The reputation of this forum


New member
The thing is.....when people get rude responses on here, they just "go away", then there's the same 10? people that respond to everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad those 10 people are here, but some new blood would be nice too.
Just like I'm going to get blasted here, that also happens to others and that's probably why they just move on.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Nobody is blasting you, you do make what I consider a very valid point. The thing is we are not all ever going to agree on anything and things urke some people more than they do others, and vise versa.

I personally sat around quietly for a while while the school people came on. I helped a few who did research and asked specific questions, wanted everyday scenarios, stuffy you can't find easlily or find at all in a search... What I don't see here is those who are suggesting the "FAQ for students/new members" acting upon it. I've seen it suggested a few tiemes but tha's all. Just FYI- A good way to get ahold of a moderator is to log in, click on report to moderator and type a different message. If people want to create that, go on ahead and do it, but don't sit around and keep suggesting it and not creading anything. I personally don't endorse the idea because I believe there are A LOT of sites about CF, but if they could come here and see it, that might help. I don't mind answering questions, most people on here don't, but one rude preson who comes on and spams the boards, unfortunately ruins it for the next few "new" people because they leave us with a bitter taste in our mouth. I can see both sides though, and it is something for ME to work on.



wow, Julie, heh... I would like to say that some of us who have suggested "FAQ for students/new members" have taken the time to respond to these school people. I am one of them, just because I don't post on the boards, but email a person, I don't think those people should get bashed. Not that you're bashing [much]. I can see why a lot of people are bashing the school projects, but I think it's gotten out of hand. If you don't like it, just ignore it. Most of you people on these forums are of adult age, act it please. I know that you get tired of these people coming and asking stupid questions, well you don't have to feel an obligation to answer those questions. Now I realize I'm in a highly irritable mood because of one of my meds, but right now I don't give a flying leap. If anybody has taken the time to notice on the front page, the site is getting a makeover. It debuts on July 1st I believe. So maybe, perhaps maybe we will get a section entitled "FAQ for students/new members" but I honestly don't know. I wish everybody would just quit beating this dead horse. It's been discussed way too many times. I don't think we have anything new to bring to this conversation besides ranting and raving which many of us have done plenty of times before. Feel free to bash me if you want but I at this point don't honestly care.


New member
Candice, maybe I was misunderstood a bit-or wasn't clear. I am not saying that those suggesting the "faq-school" stuff DON'T respond. I am just saying if you (not you particularly, just those suggesting in general) want something to happen bad enough-you make it happen-regardless. And usually, I do avoid the school projects where the person has clearly done NO research, but on the other hand those who I personally feel have a genuine interest and have done some research-will get a genuine response. I too have emailed information to people, as I know a lot of people on this site have and I think it's great that we do that. I do like to warn those project people though who post, "what is CF" that before they get some frustrated people posting-they ought to do some research. The only time I can recall getting outright rude, and I DON'T regret it-is when that person started spamming the board, posting nasty comments because nobody was giving them the answers they want, not that they wern't getting responses, but that it wasn't what they wanted to hear. I put up with it for a few days and decided I had enough of them. I didn't mean that those suggesting the new topic weren't posting to those people.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i><br>And, pointing at Rob personally, if this forum distresses you so much because we're all so rude, then why do you keep coming back? I don't know about you, but whenever I go outside, I usually don't see everyone standing around holding hands and asking for a group hug. I do see people having a good time, supporting each other, etc, but I also see arguments and even fights. Why the hell should the forum be any different?<hr></blockquote>

I keep coming back because I want and feel like I can positively add to discussions here. And I can also take something from them as well (from the majority of people who aren't rude... dont twist my words!!).
And when I go outside, I do see fights and arguments, so why on Earth would I want to see and also accept fights and arguments here? Can this forum not be used as a form of escape from the sometimes hellish world we live in? Is this not a place where people with CF actually understand what I am going through, unlike most people in the outside world? Why would I want, encourage and accept the ignorance and rudeness that I HAVE to put up with on the outside world? The answer is I cant and I wont. Id like to think this forum is different.

Rob 24 wcf


New member
Mind you, I don't have any opinion on what Rob and Jarod were discussing. I just wanted to point out something real quick, about your last response, Rob. I'd love if it the CF forum could be different, where everyone could understand, and not bicker. But again, this is the world. Rob, you're right in that we get enough bitching when we leave our houses and go out into public. But the reason people complain and argue is because everyone is so different, and no one is going to agree all the time. And Jarod's right in that -whether it be unfortunate or not- the same goes for here. Everyone is different, we disagree on a lot, and so we debate and argue. Sometimes it gets rude, but I don't think people plan to make it happen that way. Just so happens if you get on a controversial topic that people have strong feelings on, it will get heated because of the emotion involved. If you ignore those, though, I like debates and disagreements. I've said it before, I'll say it again: If everyone agreed all the time, it'd be boring as hell.

Regardless, we were discussing the project people. The only point I wanted to make is that, yes we all know how it feels to have CF, or love someone with CF, but we're still all very different people. We're from different towns, different states, different countries. We have different heritages, different family situations, different races, genders, sexual preferences, ages, and whatever else. No one is going to agree all the time *ever* and whether it's a pro or a con, arguing and debating will continue. I don't see any way to ever stop it, except to perhaps close the forum altogether. I'd rather deal with arguing, myself. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>roblake29</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
Can this forum not be used as a form of escape from the sometimes hellish world we live in?
Rob 24 wcf<hr></blockquote>

Psh, No. If you want a perfect little world to run to, then do what I do; create your own.


New member
Jared, I don't know why you write with such venom. Your words carry contempt and unrelenting cynicism. I have spent a few minutes reading the poetry on your sight and I have to say that I am impressed. In fact I am really impressed, and moved. Those words are heartfelt and compassionate, but seemingly the opposite of the way you write on this forum sometimes. Is this what you mean by creating your own perfect world? But why does it have to end there? Do you not think that everyone on this forum would benefit greatly from reading your work, or communicating with you in this way? This is confusing. I sense some real anger in all your responses to me, and I just dont get it...

Rob 24 wcf


New member
Don't take it personally. Some personalities just have a tendancy to get on my bad side. And since i'm so moody, I tend to go overboard a lot. Besides something that sets me off one day may mean absolutely nothing to me the next. So, i'm not exactly the most personable to be around, but I'm a loner anyway. It's only in writing that I'm social, but that doesn't do much to improve my personality.