How do I do that? Do I just write that to the CFF and ask? I know in my state if I asked my senators or representatives in a letter to do anything about CF and disability issues that they would throw my letter to the side. This is a Republican state. I used to be Republican but I haven't been anything for a long time. I vote though, always, but only for people who I know will be better for my son. That really is my priority. My other son does not have any health issues so I don't have to rally behind anything there. I wrote a letter to Obama before but that just got me an invite. I really don't know how to proceed. You are much smarter than me so if you come up with something, please let me know. I will sit down when I have more time to concentrate and write on the CFF website under the "ideas" like you said. I really never get on there as they make me mad and if you have read any of my posts I can get mad.
Please let me know.
Kyeev: I know you have better healthcare over there. I watched a documentary one time on it. I would love to move just for the healthcare. I love my country and I know so many have died to give me freedom but at the same time I want to do whatever is best for my son. If we had a job there we would move to Canada.
Also: Static - did you find out anything? Should I just ask for a copy of our healthcare plan? It changes every year but I didn't know if that clause would be in there?
Kyeev: I know you have better healthcare over there. I watched a documentary one time on it. I would love to move just for the healthcare. I love my country and I know so many have died to give me freedom but at the same time I want to do whatever is best for my son. If we had a job there we would move to Canada.
Also: Static - did you find out anything? Should I just ask for a copy of our healthcare plan? It changes every year but I didn't know if that clause would be in there?