I learned my daughter had CF when I was pregnant with her as well. She was my second child. I remember the turmoil I felt, when we found out. I cried non-stop. I did lots of soul-searching at this time. I 'll never forget my husband looking at me and saying;" our son has brought so much joy into our life, this child will too, things just may a little different for her". He was so right. It's certainly a personal choice for your husband and you to make. But as others have posted; while no one would choose their child to have CF; we are granted a deeper understanding of life because of CF. My daughter is now 5 and she is certainly enjoying her life. She is outgoing and a creative and imaginative little girl. She dances, swims, goes to nursery school, fights with her brother; just learned to ski this past winter. Really she does her treatments and gets on with her life. It's not easy but life is not always easy. Feel free to ask any questions....I remember feeling so alone, like noone understood. My daughter also is deltaf508 and w1282x.