Terminating pregnancy?


New member
I am so glad you came here and searched for information. I would imagine how horrible it would be to be told that your child, your little baby that you worked so hard for has a disease such as CF.

I am not a parent, I am a CFer who is 35 years old, I am a Registered Nurse and yes life is sometimes hard,and sometimes it feels impossible but you learn to manage, I feel more blessed then most healthy people because of the love that I have in my life. You learn to love harder, love deeper and appreciate things that you never could have imagined...as a parent and a CFer.. things people take for granted we celebrate, often together on here.

I just wanted to say that with CF at least you know what you are dealing with, there are so many other childhood diseases that kill, rob and destroy familes all the time.. I know this because I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse and I have seen it all.

I have seen perfectly healthy, beautiful children in the prime of their childhood, killed tragically in car accidents, I have seen cute little kids die of cancer, all kinds of horrible diseases.....and I wonder if their parents could have seen into the future, I know they wouldn't have chose to abort...

I am just saying if you chose to terminate this child, you don't know what you are going to get, or even if the next child is healthy, what is going to happen to that child.. One of my closest friends just had her teenage son killed in a car accident.

I am not for abortion at all, so my veiw is going to be skewed that way... so I hope you can still take what I am saying and consider it.

You don't know what you are going to get with this child, those genes are common genes and usually present in a typical CF form, however, one of my best friends was a twin, he was with genes like that and had a great life up until his 30s and got really sick, his twin brother with the same genes has never, EVER been sick a day in his life.

WE have 5 year olds on here who are getting listed for lung transplants and we have 50 year olds who are doing great.. They have advanced medicine so far with CF..

I just would hate to think in 10=15 years when and if CF is under control not saying it is going to be for sure, of course, NO One knows.. but Gosh god is giving you a child, a baby, I would kill to have a child, I would do anything.....but I understand it is hard.

If you read my blog you will see, I struggle, I do in and out of the hospital, but I love my blessings in my life that God has given me and I promise you one thing if you keep your child and give birth to it, you will have worries and fears no matter what.. every mom does... but you will never love so passionatly in all your life.

Thank you for posting here and giving us a chance to give you feed back.

With Prayers and Big Hugs for your family,



New member
I am so glad you came here and searched for information. I would imagine how horrible it would be to be told that your child, your little baby that you worked so hard for has a disease such as CF.

I am not a parent, I am a CFer who is 35 years old, I am a Registered Nurse and yes life is sometimes hard,and sometimes it feels impossible but you learn to manage, I feel more blessed then most healthy people because of the love that I have in my life. You learn to love harder, love deeper and appreciate things that you never could have imagined...as a parent and a CFer.. things people take for granted we celebrate, often together on here.

I just wanted to say that with CF at least you know what you are dealing with, there are so many other childhood diseases that kill, rob and destroy familes all the time.. I know this because I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse and I have seen it all.

I have seen perfectly healthy, beautiful children in the prime of their childhood, killed tragically in car accidents, I have seen cute little kids die of cancer, all kinds of horrible diseases.....and I wonder if their parents could have seen into the future, I know they wouldn't have chose to abort...

I am just saying if you chose to terminate this child, you don't know what you are going to get, or even if the next child is healthy, what is going to happen to that child.. One of my closest friends just had her teenage son killed in a car accident.

I am not for abortion at all, so my veiw is going to be skewed that way... so I hope you can still take what I am saying and consider it.

You don't know what you are going to get with this child, those genes are common genes and usually present in a typical CF form, however, one of my best friends was a twin, he was with genes like that and had a great life up until his 30s and got really sick, his twin brother with the same genes has never, EVER been sick a day in his life.

WE have 5 year olds on here who are getting listed for lung transplants and we have 50 year olds who are doing great.. They have advanced medicine so far with CF..

I just would hate to think in 10=15 years when and if CF is under control not saying it is going to be for sure, of course, NO One knows.. but Gosh god is giving you a child, a baby, I would kill to have a child, I would do anything.....but I understand it is hard.

If you read my blog you will see, I struggle, I do in and out of the hospital, but I love my blessings in my life that God has given me and I promise you one thing if you keep your child and give birth to it, you will have worries and fears no matter what.. every mom does... but you will never love so passionatly in all your life.

Thank you for posting here and giving us a chance to give you feed back.

With Prayers and Big Hugs for your family,



New member
I am so glad you came here and searched for information. I would imagine how horrible it would be to be told that your child, your little baby that you worked so hard for has a disease such as CF.

I am not a parent, I am a CFer who is 35 years old, I am a Registered Nurse and yes life is sometimes hard,and sometimes it feels impossible but you learn to manage, I feel more blessed then most healthy people because of the love that I have in my life. You learn to love harder, love deeper and appreciate things that you never could have imagined...as a parent and a CFer.. things people take for granted we celebrate, often together on here.

I just wanted to say that with CF at least you know what you are dealing with, there are so many other childhood diseases that kill, rob and destroy familes all the time.. I know this because I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse and I have seen it all.

I have seen perfectly healthy, beautiful children in the prime of their childhood, killed tragically in car accidents, I have seen cute little kids die of cancer, all kinds of horrible diseases.....and I wonder if their parents could have seen into the future, I know they wouldn't have chose to abort...

I am just saying if you chose to terminate this child, you don't know what you are going to get, or even if the next child is healthy, what is going to happen to that child.. One of my closest friends just had her teenage son killed in a car accident.

I am not for abortion at all, so my veiw is going to be skewed that way... so I hope you can still take what I am saying and consider it.

You don't know what you are going to get with this child, those genes are common genes and usually present in a typical CF form, however, one of my best friends was a twin, he was with genes like that and had a great life up until his 30s and got really sick, his twin brother with the same genes has never, EVER been sick a day in his life.

WE have 5 year olds on here who are getting listed for lung transplants and we have 50 year olds who are doing great.. They have advanced medicine so far with CF..

I just would hate to think in 10=15 years when and if CF is under control not saying it is going to be for sure, of course, NO One knows.. but Gosh god is giving you a child, a baby, I would kill to have a child, I would do anything.....but I understand it is hard.

If you read my blog you will see, I struggle, I do in and out of the hospital, but I love my blessings in my life that God has given me and I promise you one thing if you keep your child and give birth to it, you will have worries and fears no matter what.. every mom does... but you will never love so passionatly in all your life.

Thank you for posting here and giving us a chance to give you feed back.

With Prayers and Big Hugs for your family,



New member
I am so glad you came here and searched for information. I would imagine how horrible it would be to be told that your child, your little baby that you worked so hard for has a disease such as CF.

I am not a parent, I am a CFer who is 35 years old, I am a Registered Nurse and yes life is sometimes hard,and sometimes it feels impossible but you learn to manage, I feel more blessed then most healthy people because of the love that I have in my life. You learn to love harder, love deeper and appreciate things that you never could have imagined...as a parent and a CFer.. things people take for granted we celebrate, often together on here.

I just wanted to say that with CF at least you know what you are dealing with, there are so many other childhood diseases that kill, rob and destroy familes all the time.. I know this because I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse and I have seen it all.

I have seen perfectly healthy, beautiful children in the prime of their childhood, killed tragically in car accidents, I have seen cute little kids die of cancer, all kinds of horrible diseases.....and I wonder if their parents could have seen into the future, I know they wouldn't have chose to abort...

I am just saying if you chose to terminate this child, you don't know what you are going to get, or even if the next child is healthy, what is going to happen to that child.. One of my closest friends just had her teenage son killed in a car accident.

I am not for abortion at all, so my veiw is going to be skewed that way... so I hope you can still take what I am saying and consider it.

You don't know what you are going to get with this child, those genes are common genes and usually present in a typical CF form, however, one of my best friends was a twin, he was with genes like that and had a great life up until his 30s and got really sick, his twin brother with the same genes has never, EVER been sick a day in his life.

WE have 5 year olds on here who are getting listed for lung transplants and we have 50 year olds who are doing great.. They have advanced medicine so far with CF..

I just would hate to think in 10=15 years when and if CF is under control not saying it is going to be for sure, of course, NO One knows.. but Gosh god is giving you a child, a baby, I would kill to have a child, I would do anything.....but I understand it is hard.

If you read my blog you will see, I struggle, I do in and out of the hospital, but I love my blessings in my life that God has given me and I promise you one thing if you keep your child and give birth to it, you will have worries and fears no matter what.. every mom does... but you will never love so passionatly in all your life.

Thank you for posting here and giving us a chance to give you feed back.

With Prayers and Big Hugs for your family,



New member
I am so glad you came here and searched for information. I would imagine how horrible it would be to be told that your child, your little baby that you worked so hard for has a disease such as CF.
<br />
<br />I am not a parent, I am a CFer who is 35 years old, I am a Registered Nurse and yes life is sometimes hard,and sometimes it feels impossible but you learn to manage, I feel more blessed then most healthy people because of the love that I have in my life. You learn to love harder, love deeper and appreciate things that you never could have imagined...as a parent and a CFer.. things people take for granted we celebrate, often together on here.
<br />
<br />I just wanted to say that with CF at least you know what you are dealing with, there are so many other childhood diseases that kill, rob and destroy familes all the time.. I know this because I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse and I have seen it all.
<br />
<br />I have seen perfectly healthy, beautiful children in the prime of their childhood, killed tragically in car accidents, I have seen cute little kids die of cancer, all kinds of horrible diseases.....and I wonder if their parents could have seen into the future, I know they wouldn't have chose to abort...
<br />
<br />I am just saying if you chose to terminate this child, you don't know what you are going to get, or even if the next child is healthy, what is going to happen to that child.. One of my closest friends just had her teenage son killed in a car accident.
<br />
<br />I am not for abortion at all, so my veiw is going to be skewed that way... so I hope you can still take what I am saying and consider it.
<br />
<br />You don't know what you are going to get with this child, those genes are common genes and usually present in a typical CF form, however, one of my best friends was a twin, he was with genes like that and had a great life up until his 30s and got really sick, his twin brother with the same genes has never, EVER been sick a day in his life.
<br />
<br />WE have 5 year olds on here who are getting listed for lung transplants and we have 50 year olds who are doing great.. They have advanced medicine so far with CF..
<br />
<br />I just would hate to think in 10=15 years when and if CF is under control not saying it is going to be for sure, of course, NO One knows.. but Gosh god is giving you a child, a baby, I would kill to have a child, I would do anything.....but I understand it is hard.
<br />
<br />If you read my blog you will see, I struggle, I do in and out of the hospital, but I love my blessings in my life that God has given me and I promise you one thing if you keep your child and give birth to it, you will have worries and fears no matter what.. every mom does... but you will never love so passionatly in all your life.
<br />
<br />Thank you for posting here and giving us a chance to give you feed back.
<br />
<br />With Prayers and Big Hugs for your family,
<br />
<br />Jennifer


New member
I'm going to echo the other responses, mostly. It's a very personal decision that only you and your husband can make.

There are pros and cons to both sides. CF is not an easy breezy life. It's also not quite as much the death sentence as it was years ago. I know people who have died at 17, 21, 31 all within the last 3 years... and we have people over 50 on the forum. So yes, many still die early, but many also live. Furthermore, kids born today are living longer and longer because of the meds.

Your child will NOT have a "normal" life (though obviously that's a very subjective term). S/he may live a more normal lifeSPAN... but his/her life will be filled with appts, therapies, doctors, surgeries, IVs, medicines, etc etc.

Having said that, I'm glad my parents had me. *shrug* I like my life.

The only other thing to think about is... if you're very intent on having children, this will be an issue whether you have <i>this</i> child or not. If you're not big on adoption personally, that leaves you only with IVF and PGD as an option for another baby (that would be where they test the embryos for diseases BEFORE they implant them back into you). Both adoption and IVF/PGD are expensive endeavors.

I hope you choose whatever decision is right for you. Whatever that means. I honestly can't say what I would do. If was able to get pregnant (that's not a CF thing, it's unrelated) and found out my fetus had fill in disease name here ________ I don't know what I'd do. I imagine it would depend on the particular disease. But I can't say I would NEVER abort. I honestly don't know.

When it comes down to it... if you and your husband decide you don't have what it takes to handle a chronically ill child (for <b>whatever</b> reason... finances, emotions, workload, etc.)... it makes more sense to abort it than to have it. But if you think you can take it, I say have the child. CF kids are a handful with all their medical crap, but your child will have a chance at a better life than all of the adults (including myself) floating around here right now.

Oh and... don't let your doctor influence your decision either way. If you want to abort, abort. If you want to keep the child, keep it. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, not his.


New member
I'm going to echo the other responses, mostly. It's a very personal decision that only you and your husband can make.

There are pros and cons to both sides. CF is not an easy breezy life. It's also not quite as much the death sentence as it was years ago. I know people who have died at 17, 21, 31 all within the last 3 years... and we have people over 50 on the forum. So yes, many still die early, but many also live. Furthermore, kids born today are living longer and longer because of the meds.

Your child will NOT have a "normal" life (though obviously that's a very subjective term). S/he may live a more normal lifeSPAN... but his/her life will be filled with appts, therapies, doctors, surgeries, IVs, medicines, etc etc.

Having said that, I'm glad my parents had me. *shrug* I like my life.

The only other thing to think about is... if you're very intent on having children, this will be an issue whether you have <i>this</i> child or not. If you're not big on adoption personally, that leaves you only with IVF and PGD as an option for another baby (that would be where they test the embryos for diseases BEFORE they implant them back into you). Both adoption and IVF/PGD are expensive endeavors.

I hope you choose whatever decision is right for you. Whatever that means. I honestly can't say what I would do. If was able to get pregnant (that's not a CF thing, it's unrelated) and found out my fetus had fill in disease name here ________ I don't know what I'd do. I imagine it would depend on the particular disease. But I can't say I would NEVER abort. I honestly don't know.

When it comes down to it... if you and your husband decide you don't have what it takes to handle a chronically ill child (for <b>whatever</b> reason... finances, emotions, workload, etc.)... it makes more sense to abort it than to have it. But if you think you can take it, I say have the child. CF kids are a handful with all their medical crap, but your child will have a chance at a better life than all of the adults (including myself) floating around here right now.

Oh and... don't let your doctor influence your decision either way. If you want to abort, abort. If you want to keep the child, keep it. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, not his.


New member
I'm going to echo the other responses, mostly. It's a very personal decision that only you and your husband can make.

There are pros and cons to both sides. CF is not an easy breezy life. It's also not quite as much the death sentence as it was years ago. I know people who have died at 17, 21, 31 all within the last 3 years... and we have people over 50 on the forum. So yes, many still die early, but many also live. Furthermore, kids born today are living longer and longer because of the meds.

Your child will NOT have a "normal" life (though obviously that's a very subjective term). S/he may live a more normal lifeSPAN... but his/her life will be filled with appts, therapies, doctors, surgeries, IVs, medicines, etc etc.

Having said that, I'm glad my parents had me. *shrug* I like my life.

The only other thing to think about is... if you're very intent on having children, this will be an issue whether you have <i>this</i> child or not. If you're not big on adoption personally, that leaves you only with IVF and PGD as an option for another baby (that would be where they test the embryos for diseases BEFORE they implant them back into you). Both adoption and IVF/PGD are expensive endeavors.

I hope you choose whatever decision is right for you. Whatever that means. I honestly can't say what I would do. If was able to get pregnant (that's not a CF thing, it's unrelated) and found out my fetus had fill in disease name here ________ I don't know what I'd do. I imagine it would depend on the particular disease. But I can't say I would NEVER abort. I honestly don't know.

When it comes down to it... if you and your husband decide you don't have what it takes to handle a chronically ill child (for <b>whatever</b> reason... finances, emotions, workload, etc.)... it makes more sense to abort it than to have it. But if you think you can take it, I say have the child. CF kids are a handful with all their medical crap, but your child will have a chance at a better life than all of the adults (including myself) floating around here right now.

Oh and... don't let your doctor influence your decision either way. If you want to abort, abort. If you want to keep the child, keep it. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, not his.


New member
I'm going to echo the other responses, mostly. It's a very personal decision that only you and your husband can make.

There are pros and cons to both sides. CF is not an easy breezy life. It's also not quite as much the death sentence as it was years ago. I know people who have died at 17, 21, 31 all within the last 3 years... and we have people over 50 on the forum. So yes, many still die early, but many also live. Furthermore, kids born today are living longer and longer because of the meds.

Your child will NOT have a "normal" life (though obviously that's a very subjective term). S/he may live a more normal lifeSPAN... but his/her life will be filled with appts, therapies, doctors, surgeries, IVs, medicines, etc etc.

Having said that, I'm glad my parents had me. *shrug* I like my life.

The only other thing to think about is... if you're very intent on having children, this will be an issue whether you have <i>this</i> child or not. If you're not big on adoption personally, that leaves you only with IVF and PGD as an option for another baby (that would be where they test the embryos for diseases BEFORE they implant them back into you). Both adoption and IVF/PGD are expensive endeavors.

I hope you choose whatever decision is right for you. Whatever that means. I honestly can't say what I would do. If was able to get pregnant (that's not a CF thing, it's unrelated) and found out my fetus had fill in disease name here ________ I don't know what I'd do. I imagine it would depend on the particular disease. But I can't say I would NEVER abort. I honestly don't know.

When it comes down to it... if you and your husband decide you don't have what it takes to handle a chronically ill child (for <b>whatever</b> reason... finances, emotions, workload, etc.)... it makes more sense to abort it than to have it. But if you think you can take it, I say have the child. CF kids are a handful with all their medical crap, but your child will have a chance at a better life than all of the adults (including myself) floating around here right now.

Oh and... don't let your doctor influence your decision either way. If you want to abort, abort. If you want to keep the child, keep it. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, not his.


New member
I'm going to echo the other responses, mostly. It's a very personal decision that only you and your husband can make.
<br />
<br />There are pros and cons to both sides. CF is not an easy breezy life. It's also not quite as much the death sentence as it was years ago. I know people who have died at 17, 21, 31 all within the last 3 years... and we have people over 50 on the forum. So yes, many still die early, but many also live. Furthermore, kids born today are living longer and longer because of the meds.
<br />
<br />Your child will NOT have a "normal" life (though obviously that's a very subjective term). S/he may live a more normal lifeSPAN... but his/her life will be filled with appts, therapies, doctors, surgeries, IVs, medicines, etc etc.
<br />
<br />Having said that, I'm glad my parents had me. *shrug* I like my life.
<br />
<br />The only other thing to think about is... if you're very intent on having children, this will be an issue whether you have <i>this</i> child or not. If you're not big on adoption personally, that leaves you only with IVF and PGD as an option for another baby (that would be where they test the embryos for diseases BEFORE they implant them back into you). Both adoption and IVF/PGD are expensive endeavors.
<br />
<br />I hope you choose whatever decision is right for you. Whatever that means. I honestly can't say what I would do. If was able to get pregnant (that's not a CF thing, it's unrelated) and found out my fetus had fill in disease name here ________ I don't know what I'd do. I imagine it would depend on the particular disease. But I can't say I would NEVER abort. I honestly don't know.
<br />
<br />When it comes down to it... if you and your husband decide you don't have what it takes to handle a chronically ill child (for <b>whatever</b> reason... finances, emotions, workload, etc.)... it makes more sense to abort it than to have it. But if you think you can take it, I say have the child. CF kids are a handful with all their medical crap, but your child will have a chance at a better life than all of the adults (including myself) floating around here right now.
<br />
<br />Oh and... don't let your doctor influence your decision either way. If you want to abort, abort. If you want to keep the child, keep it. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, not his.


I really think it's a roll of the dice regarding your child's prognosis w/ CF. I am one of the milder ones. Am I glad I wasn't aborted ? Yes. But every case of CF is soooo different...there's really no way you can tell just given the gene mutation what the phenotype is going to be.

Good luck with your decision, whatever you choose!!!!

Also, check out my blog on the left side to get some insight with my struggles with CF.


I really think it's a roll of the dice regarding your child's prognosis w/ CF. I am one of the milder ones. Am I glad I wasn't aborted ? Yes. But every case of CF is soooo different...there's really no way you can tell just given the gene mutation what the phenotype is going to be.

Good luck with your decision, whatever you choose!!!!

Also, check out my blog on the left side to get some insight with my struggles with CF.


I really think it's a roll of the dice regarding your child's prognosis w/ CF. I am one of the milder ones. Am I glad I wasn't aborted ? Yes. But every case of CF is soooo different...there's really no way you can tell just given the gene mutation what the phenotype is going to be.

Good luck with your decision, whatever you choose!!!!

Also, check out my blog on the left side to get some insight with my struggles with CF.


I really think it's a roll of the dice regarding your child's prognosis w/ CF. I am one of the milder ones. Am I glad I wasn't aborted ? Yes. But every case of CF is soooo different...there's really no way you can tell just given the gene mutation what the phenotype is going to be.

Good luck with your decision, whatever you choose!!!!

Also, check out my blog on the left side to get some insight with my struggles with CF.


I really think it's a roll of the dice regarding your child's prognosis w/ CF. I am one of the milder ones. Am I glad I wasn't aborted ? Yes. But every case of CF is soooo different...there's really no way you can tell just given the gene mutation what the phenotype is going to be.
<br />
<br />Good luck with your decision, whatever you choose!!!!
<br />
<br />Also, check out my blog on the left side to get some insight with my struggles with CF.


New member
Oh sweety, I'm sorry for your anguish. But having read the responses ahead of mine, let me just say I've never been so proud to belong to this forum as I am right now.

Our own personal story is that our youngest DD was diagnosed at age 3 years. I fall in love with her all over again every single day. She is an active, smart, and beautiful girl who lives a full life. We spend about two hours a day doing preventive maintenance to try to keep her healthy. So far, so good. Her treatments don't hurt, they are just time consuming and take lots of organization. Is my heart torn apart at what may lie ahead for her? Yes. But she is surrounded by lots of extended family members that absoultely adore her. If something were to happen to my husband and I, I feel confident that she would continue to receive the support and love she needs.

Follow your heart; this is a decision for you and your husband to make. Hugs to you.


New member
Oh sweety, I'm sorry for your anguish. But having read the responses ahead of mine, let me just say I've never been so proud to belong to this forum as I am right now.

Our own personal story is that our youngest DD was diagnosed at age 3 years. I fall in love with her all over again every single day. She is an active, smart, and beautiful girl who lives a full life. We spend about two hours a day doing preventive maintenance to try to keep her healthy. So far, so good. Her treatments don't hurt, they are just time consuming and take lots of organization. Is my heart torn apart at what may lie ahead for her? Yes. But she is surrounded by lots of extended family members that absoultely adore her. If something were to happen to my husband and I, I feel confident that she would continue to receive the support and love she needs.

Follow your heart; this is a decision for you and your husband to make. Hugs to you.


New member
Oh sweety, I'm sorry for your anguish. But having read the responses ahead of mine, let me just say I've never been so proud to belong to this forum as I am right now.

Our own personal story is that our youngest DD was diagnosed at age 3 years. I fall in love with her all over again every single day. She is an active, smart, and beautiful girl who lives a full life. We spend about two hours a day doing preventive maintenance to try to keep her healthy. So far, so good. Her treatments don't hurt, they are just time consuming and take lots of organization. Is my heart torn apart at what may lie ahead for her? Yes. But she is surrounded by lots of extended family members that absoultely adore her. If something were to happen to my husband and I, I feel confident that she would continue to receive the support and love she needs.

Follow your heart; this is a decision for you and your husband to make. Hugs to you.


New member
Oh sweety, I'm sorry for your anguish. But having read the responses ahead of mine, let me just say I've never been so proud to belong to this forum as I am right now.

Our own personal story is that our youngest DD was diagnosed at age 3 years. I fall in love with her all over again every single day. She is an active, smart, and beautiful girl who lives a full life. We spend about two hours a day doing preventive maintenance to try to keep her healthy. So far, so good. Her treatments don't hurt, they are just time consuming and take lots of organization. Is my heart torn apart at what may lie ahead for her? Yes. But she is surrounded by lots of extended family members that absoultely adore her. If something were to happen to my husband and I, I feel confident that she would continue to receive the support and love she needs.

Follow your heart; this is a decision for you and your husband to make. Hugs to you.


New member
Oh sweety, I'm sorry for your anguish. But having read the responses ahead of mine, let me just say I've never been so proud to belong to this forum as I am right now.
<br />
<br />Our own personal story is that our youngest DD was diagnosed at age 3 years. I fall in love with her all over again every single day. She is an active, smart, and beautiful girl who lives a full life. We spend about two hours a day doing preventive maintenance to try to keep her healthy. So far, so good. Her treatments don't hurt, they are just time consuming and take lots of organization. Is my heart torn apart at what may lie ahead for her? Yes. But she is surrounded by lots of extended family members that absoultely adore her. If something were to happen to my husband and I, I feel confident that she would continue to receive the support and love she needs.
<br />
<br />Follow your heart; this is a decision for you and your husband to make. Hugs to you.