Test Results


New member
Well for those of you that may remember about a month ago I made a trip to the ER because my heart was racing, I was short of breath, gasping for air, pain in my neck, shoulder and chest. I went was checked out had an EKG, CTScan, Xrays, Bloodwork, and sat on O2 for about 6 hours. Everything turned out normal and they said I just had heart palpitations to make an appointment with my doc and they discharged me.

Fast forward a few days/week and I saw the doc he mentioned a few meds(albuterol or prednisone) that may have caused the problem and sent me to get a 24 hr Holter Monitor.

Once again fast forward to today I got the results. Turns out that there were a few episodes where my heart rate seemed to jump. There were a few episodes where I recorded symptoms that correlated to a sudden spike in my heart rate, but the doc said overall he didn't see a major problem. Indicated that the episode that sent me to the ER was probably a result of me having been weened off of prednisone the day prior.
No meds for the accelerated heart rate though. I haven't had a problem in the past few weeks, so he said that he would not worry about meds right now. Basically he said that I would probably see more negative effects from the meds than positive seeing as how the occasional spike in my heartrate is not causing me any discomfort. Also to add he said that if I had any other problems with it to call and let him know and we would go from there.

Good News thank goodness it is nothing big and that I don't need to be on another med. Also to add because I remember alot of people posting saying that they experience heart palpitations frequently - it may be worth asking your doc about. I know my doc initially thought it was caused by the Albuterol because apparently albuterol can leech potassium from your blood causing a sudden drop in the potassium levels which in itself can cause elevated heart rate. I will add when I was in the ER my bloodwork showed that my potassium levels were a bit low and the doc on call prescribed potassium supplement for me. Sorry got a little off my point - I was just going to say if it is indeed caused by Albuterol my doc said there is a med that they can prescribe to help neutralize the heart palps (I want to say he said it was a beta blocker). I figured that may be info that some of you guys may want to look into esp. if you have heart palps frequently - I would just mention it to your doc if you haven't already. It is worth mentioning if it is something that is bothersome to you.

Take Care Guys,


New member
I am so glad that everything is ok. Don't you hate it when
anything strange happens in your body, especially the heart. I get
pain in one spot and have for the past 3 or so years. I haven't
gone to a heart specialist, because no one else seems to be
worried. My mom and brother have hypertension and they say it's
nothing to worry about. I dunno. It freaks me out when it happens.
Maybe I'll get it checked out someday. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> Take care!! Stay
healthy!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">