the vest - in canada?


New member
hi everyone!
just wondering if anyone in canada is using the vest and if there are any insurance companies that are covering any costs. we are interested in getting one for our son in the future, but can't afford it. i was looking on ebay...if there was a chance that we got one on ebay and the vest size is not the right one, can you just contact the company and buy the right size vest?
any feedback is appreciated!


New member
hi everyone!
just wondering if anyone in canada is using the vest and if there are any insurance companies that are covering any costs. we are interested in getting one for our son in the future, but can't afford it. i was looking on ebay...if there was a chance that we got one on ebay and the vest size is not the right one, can you just contact the company and buy the right size vest?
any feedback is appreciated!


New member
hi everyone!
<br />just wondering if anyone in canada is using the vest and if there are any insurance companies that are covering any costs. we are interested in getting one for our son in the future, but can't afford it. i was looking on ebay...if there was a chance that we got one on ebay and the vest size is not the right one, can you just contact the company and buy the right size vest?
<br />any feedback is appreciated!


Staff member
I know I've heard of people who've gotten the vest by doing fundraisers and others who had private insurance. Have you checked out the vest companies to see what your options are? I just don't know all that much about it. You could try doing a search online for "fundraiser for cystic fibrosis vest canada"


Staff member
I know I've heard of people who've gotten the vest by doing fundraisers and others who had private insurance. Have you checked out the vest companies to see what your options are? I just don't know all that much about it. You could try doing a search online for "fundraiser for cystic fibrosis vest canada"


Staff member
I know I've heard of people who've gotten the vest by doing fundraisers and others who had private insurance. Have you checked out the vest companies to see what your options are? I just don't know all that much about it. You could try doing a search online for "fundraiser for cystic fibrosis vest canada"


New member
no, i haven't looked too much into it yet. they're still doing studies here in our province to see whether or not the vest is actually better than manual cpt, so we haven't really done too much about it...


New member
no, i haven't looked too much into it yet. they're still doing studies here in our province to see whether or not the vest is actually better than manual cpt, so we haven't really done too much about it...


New member
no, i haven't looked too much into it yet. they're still doing studies here in our province to see whether or not the vest is actually better than manual cpt, so we haven't really done too much about it...


New member
We have the Respirtech inCourage system, we originally paid for it ourselves and it took 9 months to have it covered. We discovered that the insurance company had a "slush" fund for want of a better name that unused premiums are paid into and this is how we finally got it approved. It wasn't easy, took alot of leg work and letters, plus letters from the company lawyer but eventually it was paid for. It got pushed through by the company my husband works for, if it had been upto the insurance company we would never have had it paid. We believed in it and 18 months later we could not imagine life without it as our daughter never would let us do manual. For this reason alone we were willing to pay for it out of our own pocket. And yes, we are in Canada. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We have the Respirtech inCourage system, we originally paid for it ourselves and it took 9 months to have it covered. We discovered that the insurance company had a "slush" fund for want of a better name that unused premiums are paid into and this is how we finally got it approved. It wasn't easy, took alot of leg work and letters, plus letters from the company lawyer but eventually it was paid for. It got pushed through by the company my husband works for, if it had been upto the insurance company we would never have had it paid. We believed in it and 18 months later we could not imagine life without it as our daughter never would let us do manual. For this reason alone we were willing to pay for it out of our own pocket. And yes, we are in Canada. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We have the Respirtech inCourage system, we originally paid for it ourselves and it took 9 months to have it covered. We discovered that the insurance company had a "slush" fund for want of a better name that unused premiums are paid into and this is how we finally got it approved. It wasn't easy, took alot of leg work and letters, plus letters from the company lawyer but eventually it was paid for. It got pushed through by the company my husband works for, if it had been upto the insurance company we would never have had it paid. We believed in it and 18 months later we could not imagine life without it as our daughter never would let us do manual. For this reason alone we were willing to pay for it out of our own pocket. And yes, we are in Canada. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We don't use the vest, but I have had some organizations that have offered to help pay for any medical equiptment we may need. What province do you live in?


New member
We don't use the vest, but I have had some organizations that have offered to help pay for any medical equiptment we may need. What province do you live in?


New member
We don't use the vest, but I have had some organizations that have offered to help pay for any medical equiptment we may need. What province do you live in?


New member
hey guys, thanks again for your replies. we looked into getting the vest a couple of years ago, and then, our np told us that they are going to start a study on whether or not manual cp is better than the vest and perhaps we should wait. we did our research and yes, there were a couple of places that told us they could help us out a little. that was 2 years ago and now we've seen that there are different companies that have the vest as well. now we're researching again...the funds are not there for us to go and buy one, and we'd love to, but we might go to hill rom in st. paul, mn. to check it out and see what our options are. we live in ontario. going through an insurance company seems very tedious, it's really too bad that it takes so long to get covered for something that is beneficial, it's not like millions of people need this device. can't they just give us a break???? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey guys, thanks again for your replies. we looked into getting the vest a couple of years ago, and then, our np told us that they are going to start a study on whether or not manual cp is better than the vest and perhaps we should wait. we did our research and yes, there were a couple of places that told us they could help us out a little. that was 2 years ago and now we've seen that there are different companies that have the vest as well. now we're researching again...the funds are not there for us to go and buy one, and we'd love to, but we might go to hill rom in st. paul, mn. to check it out and see what our options are. we live in ontario. going through an insurance company seems very tedious, it's really too bad that it takes so long to get covered for something that is beneficial, it's not like millions of people need this device. can't they just give us a break???? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey guys, thanks again for your replies. we looked into getting the vest a couple of years ago, and then, our np told us that they are going to start a study on whether or not manual cp is better than the vest and perhaps we should wait. we did our research and yes, there were a couple of places that told us they could help us out a little. that was 2 years ago and now we've seen that there are different companies that have the vest as well. now we're researching again...the funds are not there for us to go and buy one, and we'd love to, but we might go to hill rom in st. paul, mn. to check it out and see what our options are. we live in ontario. going through an insurance company seems very tedious, it's really too bad that it takes so long to get covered for something that is beneficial, it's not like millions of people need this device. can't they just give us a break???? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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