Hi Ann! Thank You!

And I'm probably there for him too much...HA!! Being the worrying mother to the son who wants his space! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I wish nothing but the best for your son and your family!


New member
Hi Ann! Thank You!
<br />
<br />And I'm probably there for him too much...HA!! Being the worrying mother to the son who wants his space! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br /> I wish nothing but the best for your son and your family!


New member
Hi, i'm Chelsea and I'm 15. i used to be like that. I like hanging out with my friends, playing sports, and I'm in a whole bunch of clubs and all honors classes. I don't let CF define me. But I don't like talking to my friends about CF. I didn't like the idea of talking to other Cfers at first. I joined before christmas. Once I looked around the website and at all the forums, I saw that everyone here was going through the same things I was. I really like this website now. you could just encourage your son, like leave this website address on a post it on the computer or just mention it to him. He might not want to check it out, but he might if you hint it. hope this helps. =)


New member
Hi, i'm Chelsea and I'm 15. i used to be like that. I like hanging out with my friends, playing sports, and I'm in a whole bunch of clubs and all honors classes. I don't let CF define me. But I don't like talking to my friends about CF. I didn't like the idea of talking to other Cfers at first. I joined before christmas. Once I looked around the website and at all the forums, I saw that everyone here was going through the same things I was. I really like this website now. you could just encourage your son, like leave this website address on a post it on the computer or just mention it to him. He might not want to check it out, but he might if you hint it. hope this helps. =)


New member
Hi, i'm Chelsea and I'm 15. i used to be like that. I like hanging out with my friends, playing sports, and I'm in a whole bunch of clubs and all honors classes. I don't let CF define me. But I don't like talking to my friends about CF. I didn't like the idea of talking to other Cfers at first. I joined before christmas. Once I looked around the website and at all the forums, I saw that everyone here was going through the same things I was. I really like this website now. you could just encourage your son, like leave this website address on a post it on the computer or just mention it to him. He might not want to check it out, but he might if you hint it. hope this helps. =)


New member
Hi, i'm Chelsea and I'm 15. i used to be like that. I like hanging out with my friends, playing sports, and I'm in a whole bunch of clubs and all honors classes. I don't let CF define me. But I don't like talking to my friends about CF. I didn't like the idea of talking to other Cfers at first. I joined before christmas. Once I looked around the website and at all the forums, I saw that everyone here was going through the same things I was. I really like this website now. you could just encourage your son, like leave this website address on a post it on the computer or just mention it to him. He might not want to check it out, but he might if you hint it. hope this helps. =)


New member
Hi, i'm Chelsea and I'm 15. i used to be like that. I like hanging out with my friends, playing sports, and I'm in a whole bunch of clubs and all honors classes. I don't let CF define me. But I don't like talking to my friends about CF. I didn't like the idea of talking to other Cfers at first. I joined before christmas. Once I looked around the website and at all the forums, I saw that everyone here was going through the same things I was. I really like this website now. you could just encourage your son, like leave this website address on a post it on the computer or just mention it to him. He might not want to check it out, but he might if you hint it. hope this helps. =)