<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>MomOfMiles</b></i>
<i><b>Does anyone have any advice? Am I being crazy? Am I not being crazy enough?</b></i></end quote></div>
Nope, not crazy -- keep pursuing more testing. Borderline sweat test + CF symptoms still needs more genetic testing. 32 genes was the cheap test. It will cost more money but they need to look for the other 1529 genes that they failed to test for.
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>flatfordl</b></i>
Here is my question can two siblings with CF have two different mutations? My daughter is Double deltaf508, if my son had cf would he have the same mutations?
Anyway, I am not worried just curious.
Lynsey</end quote></div>
Lynsey, if your daughter has double Delta F508, she got one Delta F508 from you and one from your husband. So the theory would go, that if your son only has one Delta F508, he is a carrier only, and that is likely the case... however, it is still possible that either you or your husband also has one more CF gene in addition to the Delta F508 (this would mean that one of you would technically have CF as well) and that your son could have that second gene along with the Delta F508, which would cause him to have CF. So I don't think it is impossible, but it is probably unlikely. If it were me I'd at the very least keep it in the back of my mind .... if he ever does display CF symptoms, don't hesitate to get full genetic testing - if he does indeed have a second gene, it could be identified in testing by then.
<i><b>Does anyone have any advice? Am I being crazy? Am I not being crazy enough?</b></i></end quote></div>
Nope, not crazy -- keep pursuing more testing. Borderline sweat test + CF symptoms still needs more genetic testing. 32 genes was the cheap test. It will cost more money but they need to look for the other 1529 genes that they failed to test for.
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>flatfordl</b></i>
Here is my question can two siblings with CF have two different mutations? My daughter is Double deltaf508, if my son had cf would he have the same mutations?
Anyway, I am not worried just curious.
Lynsey</end quote></div>
Lynsey, if your daughter has double Delta F508, she got one Delta F508 from you and one from your husband. So the theory would go, that if your son only has one Delta F508, he is a carrier only, and that is likely the case... however, it is still possible that either you or your husband also has one more CF gene in addition to the Delta F508 (this would mean that one of you would technically have CF as well) and that your son could have that second gene along with the Delta F508, which would cause him to have CF. So I don't think it is impossible, but it is probably unlikely. If it were me I'd at the very least keep it in the back of my mind .... if he ever does display CF symptoms, don't hesitate to get full genetic testing - if he does indeed have a second gene, it could be identified in testing by then.