Aidan had been having the runs for two days now. for the past four days it started with the mushy stuff and i thought it was because he had a runny nose and it was because of the snot he was swallowing. so i called his cf docs and they told me to first ditch his enzymes cause they expire in a month and start the new batch. ok did that. then start giving him miralax once a day ok been doing that for two days. then she also said to give him an enema cause she thinks he may be constipated and the loose stuff in leaking out thru the blocked stuff. i said no to that. and im still not convinced he is constipated since he has the runs now. but nothing has changed. he isnt eating anything different. he doesnt drink juice just gatorade. he cant go up on his enzymes caust hes at the max now. maybe he needs a hight dosage of his prevacid?
so im hoping anyone has any suggestions with this? should i give him the enema? has anyone had experience similar to this and had to do an enema and it worked?
mama to Aidan 2yr w/CF
so im hoping anyone has any suggestions with this? should i give him the enema? has anyone had experience similar to this and had to do an enema and it worked?
mama to Aidan 2yr w/CF