Testoserone shots or gel?


New member
Im 22 with Cf and CFRD.... i just saw a urologist for the first time and am comtenplating doing the testoserone shots or gel anyone out there with experience in this feedback would be apprecaited


New member
you say you saw a urologist. Leads me to believe (just assuming here) this has something to do with infertility? I'm just guessing here, but if it is, I'm happy to provide you with some guidance. Just need a bit more information.


New member
If your testosterone levels are low, then the gel/shots are very important for overall health. People often don't understand this and confuse it for "steriods". I can tell you first hand that when hormone levels are off you may literally feel absolutely drained of energy, like sleeping on the sidewalk. I'm currently on a gel called "androgel". It's not that big of a deal. Just talk to your doc.


New member
My husband used the testosterone patch after a test caused the doc to say "my god! you have NO testosterone" (which was a bit of a stretch, but he sure didn't have much.). I made a real difference in his energy levels.


New member
Another option is to try a supplement called ZMA. This is a combination of Zinc, Maganesium and Vitamin B6. Do a goolge on ZMA and you can find lots of reading on this supplement.


New member
i appreciate it and the urologist I saw had great answers for all of my questions. I have come to find out that it is the plumbing with CF patients not the fertility of tyhe sperm or the sperm count that prevents birth. I think a lot of CF news and communication is not properly told to patients and they suffer in anxierty worrying about the WHAT IF. anyways i just wanna know someone who is on the gel and how it is going...thank you for your concern



New member
im a pretty hyper guy....i run my own business go to school fulltime and acutally am in good health for my age....i dont have the most severe case of CF mainly gastro problems but recently my psudeomonas was out of control.....i didnt evenknow about TOBI until 5-6 months ago how sad is that....my doctor was terrible.....i now am in great ghealth and seeking other alternatives to continue to improve my health.....this androgel....how often do you use it and most important what side effects if any did you experience on the testoserone??? any feedback is helpful

mike 22/m CF & CFRD


New member
have you even had your testosterone levels checked? it sounds like you havent. you dont want to be taking something you dont need.