The game of Catch up begins


New member
Well Parker returns today from spending 3 weeks with his mother. He spent about 6 weeks with his mother over the summer in New Orleans and a vacation to Western Canada. With summer camp and a trip with his grandparents during my time, Parker spent about 1 week with me and that was broken up into weekends. My concern is that one of those weekends he came home looking like a slob and an attitude and most importantly 5 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him (this was over 3 weeks). I am concerned about what condition he is going to be in now. We go to clinic in a week and a half for his regular check up. I am worried about him because his mother is a bit of a "drama queen". In custody battles she argued she couldn't be bothered with parent/teacher conferences when Parker lived with her because "I'm struggling just to keep my son ALIVE". Funny, I have been working with him for several years with his medical care, school work, athletics, and a full time job and I don't seem to have the same problem. Granted I don't get as much sleep or free time as I would like but it think that is called parenting. Anyway, I have 2 weeks to get him ready for school again which means a routine and having to do things according to a schedule. We will see how it goes.


New member
Well Parker returns today from spending 3 weeks with his mother. He spent about 6 weeks with his mother over the summer in New Orleans and a vacation to Western Canada. With summer camp and a trip with his grandparents during my time, Parker spent about 1 week with me and that was broken up into weekends. My concern is that one of those weekends he came home looking like a slob and an attitude and most importantly 5 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him (this was over 3 weeks). I am concerned about what condition he is going to be in now. We go to clinic in a week and a half for his regular check up. I am worried about him because his mother is a bit of a "drama queen". In custody battles she argued she couldn't be bothered with parent/teacher conferences when Parker lived with her because "I'm struggling just to keep my son ALIVE". Funny, I have been working with him for several years with his medical care, school work, athletics, and a full time job and I don't seem to have the same problem. Granted I don't get as much sleep or free time as I would like but it think that is called parenting. Anyway, I have 2 weeks to get him ready for school again which means a routine and having to do things according to a schedule. We will see how it goes.


New member
Well Parker returns today from spending 3 weeks with his mother. He spent about 6 weeks with his mother over the summer in New Orleans and a vacation to Western Canada. With summer camp and a trip with his grandparents during my time, Parker spent about 1 week with me and that was broken up into weekends. My concern is that one of those weekends he came home looking like a slob and an attitude and most importantly 5 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him (this was over 3 weeks). I am concerned about what condition he is going to be in now. We go to clinic in a week and a half for his regular check up. I am worried about him because his mother is a bit of a "drama queen". In custody battles she argued she couldn't be bothered with parent/teacher conferences when Parker lived with her because "I'm struggling just to keep my son ALIVE". Funny, I have been working with him for several years with his medical care, school work, athletics, and a full time job and I don't seem to have the same problem. Granted I don't get as much sleep or free time as I would like but it think that is called parenting. Anyway, I have 2 weeks to get him ready for school again which means a routine and having to do things according to a schedule. We will see how it goes.


New member
Well Parker returns today from spending 3 weeks with his mother. He spent about 6 weeks with his mother over the summer in New Orleans and a vacation to Western Canada. With summer camp and a trip with his grandparents during my time, Parker spent about 1 week with me and that was broken up into weekends. My concern is that one of those weekends he came home looking like a slob and an attitude and most importantly 5 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him (this was over 3 weeks). I am concerned about what condition he is going to be in now. We go to clinic in a week and a half for his regular check up. I am worried about him because his mother is a bit of a "drama queen". In custody battles she argued she couldn't be bothered with parent/teacher conferences when Parker lived with her because "I'm struggling just to keep my son ALIVE". Funny, I have been working with him for several years with his medical care, school work, athletics, and a full time job and I don't seem to have the same problem. Granted I don't get as much sleep or free time as I would like but it think that is called parenting. Anyway, I have 2 weeks to get him ready for school again which means a routine and having to do things according to a schedule. We will see how it goes.


New member
Well Parker returns today from spending 3 weeks with his mother. He spent about 6 weeks with his mother over the summer in New Orleans and a vacation to Western Canada. With summer camp and a trip with his grandparents during my time, Parker spent about 1 week with me and that was broken up into weekends. My concern is that one of those weekends he came home looking like a slob and an attitude and most importantly 5 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him (this was over 3 weeks). I am concerned about what condition he is going to be in now. We go to clinic in a week and a half for his regular check up. I am worried about him because his mother is a bit of a "drama queen". In custody battles she argued she couldn't be bothered with parent/teacher conferences when Parker lived with her because "I'm struggling just to keep my son ALIVE". Funny, I have been working with him for several years with his medical care, school work, athletics, and a full time job and I don't seem to have the same problem. Granted I don't get as much sleep or free time as I would like but it think that is called parenting. Anyway, I have 2 weeks to get him ready for school again which means a routine and having to do things according to a schedule. We will see how it goes.


New member
I feel for you. It's very frustrating when the other parent is basically a child themselves. I went through that for years with my youngest. One weekend with his father, and I would have to spend several days reconditioning him when he got home. By the time I got him back into being responsible for his actions, and had adjusted his ATTITUDE, it was time to let him go back to happy happy fun time!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I will tell you this though. I was diligent, and I never wavered from my rules and expectations of him. I'm finally seeing the payoff on that hard work. He will be 13 in October, and he has started to realize that there's reasons behind my being so strict. He's actually deciding that he prefers the structure at my house.

As far as your son's health issues go, your clinic visits after time with his mother are certainly evidence for any court that maybe he shouldn't spend so much time there. I know that's tough on the child, but it's just so important. Hang tough Dad.



New member
I feel for you. It's very frustrating when the other parent is basically a child themselves. I went through that for years with my youngest. One weekend with his father, and I would have to spend several days reconditioning him when he got home. By the time I got him back into being responsible for his actions, and had adjusted his ATTITUDE, it was time to let him go back to happy happy fun time!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I will tell you this though. I was diligent, and I never wavered from my rules and expectations of him. I'm finally seeing the payoff on that hard work. He will be 13 in October, and he has started to realize that there's reasons behind my being so strict. He's actually deciding that he prefers the structure at my house.

As far as your son's health issues go, your clinic visits after time with his mother are certainly evidence for any court that maybe he shouldn't spend so much time there. I know that's tough on the child, but it's just so important. Hang tough Dad.



New member
I feel for you. It's very frustrating when the other parent is basically a child themselves. I went through that for years with my youngest. One weekend with his father, and I would have to spend several days reconditioning him when he got home. By the time I got him back into being responsible for his actions, and had adjusted his ATTITUDE, it was time to let him go back to happy happy fun time!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I will tell you this though. I was diligent, and I never wavered from my rules and expectations of him. I'm finally seeing the payoff on that hard work. He will be 13 in October, and he has started to realize that there's reasons behind my being so strict. He's actually deciding that he prefers the structure at my house.

As far as your son's health issues go, your clinic visits after time with his mother are certainly evidence for any court that maybe he shouldn't spend so much time there. I know that's tough on the child, but it's just so important. Hang tough Dad.



New member
I feel for you. It's very frustrating when the other parent is basically a child themselves. I went through that for years with my youngest. One weekend with his father, and I would have to spend several days reconditioning him when he got home. By the time I got him back into being responsible for his actions, and had adjusted his ATTITUDE, it was time to let him go back to happy happy fun time!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I will tell you this though. I was diligent, and I never wavered from my rules and expectations of him. I'm finally seeing the payoff on that hard work. He will be 13 in October, and he has started to realize that there's reasons behind my being so strict. He's actually deciding that he prefers the structure at my house.

As far as your son's health issues go, your clinic visits after time with his mother are certainly evidence for any court that maybe he shouldn't spend so much time there. I know that's tough on the child, but it's just so important. Hang tough Dad.



New member
I feel for you. It's very frustrating when the other parent is basically a child themselves. I went through that for years with my youngest. One weekend with his father, and I would have to spend several days reconditioning him when he got home. By the time I got him back into being responsible for his actions, and had adjusted his ATTITUDE, it was time to let him go back to happy happy fun time!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">
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<br />I will tell you this though. I was diligent, and I never wavered from my rules and expectations of him. I'm finally seeing the payoff on that hard work. He will be 13 in October, and he has started to realize that there's reasons behind my being so strict. He's actually deciding that he prefers the structure at my house.
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<br />As far as your son's health issues go, your clinic visits after time with his mother are certainly evidence for any court that maybe he shouldn't spend so much time there. I know that's tough on the child, but it's just so important. Hang tough Dad.
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<br />Stacey