the vest


New member
We have just bought the Vest from electromed Co. and are taking it for 2 year old boy with Cf in Croatia. I would love to have more information on how often should the settings be changed on the Vest. This little boy will not have chance to see any doctors that will have any knowledge on the Vest or the proper usage . What ever I can learn here in US it will be of great help to him. Thanks a million.


New member
We have just bought the Vest from electromed Co. and are taking it for 2 year old boy with Cf in Croatia. I would love to have more information on how often should the settings be changed on the Vest. This little boy will not have chance to see any doctors that will have any knowledge on the Vest or the proper usage . What ever I can learn here in US it will be of great help to him. Thanks a million.


New member
We have just bought the Vest from electromed Co. and are taking it for 2 year old boy with Cf in Croatia. I would love to have more information on how often should the settings be changed on the Vest. This little boy will not have chance to see any doctors that will have any knowledge on the Vest or the proper usage . What ever I can learn here in US it will be of great help to him. Thanks a million.