Tell me about traveling with your vest


Staff member
We've traveled a couple times. Vest in the rolling duffel, DH carrying a backpack with the nebulizer and masks and me with a messenger bag with a small lunch bag cooler with icepack with tobi, pulmozyme and at the time a bottle of a suspension of actigall. As well as all his medications -- enzymes, vitamins, abx. The vest in the duffle fits fine in overhead compartments. Even on some of the smaller, puddle jumper type planes.
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<br />It's all medical equipment so exempt from the carry-on limitation. When we got to the TSA check, we indicated we had medications. I also had a copy of DS' last clinic notes, just a page that said DS is age #, has cystic fibrosis and the list of medications he uses. I didn't request a special note from the doctor because all the info was included on the sheet
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<br />We've been asked to take out the compressor and they've run it thru the scan before. They've also asked us to plug it in and turn it on. With the vest, we haven't had issues, though a friend of mine did get hassled once by a customer service rep when she checked in at the main counter.
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<br />I know of one other person who had some issues as well, but she packed 3 or 4 suitcases with all her stuff and her husbands (clothing, toiletries...), with meds and equipment mixed in and tried to bring it all on as carry-on.