The Fundraising Blues


New member
Wow, don't even get me started. This is my fourth year and it seems that with each year I just want to give up. Now...don't get me wrong...I won't...EVER...but...the people that are supposed to be my "family" continue to disappoint me every single year. It gets so frustrating...and very hurtful. If things were the other way around...if it were THEIR child...I'd be there...not a doubt in my mind...even if Ethan didn't have CF. I've sent two emails out in the past few months (for the walk) and numerous emails for other fundraisers...NO REPSONSES. NONE. Gee...can't wait until THEY need something. I'm not asking for something minor here. I want my son to live a long life...just as I'm sure they want for their children. The good person in me just wants to let it go. The po'ed mom in me just wants to scream at them. Hmmmm... (lol!)

Yet...they continue to invite me to their countless events and parties (to make money for themselves).

Whatever. Ugh.


New member
Wow, don't even get me started. This is my fourth year and it seems that with each year I just want to give up. Now...don't get me wrong...I won't...EVER...but...the people that are supposed to be my "family" continue to disappoint me every single year. It gets so frustrating...and very hurtful. If things were the other way around...if it were THEIR child...I'd be there...not a doubt in my mind...even if Ethan didn't have CF. I've sent two emails out in the past few months (for the walk) and numerous emails for other fundraisers...NO REPSONSES. NONE. Gee...can't wait until THEY need something. I'm not asking for something minor here. I want my son to live a long life...just as I'm sure they want for their children. The good person in me just wants to let it go. The po'ed mom in me just wants to scream at them. Hmmmm... (lol!)

Yet...they continue to invite me to their countless events and parties (to make money for themselves).

Whatever. Ugh.


New member
Right there with you all! Here are a few of my frustrations:

-my brother-in-law came to his first GS walk a few years ago with his 2 kids and tried to get away with NO DONATION. Mind you, the walk has freebies GALORE, which he happily took part in. DH finally told him he needed to donate so he donated $25. He hasn't been to a walk since. Money is not the issue, he just doesn't give a darn.

-My MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group has asked me to speak twice in the past about CF and GS, not a single donation, just some "pity" along with a dash of "she looks healthy". The leader of my MOPS group (married to a surgeon) just kept forgetting to make her donation this year and is was sorry to not have made it in time for the walk (Me: "no problem, we are still taking donations!" Her: "oh")

-Our small group at church - barely any interest (we did get one donation) even though we have supported others in the group in many ways and continue to get solicitations for things like "come to my jewelry party, come to my pampered chef party, support my cause, etc".

It can be very disheartening to face people like this. I know we would all much rather not HAVE to do this work, but since it is for our loved ones, we keep plugging away. Sometimes I feel like moving to an island and saying "screw it" to the people who are supposed to care but that wouldn't really accomplish anything! It is when I see the age of survival raising and promising treatments in the pipeline that I know all the work and heartache is worth it.


New member
Right there with you all! Here are a few of my frustrations:

-my brother-in-law came to his first GS walk a few years ago with his 2 kids and tried to get away with NO DONATION. Mind you, the walk has freebies GALORE, which he happily took part in. DH finally told him he needed to donate so he donated $25. He hasn't been to a walk since. Money is not the issue, he just doesn't give a darn.

-My MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group has asked me to speak twice in the past about CF and GS, not a single donation, just some "pity" along with a dash of "she looks healthy". The leader of my MOPS group (married to a surgeon) just kept forgetting to make her donation this year and is was sorry to not have made it in time for the walk (Me: "no problem, we are still taking donations!" Her: "oh")

-Our small group at church - barely any interest (we did get one donation) even though we have supported others in the group in many ways and continue to get solicitations for things like "come to my jewelry party, come to my pampered chef party, support my cause, etc".

It can be very disheartening to face people like this. I know we would all much rather not HAVE to do this work, but since it is for our loved ones, we keep plugging away. Sometimes I feel like moving to an island and saying "screw it" to the people who are supposed to care but that wouldn't really accomplish anything! It is when I see the age of survival raising and promising treatments in the pipeline that I know all the work and heartache is worth it.


New member
Right there with you all! Here are a few of my frustrations:

-my brother-in-law came to his first GS walk a few years ago with his 2 kids and tried to get away with NO DONATION. Mind you, the walk has freebies GALORE, which he happily took part in. DH finally told him he needed to donate so he donated $25. He hasn't been to a walk since. Money is not the issue, he just doesn't give a darn.

-My MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group has asked me to speak twice in the past about CF and GS, not a single donation, just some "pity" along with a dash of "she looks healthy". The leader of my MOPS group (married to a surgeon) just kept forgetting to make her donation this year and is was sorry to not have made it in time for the walk (Me: "no problem, we are still taking donations!" Her: "oh")

-Our small group at church - barely any interest (we did get one donation) even though we have supported others in the group in many ways and continue to get solicitations for things like "come to my jewelry party, come to my pampered chef party, support my cause, etc".

It can be very disheartening to face people like this. I know we would all much rather not HAVE to do this work, but since it is for our loved ones, we keep plugging away. Sometimes I feel like moving to an island and saying "screw it" to the people who are supposed to care but that wouldn't really accomplish anything! It is when I see the age of survival raising and promising treatments in the pipeline that I know all the work and heartache is worth it.


New member
Just a reminder when you're feeling frustrated by lack of action from folks.

Almost every family has a particular cause that is close to them (like a family illness). Unless there is a practice of every family sending email to everyone on an email list about their cause (unless you are getting lots of requests from others) then they would see your soliciting monies for CF as inappropriate use of the email list.

Also I really can't afford to give to everything, so I make my decisions once a year at tax time. CF and Marfans and WellSpouse get my charitable donations then (with matching funds from work).

I don't donate anything major at all any other time. All I do otherwise is give $1 to the local pot for veterans or girls scouts or something or I walked with someone just to offer moral support once and I do things that don't involve cash like car rides for folks going into the hospital and drop of casseroles.

Think about soliciting as a way of increasing understanding of the illness even more than a way of raising money and you might feel less frustration. It's a hard way to look at things that if someone doesn't give you money they don't care about you or your kids.


New member
Just a reminder when you're feeling frustrated by lack of action from folks.

Almost every family has a particular cause that is close to them (like a family illness). Unless there is a practice of every family sending email to everyone on an email list about their cause (unless you are getting lots of requests from others) then they would see your soliciting monies for CF as inappropriate use of the email list.

Also I really can't afford to give to everything, so I make my decisions once a year at tax time. CF and Marfans and WellSpouse get my charitable donations then (with matching funds from work).

I don't donate anything major at all any other time. All I do otherwise is give $1 to the local pot for veterans or girls scouts or something or I walked with someone just to offer moral support once and I do things that don't involve cash like car rides for folks going into the hospital and drop of casseroles.

Think about soliciting as a way of increasing understanding of the illness even more than a way of raising money and you might feel less frustration. It's a hard way to look at things that if someone doesn't give you money they don't care about you or your kids.


New member
Just a reminder when you're feeling frustrated by lack of action from folks.

Almost every family has a particular cause that is close to them (like a family illness). Unless there is a practice of every family sending email to everyone on an email list about their cause (unless you are getting lots of requests from others) then they would see your soliciting monies for CF as inappropriate use of the email list.

Also I really can't afford to give to everything, so I make my decisions once a year at tax time. CF and Marfans and WellSpouse get my charitable donations then (with matching funds from work).

I don't donate anything major at all any other time. All I do otherwise is give $1 to the local pot for veterans or girls scouts or something or I walked with someone just to offer moral support once and I do things that don't involve cash like car rides for folks going into the hospital and drop of casseroles.

Think about soliciting as a way of increasing understanding of the illness even more than a way of raising money and you might feel less frustration. It's a hard way to look at things that if someone doesn't give you money they don't care about you or your kids.


New member
I just wanted to add something positive to this thread because the kindness of total strangers hit me yesterday. In a prior post here, I talked about being disappointed with the amount of money raised this year compared to last year. I'm starting to see it is not so much the amount I should focus on but the generosity and giving spirit behind the donation.

Yesterday when I picked my daughter up from daycare, her provider handed me an envelope containing a number of checks made out to the CFF, totaling nearly $300. Her ex-husband, who I see sometimes when he is at her house to see their daughter, collected money from his clients (he is a personal trainer). I don't know her ex very well, but like I said, see him from time to time. He loves seeing my daughter, thinks she is just the cutest thing ever (aside from his own adorable daughter, of course!) and is always interacting with her and tells me how sweet she is. I had made up a flyer with my daughter's picture on it and information about CF and the walk. He posted it at work and money started coming in. I don't know any of these people and I am really touched that total strangers were willing to donate, some as much as $50.

So there ya go . . . just when you think no one cares, someone shows you that they do.


New member
I just wanted to add something positive to this thread because the kindness of total strangers hit me yesterday. In a prior post here, I talked about being disappointed with the amount of money raised this year compared to last year. I'm starting to see it is not so much the amount I should focus on but the generosity and giving spirit behind the donation.

Yesterday when I picked my daughter up from daycare, her provider handed me an envelope containing a number of checks made out to the CFF, totaling nearly $300. Her ex-husband, who I see sometimes when he is at her house to see their daughter, collected money from his clients (he is a personal trainer). I don't know her ex very well, but like I said, see him from time to time. He loves seeing my daughter, thinks she is just the cutest thing ever (aside from his own adorable daughter, of course!) and is always interacting with her and tells me how sweet she is. I had made up a flyer with my daughter's picture on it and information about CF and the walk. He posted it at work and money started coming in. I don't know any of these people and I am really touched that total strangers were willing to donate, some as much as $50.

So there ya go . . . just when you think no one cares, someone shows you that they do.


New member
I just wanted to add something positive to this thread because the kindness of total strangers hit me yesterday. In a prior post here, I talked about being disappointed with the amount of money raised this year compared to last year. I'm starting to see it is not so much the amount I should focus on but the generosity and giving spirit behind the donation.

Yesterday when I picked my daughter up from daycare, her provider handed me an envelope containing a number of checks made out to the CFF, totaling nearly $300. Her ex-husband, who I see sometimes when he is at her house to see their daughter, collected money from his clients (he is a personal trainer). I don't know her ex very well, but like I said, see him from time to time. He loves seeing my daughter, thinks she is just the cutest thing ever (aside from his own adorable daughter, of course!) and is always interacting with her and tells me how sweet she is. I had made up a flyer with my daughter's picture on it and information about CF and the walk. He posted it at work and money started coming in. I don't know any of these people and I am really touched that total strangers were willing to donate, some as much as $50.

So there ya go . . . just when you think no one cares, someone shows you that they do.


Active member
My daughter goes to a small preschool and I put letters in the boxes of her classmates. I few of the parents gave very generous donations $100-$200 plus matching from Microsoft which is in our town. There is one mother who has a daughter Lili is friends with that I've felt a little uncomfortable around, she seems a little stuck up, giving short answers when we've talked and just not that approachable.
So today I went to the mailbox and she sent $500! I was shocked and disappointed in myself for judging her.

So although I've been a bit underwelmed from the response of family and close friends the kindness and generosity of strangers is heartwarming.

Our walk is Sunday - it hasn't rained in weeks and it is supposed to rain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
good luck on all your walks!


Active member
My daughter goes to a small preschool and I put letters in the boxes of her classmates. I few of the parents gave very generous donations $100-$200 plus matching from Microsoft which is in our town. There is one mother who has a daughter Lili is friends with that I've felt a little uncomfortable around, she seems a little stuck up, giving short answers when we've talked and just not that approachable.
So today I went to the mailbox and she sent $500! I was shocked and disappointed in myself for judging her.

So although I've been a bit underwelmed from the response of family and close friends the kindness and generosity of strangers is heartwarming.

Our walk is Sunday - it hasn't rained in weeks and it is supposed to rain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
good luck on all your walks!


Active member
My daughter goes to a small preschool and I put letters in the boxes of her classmates. I few of the parents gave very generous donations $100-$200 plus matching from Microsoft which is in our town. There is one mother who has a daughter Lili is friends with that I've felt a little uncomfortable around, she seems a little stuck up, giving short answers when we've talked and just not that approachable.
So today I went to the mailbox and she sent $500! I was shocked and disappointed in myself for judging her.

So although I've been a bit underwelmed from the response of family and close friends the kindness and generosity of strangers is heartwarming.

Our walk is Sunday - it hasn't rained in weeks and it is supposed to rain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
good luck on all your walks!