Terminating pregnancy?


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant with child #1. We found out two days ago that our baby has CF, F508 and another that starts w/ W and ends in X (I can't remember it off the top of my head). My doctor has told us we have a few weeks to decide whether to terminate and I feel like he is expecting us to do that. I also think some of my family members think it's not a good idea to bring a child into the world that will suffer so much. This has been so difficult for my husband and I. We have been crying nonstop and are heartbroken at the thought of either outcome--terminating or bringing child into the world with lung & digestive problems. Any thoughts? Can anyone give us some insight into their experiences parenting a child with CF?


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant with child #1. We found out two days ago that our baby has CF, F508 and another that starts w/ W and ends in X (I can't remember it off the top of my head). My doctor has told us we have a few weeks to decide whether to terminate and I feel like he is expecting us to do that. I also think some of my family members think it's not a good idea to bring a child into the world that will suffer so much. This has been so difficult for my husband and I. We have been crying nonstop and are heartbroken at the thought of either outcome--terminating or bringing child into the world with lung & digestive problems. Any thoughts? Can anyone give us some insight into their experiences parenting a child with CF?


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant with child #1. We found out two days ago that our baby has CF, F508 and another that starts w/ W and ends in X (I can't remember it off the top of my head). My doctor has told us we have a few weeks to decide whether to terminate and I feel like he is expecting us to do that. I also think some of my family members think it's not a good idea to bring a child into the world that will suffer so much. This has been so difficult for my husband and I. We have been crying nonstop and are heartbroken at the thought of either outcome--terminating or bringing child into the world with lung & digestive problems. Any thoughts? Can anyone give us some insight into their experiences parenting a child with CF?


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant with child #1. We found out two days ago that our baby has CF, F508 and another that starts w/ W and ends in X (I can't remember it off the top of my head). My doctor has told us we have a few weeks to decide whether to terminate and I feel like he is expecting us to do that. I also think some of my family members think it's not a good idea to bring a child into the world that will suffer so much. This has been so difficult for my husband and I. We have been crying nonstop and are heartbroken at the thought of either outcome--terminating or bringing child into the world with lung & digestive problems. Any thoughts? Can anyone give us some insight into their experiences parenting a child with CF?


New member
I am 17 weeks pregnant with child #1. We found out two days ago that our baby has CF, F508 and another that starts w/ W and ends in X (I can't remember it off the top of my head). My doctor has told us we have a few weeks to decide whether to terminate and I feel like he is expecting us to do that. I also think some of my family members think it's not a good idea to bring a child into the world that will suffer so much. This has been so difficult for my husband and I. We have been crying nonstop and are heartbroken at the thought of either outcome--terminating or bringing child into the world with lung & digestive problems. Any thoughts? Can anyone give us some insight into their experiences parenting a child with CF?


New member
Let me first start by just saying that this is a touchy/sensitive subject so be prepared for some strong responses.

As to terminating. It really is a personal choice. No one with CF can be guaranteed anything. Some people live many years with no problems & then bam they have one after another. Some are quite sick from the start.

Even siblings with the same care, environment & mutations can have different clinical outcomes.

I am sorry to say that its not that simple. If you do a search there has been other threads on this topic.

I for one cant argue one way or the other. If my Mom had known & choice to terminate then I wouldnt be here to worry about it. If she knowingly choice to have me & I went through hell with my CF, I dont think I would blame her either.

I wish I could help you more. The one additional thing that I will say is this. Even tho people are pressuring you to terminate.....it is your choice. Your & your husband MUST be on the same page & have some support system in place if you procede with the pregnancy.

BTW if you need "Proof" that CFers can live full & fruitful lives, explore the blogs & threads more. We have CFers who are parents, lawyers, nurses, architects & more.

Will it be hard....no question at times it will be!



New member
Let me first start by just saying that this is a touchy/sensitive subject so be prepared for some strong responses.

As to terminating. It really is a personal choice. No one with CF can be guaranteed anything. Some people live many years with no problems & then bam they have one after another. Some are quite sick from the start.

Even siblings with the same care, environment & mutations can have different clinical outcomes.

I am sorry to say that its not that simple. If you do a search there has been other threads on this topic.

I for one cant argue one way or the other. If my Mom had known & choice to terminate then I wouldnt be here to worry about it. If she knowingly choice to have me & I went through hell with my CF, I dont think I would blame her either.

I wish I could help you more. The one additional thing that I will say is this. Even tho people are pressuring you to terminate.....it is your choice. Your & your husband MUST be on the same page & have some support system in place if you procede with the pregnancy.

BTW if you need "Proof" that CFers can live full & fruitful lives, explore the blogs & threads more. We have CFers who are parents, lawyers, nurses, architects & more.

Will it be hard....no question at times it will be!



New member
Let me first start by just saying that this is a touchy/sensitive subject so be prepared for some strong responses.

As to terminating. It really is a personal choice. No one with CF can be guaranteed anything. Some people live many years with no problems & then bam they have one after another. Some are quite sick from the start.

Even siblings with the same care, environment & mutations can have different clinical outcomes.

I am sorry to say that its not that simple. If you do a search there has been other threads on this topic.

I for one cant argue one way or the other. If my Mom had known & choice to terminate then I wouldnt be here to worry about it. If she knowingly choice to have me & I went through hell with my CF, I dont think I would blame her either.

I wish I could help you more. The one additional thing that I will say is this. Even tho people are pressuring you to terminate.....it is your choice. Your & your husband MUST be on the same page & have some support system in place if you procede with the pregnancy.

BTW if you need "Proof" that CFers can live full & fruitful lives, explore the blogs & threads more. We have CFers who are parents, lawyers, nurses, architects & more.

Will it be hard....no question at times it will be!



New member
Let me first start by just saying that this is a touchy/sensitive subject so be prepared for some strong responses.

As to terminating. It really is a personal choice. No one with CF can be guaranteed anything. Some people live many years with no problems & then bam they have one after another. Some are quite sick from the start.

Even siblings with the same care, environment & mutations can have different clinical outcomes.

I am sorry to say that its not that simple. If you do a search there has been other threads on this topic.

I for one cant argue one way or the other. If my Mom had known & choice to terminate then I wouldnt be here to worry about it. If she knowingly choice to have me & I went through hell with my CF, I dont think I would blame her either.

I wish I could help you more. The one additional thing that I will say is this. Even tho people are pressuring you to terminate.....it is your choice. Your & your husband MUST be on the same page & have some support system in place if you procede with the pregnancy.

BTW if you need "Proof" that CFers can live full & fruitful lives, explore the blogs & threads more. We have CFers who are parents, lawyers, nurses, architects & more.

Will it be hard....no question at times it will be!



New member
Let me first start by just saying that this is a touchy/sensitive subject so be prepared for some strong responses.
<br />
<br />As to terminating. It really is a personal choice. No one with CF can be guaranteed anything. Some people live many years with no problems & then bam they have one after another. Some are quite sick from the start.
<br />
<br />Even siblings with the same care, environment & mutations can have different clinical outcomes.
<br />
<br />I am sorry to say that its not that simple. If you do a search there has been other threads on this topic.
<br />
<br />I for one cant argue one way or the other. If my Mom had known & choice to terminate then I wouldnt be here to worry about it. If she knowingly choice to have me & I went through hell with my CF, I dont think I would blame her either.
<br />
<br />I wish I could help you more. The one additional thing that I will say is this. Even tho people are pressuring you to terminate.....it is your choice. Your & your husband MUST be on the same page & have some support system in place if you procede with the pregnancy.
<br />
<br />BTW if you need "Proof" that CFers can live full & fruitful lives, explore the blogs & threads more. We have CFers who are parents, lawyers, nurses, architects & more.
<br />
<br />Will it be hard....no question at times it will be!
<br />
<br />HUGS


New member
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate your honesty and I will definitely do a search. The thing for us is we have done a lot of research over the last few weeks (while we were waiting for the results) and it seems all we hear are stories of kids living a normal life--playing sports, going to camp, getting married and having babies etc. Of course, this makes us lean toward keeping our child. But maybe we just haven't discovered the stories of children who are constantly in and out of the hospital. I feel like if we manage it well and stay on top of it, we can endure it. Maybe I'm being as blindly optimistic as I was before we got our results (thinking, of course they will come back negative). I guess that's why I'm posting here, I want to hear honestly from people what some of their experiences have been. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm so glad to see you are a happy, healthy 39 year old person!


New member
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate your honesty and I will definitely do a search. The thing for us is we have done a lot of research over the last few weeks (while we were waiting for the results) and it seems all we hear are stories of kids living a normal life--playing sports, going to camp, getting married and having babies etc. Of course, this makes us lean toward keeping our child. But maybe we just haven't discovered the stories of children who are constantly in and out of the hospital. I feel like if we manage it well and stay on top of it, we can endure it. Maybe I'm being as blindly optimistic as I was before we got our results (thinking, of course they will come back negative). I guess that's why I'm posting here, I want to hear honestly from people what some of their experiences have been. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm so glad to see you are a happy, healthy 39 year old person!


New member
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate your honesty and I will definitely do a search. The thing for us is we have done a lot of research over the last few weeks (while we were waiting for the results) and it seems all we hear are stories of kids living a normal life--playing sports, going to camp, getting married and having babies etc. Of course, this makes us lean toward keeping our child. But maybe we just haven't discovered the stories of children who are constantly in and out of the hospital. I feel like if we manage it well and stay on top of it, we can endure it. Maybe I'm being as blindly optimistic as I was before we got our results (thinking, of course they will come back negative). I guess that's why I'm posting here, I want to hear honestly from people what some of their experiences have been. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm so glad to see you are a happy, healthy 39 year old person!


New member
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate your honesty and I will definitely do a search. The thing for us is we have done a lot of research over the last few weeks (while we were waiting for the results) and it seems all we hear are stories of kids living a normal life--playing sports, going to camp, getting married and having babies etc. Of course, this makes us lean toward keeping our child. But maybe we just haven't discovered the stories of children who are constantly in and out of the hospital. I feel like if we manage it well and stay on top of it, we can endure it. Maybe I'm being as blindly optimistic as I was before we got our results (thinking, of course they will come back negative). I guess that's why I'm posting here, I want to hear honestly from people what some of their experiences have been. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm so glad to see you are a happy, healthy 39 year old person!


New member
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate your honesty and I will definitely do a search. The thing for us is we have done a lot of research over the last few weeks (while we were waiting for the results) and it seems all we hear are stories of kids living a normal life--playing sports, going to camp, getting married and having babies etc. Of course, this makes us lean toward keeping our child. But maybe we just haven't discovered the stories of children who are constantly in and out of the hospital. I feel like if we manage it well and stay on top of it, we can endure it. Maybe I'm being as blindly optimistic as I was before we got our results (thinking, of course they will come back negative). I guess that's why I'm posting here, I want to hear honestly from people what some of their experiences have been. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm so glad to see you are a happy, healthy 39 year old person!


New member
All I can say is that I know this must be a trying time for you and your husband. But at the same time I'm the father of a beautiful, smart, funny four year old little girl who happens to have CF. I could not imagine my life without her, and I'm thankful everyday for who she is, and not what she does not have. She has CF, but that does not define who she is, or who she will be as she grows up into a woman. If you believe in a higher spirit than you have to trust that this child was given to you for a reason, CF and all.

CF has come along way since Jazzy and was a little girl, and believe me it will only get better. Will you baby have rough times, sure. We all do, but trust your bringing this child in this world out of love.

If you walk this earth looking for falling asteroids you'll get hit by a car.

Chuck father to Avery 4 years old with DDF508 and Rhett 3 years old carrier


New member
All I can say is that I know this must be a trying time for you and your husband. But at the same time I'm the father of a beautiful, smart, funny four year old little girl who happens to have CF. I could not imagine my life without her, and I'm thankful everyday for who she is, and not what she does not have. She has CF, but that does not define who she is, or who she will be as she grows up into a woman. If you believe in a higher spirit than you have to trust that this child was given to you for a reason, CF and all.

CF has come along way since Jazzy and was a little girl, and believe me it will only get better. Will you baby have rough times, sure. We all do, but trust your bringing this child in this world out of love.

If you walk this earth looking for falling asteroids you'll get hit by a car.

Chuck father to Avery 4 years old with DDF508 and Rhett 3 years old carrier


New member
All I can say is that I know this must be a trying time for you and your husband. But at the same time I'm the father of a beautiful, smart, funny four year old little girl who happens to have CF. I could not imagine my life without her, and I'm thankful everyday for who she is, and not what she does not have. She has CF, but that does not define who she is, or who she will be as she grows up into a woman. If you believe in a higher spirit than you have to trust that this child was given to you for a reason, CF and all.

CF has come along way since Jazzy and was a little girl, and believe me it will only get better. Will you baby have rough times, sure. We all do, but trust your bringing this child in this world out of love.

If you walk this earth looking for falling asteroids you'll get hit by a car.

Chuck father to Avery 4 years old with DDF508 and Rhett 3 years old carrier


New member
All I can say is that I know this must be a trying time for you and your husband. But at the same time I'm the father of a beautiful, smart, funny four year old little girl who happens to have CF. I could not imagine my life without her, and I'm thankful everyday for who she is, and not what she does not have. She has CF, but that does not define who she is, or who she will be as she grows up into a woman. If you believe in a higher spirit than you have to trust that this child was given to you for a reason, CF and all.

CF has come along way since Jazzy and was a little girl, and believe me it will only get better. Will you baby have rough times, sure. We all do, but trust your bringing this child in this world out of love.

If you walk this earth looking for falling asteroids you'll get hit by a car.

Chuck father to Avery 4 years old with DDF508 and Rhett 3 years old carrier


New member
All I can say is that I know this must be a trying time for you and your husband. But at the same time I'm the father of a beautiful, smart, funny four year old little girl who happens to have CF. I could not imagine my life without her, and I'm thankful everyday for who she is, and not what she does not have. She has CF, but that does not define who she is, or who she will be as she grows up into a woman. If you believe in a higher spirit than you have to trust that this child was given to you for a reason, CF and all.
<br />
<br />CF has come along way since Jazzy and was a little girl, and believe me it will only get better. Will you baby have rough times, sure. We all do, but trust your bringing this child in this world out of love.
<br />
<br />If you walk this earth looking for falling asteroids you'll get hit by a car.
<br />
<br />Chuck father to Avery 4 years old with DDF508 and Rhett 3 years old carrier