The daycare debate


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 15 months of age. Initially I kept her at home - then when I returned to college I hired private sitters to stay with her. This went on for years until she was about 4. I still remember the day that her pulmonologist told my husband and I "you have to put her in daycare". Told us that she would never have a chance in the world if we did not let her come into contact with germs and bugs. Told us this was how she would build her immune system and have a fighting chance. We took his advice and I have to say that she was not sick every time we turned around. There would be days that many of the kids were not there because they were at home sick - but, she was just fine. She is now 13 years old - she has never cultured Pseudomonas or MRSA - and her PFT's remain at 98%. (and in case anyone cares to know she is double delta F508 - I know this matters to some people).


New member
That is great to daughter is also double delta f508. She was with a sitter untl 3 1/2 and then we had to put her in daycare. She did get sick more often, but nothing major. She does have pseudo, and MRSA, but NOT from daycare...she cultured both before that. Plus, she has made some really good friends and loves playing with them! I also believe it has helped her immune system...just in time for kindergarted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks for a positive on this thread, not that there haven't been others before this, but this one helped me the most!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
That is great to hear. My son is 7 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 8 days old. He is also double DeltaF508. I had to return to work for the good medical benefits but my mom quit her job to watch him. This has worked out wonderfully as he still has contact with 13 cousins under the age of 5 and has just started play groups. I know we cannot raise him in a bubble but I would like to avoid sickness for as long as possible. Good luck to all..