Speaking from experience, please look into anything that will help. I am a 60 year old woman and that has been my worst nightmare, believe it or not? not the infections, the picc lines, the port, the bleeding, the stool backup, it was the yellow teeth. From using tetercycline for many years as a child, I was a teeth grinder as a child, so I can't even tell you how bad those got and we did not go to a dentist, we could not afford it. When my adult teeth came in the grinding stopped??? don't know why?. but the color was light yellow I got made fun of for years. I started attending a dentist as a young teenager as I was using my baby sitting money to pay. I still hv those fillings in my mouth they are 40 yrs old and I hv not had a a cavity in more than 40 years, so I know I havestrong teeth, big deal... It took a big toll on my self esteem My problem is I hv a under bite my bottom teeth hit against my top so bonding was out then veneers came about sometime in the 80"s I think same problem, and thousands of dollars.... I've been to more than 15 or more dentists for oponions. Then the zoom whitening came out and I've done it abt 4x it lasts a few weeks but when you put the gel in the trays your gums / my gums are so sensitive it felt like they were being burned. Just this week I looked into something called snap on smile. It looks like a complete set of beautiful white dentures, and they snap on to yr exsisting teeth $3500 approx. I don't hv that kind of money, and at this late age I won't do it. I don't know I'm looking for a miracle I guess it's just in 2015 you think it would be easy to obtain a nice smile. But when I went for the consultation she said the same thing you hv a under bite... you problably shd of had yr jaw re wired in yr 20's still ignoring the fact that I told her or tried to expalin abt CF ??? So I'll buy those whitening strips for now never used them before and see how they work, at least I'll only be throwing away $50.00 instead of big money. So the ending to this long graged out story. If at all possible, try to get your children the help they need for a white smile it really does make a difference, and other children are still mean no matter what year we are in. Hope I didn't bore you all. Pat/60