The Nerve!!!!!


New member
dont worry jbrandon. i mean, just look at him! hes just a poor lil emo boy stuck in his lil emo world. he has way too much time on his hands by the looks of things.


New member
I went to his page..

just another lost boy trying to act
like a man, and a complete moron !!!!!!!

he is doomed for a life of Drive Through Widow clerk,,,,,,,


New member
I went to his page..

just another lost boy trying to act
like a man, and a complete moron !!!!!!!

he is doomed for a life of Drive Through Widow clerk,,,,,,,


New member
I went to his page..

just another lost boy trying to act
like a man, and a complete moron !!!!!!!

he is doomed for a life of Drive Through Widow clerk,,,,,,,


New member
ever seen south park? he reminds me of those little "goth" Just ignore the little non-conformist wanna-be and dont give him another second of your precious time. He's a little emo with nothing better to do then whine about the "harsh" world that he lives in, which only involves his mommy not giving him his allowance. Chanelfox is right, Karma is a b**ch. He will get his one day.


New member
ever seen south park? he reminds me of those little "goth" Just ignore the little non-conformist wanna-be and dont give him another second of your precious time. He's a little emo with nothing better to do then whine about the "harsh" world that he lives in, which only involves his mommy not giving him his allowance. Chanelfox is right, Karma is a b**ch. He will get his one day.


New member
ever seen south park? he reminds me of those little "goth" Just ignore the little non-conformist wanna-be and dont give him another second of your precious time. He's a little emo with nothing better to do then whine about the "harsh" world that he lives in, which only involves his mommy not giving him his allowance. Chanelfox is right, Karma is a b**ch. He will get his one day.


New member
That guy sounds like a real winner. He makes me think of my favorite stupid little joke....

I wish my lawn was emo... so it would cut itself.

HAH! Screw him. Idiots are just that... idiots. I once had someone call me genetic waste. I told him he was a waste of grey matter. *shrug*


New member
That guy sounds like a real winner. He makes me think of my favorite stupid little joke....

I wish my lawn was emo... so it would cut itself.

HAH! Screw him. Idiots are just that... idiots. I once had someone call me genetic waste. I told him he was a waste of grey matter. *shrug*


New member
That guy sounds like a real winner. He makes me think of my favorite stupid little joke....

I wish my lawn was emo... so it would cut itself.

HAH! Screw him. Idiots are just that... idiots. I once had someone call me genetic waste. I told him he was a waste of grey matter. *shrug*


New member
This is a message I sent him

So you have something against Cystic Fibrosis huh? I see your name is Lemyng? Is that suposed to be like the lemmings that follow there own kind off of cliffs? Do the world a favor and slit your wrists already. Make sure to do it properly not the starving for attention kind of cuts.


New member
This is a message I sent him

So you have something against Cystic Fibrosis huh? I see your name is Lemyng? Is that suposed to be like the lemmings that follow there own kind off of cliffs? Do the world a favor and slit your wrists already. Make sure to do it properly not the starving for attention kind of cuts.


New member
This is a message I sent him

So you have something against Cystic Fibrosis huh? I see your name is Lemyng? Is that suposed to be like the lemmings that follow there own kind off of cliffs? Do the world a favor and slit your wrists already. Make sure to do it properly not the starving for attention kind of cuts.


New member
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I dont' have anything against them at all,
but I always think its so funny how some of the goth kids do so b/c they don't want to conform, they want to be their own, not follow the crowd, not be in a clique-but everyone in life usually goes to one group of personalities or another. Those kids are in a clique, in a trend, and are conforming to goth.
Its so funny to look at this kids blog b/c 70% of the time-they're all the same! And they think they're sooo different.


New member
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I dont' have anything against them at all,
but I always think its so funny how some of the goth kids do so b/c they don't want to conform, they want to be their own, not follow the crowd, not be in a clique-but everyone in life usually goes to one group of personalities or another. Those kids are in a clique, in a trend, and are conforming to goth.
Its so funny to look at this kids blog b/c 70% of the time-they're all the same! And they think they're sooo different.


New member
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I dont' have anything against them at all,
but I always think its so funny how some of the goth kids do so b/c they don't want to conform, they want to be their own, not follow the crowd, not be in a clique-but everyone in life usually goes to one group of personalities or another. Those kids are in a clique, in a trend, and are conforming to goth.
Its so funny to look at this kids blog b/c 70% of the time-they're all the same! And they think they're sooo different.


New member
Christian, let me say first that I consider myself part of the Goth group. I'm not exactly mainstream, my favorite color is black, and I have no problem discussing death and/or the occult. However, I never went into that category thinking I was the only one out there. In school, people were divided into four groups; nerds, preps, jocks, and goths. That's just it, I was part of a GROUP. I never thought that I was the only one, as some of these so-called "goths" do. I hate it when they label themselves as such. They're not goths, they're cry-babies that want attention. I think they should all be dropped off a cliff and stop giving the true goths a bad name...

Perky...awesome message <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Christian, let me say first that I consider myself part of the Goth group. I'm not exactly mainstream, my favorite color is black, and I have no problem discussing death and/or the occult. However, I never went into that category thinking I was the only one out there. In school, people were divided into four groups; nerds, preps, jocks, and goths. That's just it, I was part of a GROUP. I never thought that I was the only one, as some of these so-called "goths" do. I hate it when they label themselves as such. They're not goths, they're cry-babies that want attention. I think they should all be dropped off a cliff and stop giving the true goths a bad name...

Perky...awesome message <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Christian, let me say first that I consider myself part of the Goth group. I'm not exactly mainstream, my favorite color is black, and I have no problem discussing death and/or the occult. However, I never went into that category thinking I was the only one out there. In school, people were divided into four groups; nerds, preps, jocks, and goths. That's just it, I was part of a GROUP. I never thought that I was the only one, as some of these so-called "goths" do. I hate it when they label themselves as such. They're not goths, they're cry-babies that want attention. I think they should all be dropped off a cliff and stop giving the true goths a bad name...

Perky...awesome message <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">