The "Animal" Game...



My turn, my turn!!
This "game", (or question) reminds me of when I was asked as a child.
This happened today, on my way to work...I heard arguing last night between the wife and MnL, and found out the next morning, her mother was the instigator, again. I told her I was about to come down to intervine when I heard the ruckus, but the wife said she was glad I didn't, and went back to sleep instead.
Since I moved in with them, I've had constant conflict with her mom. After a while, I started to feel a new image, that of a Lion!
Well, with the blondish collored long hair, like a mane (sometimes), and being able to beat "a bear", and feeling like the "king of the household", a Lion seemed to suit me well.
Her mother's name is Tera, but she walks like a bear, and her maiden name was Kumatani (Bear Valley), so we mixed that with her constant arguing, and gave her the name, "Terror-Bear"! However, since she never can win an argument with me, that would make me stronger than a bear.
I thought of how I acted in my previous marriage, and felt I had made a major change, because back then, I felt more similar to the comparison to a Hyena, an animal that is more of a scavenger, than a hunter (and also having nothing but an odd hysterical laugh!)
I guess the best place to put my wife, Yuka, in the animal kingdom, would be the lioness (though she thought leopard or Cheetah would fit).

So, out of curiosity, if you were to compare yourself to an animal of the animal kingdom, what would it be?


New member
That's hard. I'd more than likely compare myself to wolf, as I have a strong sense of loyalty and of protecting my family.

Ry, however, was a raccoon all the way. Never underestimate his ability to figure out how to get into something...or his sly, prankster reasons for doing so.


New member
a dog, always loving, way too trusting, always forgiving, an monsterous appetite, a cuddler, a listener, and someone very affectionate.....


New member
I have to agree with pedalup. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Only I'm going to specify that I'm either a golden retriever or a Newfoundland. A big goofy loveable dog. With a tiny bit of... rabid St. Bernard Cujo in there for my temper. But most of the time, the golden retriever. Ahahaha.


New member
I got it..........I am a skunk. Kind of cute at times & fun to watch, but have a reputation that keeps people at a safe distance & if I get frightened I raise my tail (tell them to kiss my ass...which is a often used quote in my life) and STINK Them out.


New member
Oh, that is classic Melissa!!!

I have to think about it for a bit... I'll get back to you on what I compare myself to.


New member
i think i'd like to be a bird, no bird in particular just a bird, able to fly, meet loads of new firends every day, i'd say birds see alot, experience alot and it has to be said there's no such thing as having to hold it in if ya know what i mean, pure freedom!!!


New member
oops i misunderstood!! I thought it was animal ya'd like to be my bad! all my friends say i'm a cat cos i've got "cat eyes" and i "love to cuddle up and be warm" and i'm "loyal", which is nice, don't really like cats though, ah well still it's a compliment!!!


New member
Bumping this up.....I think its cool for people to think about this & post! Look deep inside yourself for the real "animal"


Actually, I do see me as a lion, because if I'm pissed off enough, I'll just rip my bosses head off with my bare claws (mispell--bare hands)!!
And, I also thought the lion was one animal with cunningness to catch his prey, and defend against intruders!

Not to mention I can still take "the Terror-Bear"! And, am King of the Household *Tim Allen Impression--Aaughh, Auugh, Augh!!*

Though the Elvis Presley Tune, "Teddy Bear", states "Lions play too rough", I'm not that bad!!


NO WAY!!! IF anybody's higher 'n me, It'd have to be the LION-ESS!!
a little sweet talk, etc., and I'm putty (or pudding?) in her hands!!

THE MIL is too wrapped in herself to be queen of anything other than the throne she sits on (for about 20 min to an hour!) LOL!!!!
I would say that I am a Chimpanzee! Very protective of my babes, loving, affectionate, capable of learning new things and if provoked I will attack. I am also very fun loving and a little bit crazy like a monkey. My husband also calls me a monkey because I pick at stuff <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
I would say a tiger because I'm fickle, wild and very territorial, but I can be as loving as a lap cat when I want to be ^_^ That also happens to be my animal in the Chinese zodiac, so maybe that has something to do with it... *lol*


New member
Weird... my name is lilith... i have cf... i dont know i have just never heard my name really and here it is all over this website as a support group for cfers none the less... how strange...

YOU GUYS SEEM great!! excited to post more often...

I am doing really well in life... good pft's i run cross country, track, and the pick up game of basketball... but most of all i love to dance

SO I WOULD DESCRIBE myself as a squirrel!! lol

(15w/cf) "do it it makes u stronger"


New member
*lol* That is pretty ironic, but Lilith is actually just my screen name. My real name is Lisa ^_^ I'm glad you're in such good health, though, keep it up!