Mary & Debbie's family,
I don't have any words to express my deep sadness for your loss. (I am just now catching up on posts after being in the hospital with my husband for the last 16 days.) The moment I read that Debbie was gone, my breath caught in my throat and my eyes filled with tears over the cruelty and sorrow of it all.
I'm so, so, so sorry. Her posts and blogs were such a source of laughter and joy - I remember laughing hysterically at her "Ode to a Potato" blog - and so many others. She had this life right. I wish so many things for her still, even after knowing she's gone. I suppose I wish many of the same things for all CFers.
<i>I echo her sentiment 1000% for how she would like people to think of her death: "This world is a f'd up place and Debbie got a raw deal on this, I'm going to miss that chick, wonder who she left her shoes too?"</i>
My heart goes out to you - thank you for sharing your Debbie with this world.