the vest


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It's great for independence and mucous clearing. If you do it often and regularly, you can really improve the quality of your life.


New member
hi i was thinking off it for my 5 year old daughter.
it is just coming out in the uk so i dont know if it is any better than her manual that we give her twice a day


New member
I would say it's better in general, atleast for an adult. A 5 year old would require supervision with it, so maybe just stick with the manual for a while, or get it and slowly incorporate it into her routine untill it's second nature for her. You could make it fun and call it her "(make a weird sound like your chest is being vibrated) machine", and turn it more into a game.

Overall in my opinion I think the vest is far superior to manual chest beating, because you can control frequencies, and have those frequencies work with you while you force stuff out. I've been pretty sick before, and with constant applications of the vest, i've been able to avoid the hospital. Though I don't use it now because i'm clear, and only use it if I get chunky (hasnt been for a while now), it is an awesome machine to treat CF and keep the goo moving.


For some people you will get a different result/answer.
A lot of people don't like the vest precisely because they feel it <i>doesn't</i> help with mucous clearance.
I was one of those.
I disliked the vest because I felt like it wasn't doing me any good. PFT's didn't go up, mucous production stayed the same, etc.
When I was put on CPT is when the difference really showed.
Plus I felt instead of an all around vibrating feeling the CPT could get directly to the place where I felt I had congestions/crackles.
More intensely focused on that spot instead of trying to clear everything out at one time when I knew I was having problems with a specific area.


New member
I have said this repeatedly. I prefer manual clapping. It can be concentrated on a certain area at one time if I have a section needing extra time. I have fabulous therapists at my clinic & maybe this is why I advocate for manual clapping. However; that being said the vest has its purpose. It is convenient & allows me time to have "normal" time with my hubby vs husband/patient time. If I am really congested tho I will do the vest & have the hubby do extra on me. During sick times I dont feel that the vest alone is enough. For some it doesnt work at all and for others its enough.......after 6 years of having it I also learned that I need to adjut the settings according to my needs not what the "norm" is.


New member
I have a love/hate relationship with my vest.. overall, I know it is useful, I know when I don't use it, I get congested and feel short of breath....It must be doing something because I do notice that I don't feel as well without it. I also have a hand held percusser that I use when I am really stuck..or if I notice congestion in one particular spot.

In studies that I have read recently, the place where the vest came from, they had the highest median age of CFers. I think they also had the higest percent of ppl using the vest.. I don't remember where I read it.. but the clinic the vest came from orginally was in Minnesota...



Yeah, Dr. Warwick created the vest he's the head of the Minnesota clinic. Then again that could be contributed to Dr. Warwick himself 'highest median age of CFers,' from what I've heard he has a very forceful personality and is very on top of patients treatment regime even when they are healthy. There was an article in the New Yorker a while ago, it's been linked to a few times on


Hello! Well I see Dr. Warwick and have since I was born. He can be hard on ya sometimes, but I think he is a really great guy! Wouldn't want any other doctor personally. My pft's were dropping a lot when I was in my mid the vest and they instantly started going up. I use it once or twice a day...last week had a visit and my fev1 was 114%. But like lots of things I think it depends on the person..I'm sure it isn't for everyone. But it gave me all kinds of indepence as well...I can travel and work whenever I wish...don't need to live around someone else's schedule anymore. Just my 2 cents... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


New member
hi first time user of any cf sites at all but was wondering if these vests are good were could i get one from and how much they cost, as this time of year i often get bad and the only option for me is hospital and im starting just accept that fact now, which isnt good at all.


New member
Here is a link to the company's web site <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Here is a link to the vest informatoin directly <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

Many people are happy with the vest. Some people prefer manual clapping, some cant tolerate the vest and some only use the vest. Its hard to say. For me if time & practicality allowed I would prefer manual clapping. The vest works for maintenance on me & is very convenient. I dont feel it helps enough when I am quite congested although it is better than what it use to be since I started experimenting with the settings.

It is quite an expensive piece of equipment, but the company is great & will not take it away once given to you for inability to pay.


New member
My daughter uses the vest. It has been a blessing for her once she was shown the proper way to use it. When she first started using the vest shortly after she was diagnosed it really wasn't doing all that it could for her. Make sure that you are trained and shown the right way to use it. There are settings that should be changed periodically throughout the treatment. My daughter used the vest for almost 2 yrs. before we were shown the right way for her. We had an appointment with Dr. Milla at the University of Minnesota and that turned things around for us. He was the one that told my daughter she should be changing the settings, doing the treatment twice per day and how long each treatment should be. So, it doesn't help to have the vest if you don't receive the proper information to go with it. I am so very thankful to Dr. Milla for all that he has done for my daughter. We live in North Dakota so my daughter has the majority of her CF appointments here but once a year we see Dr. Milla. My daughter was not doing very well before seeing Dr. Milla and now she is doing really good. I know she wants to start seeing Dr. Milla more often than just once a year and we will try and make that happen.

Sue (14 yr. old daughter with CF diagnosed at age 11)


Just to add another 2 cents...I have heard from a couple of places that certain models of the vest are more effective than others. So that could play a part in how successful the vest works for you as well. I have had the exact same vest machine for 13 years. The only thing I have ever had to do to it is replace one of the tubes once. It is large and bulky and heavy...but from what I have heard it does a better treatment than the smaller one that are out today. This is just what I heard though, I have no factual basis to support this. And with that being said I would really like a new/smaller one to travel with! But I somehow doubt the elves in the North Pole know how to make one!


New member
Can you please tell me what settings your daughter has her vest on and time of treaments ect.. I live in Canada and just got my vest. When I sat down with the physio from our clinic she never talked about changing the settings. Would love details on your treatment. I just had a baby in the summer and my health has taken a slide. I am not bouncing back. I am hoping the vest will help.



New member
That's what I love about the vest, you can change those settings. I personally have mine at 10Hz for 10 minutes, pause for suctioning or coughing then resume at a highter frequency at 14 Hz for another 10 minutes. I think it works great, it also has a pressure setting. I have the regular vest, not the settings may be different with the folks who have a full vest. I do my treatments twice a day, more if I know I am sick... My pressure setting is set at 2 (goes up to 6, usually used with those who have the full vest from what I was taught). I just got my vest a month ago and already notice a difference, I have much better clearance with my junk from my lungs...the docs are hoping that it will decrease my infections and make me feel better in general. I don't know about you guys, but when that stuff just sits in your llungs, it causes pain where the mucus plugs (sorry so gross). I do feel if they could find better gizmos for the sinuses, I would be a very happy camper. I read on another board that someone was using tobra to irrigate their sinuses...anyone do that here? And if they do, does it work? My ENT considers me a high risk, does not want surgery at all unless I am dying in pain or have a very severe case of sinusitis. Sorry I got off topic, but I was thinking of it as I just visited my ENT doc today. Hope I have helped.....Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My son is getting the vest in Febuary, he tried it out at the Dr.'s and thought it was so cool. Right now he does this accapella thing (sorry spelling) and he does very good with it. He does it twice a day 10 deep breaths in the morning and before bed, and he's been doing it religously since the nurse made a deal with him. If he did his accapella a lot he could get the vest. Even when he gets it I think I'm going to have him continue the accapella maybe then we can really get that gunk out! Can't hurt anyways. He cant wait for the vest when they put it on him and it shook him he sang a song. lol he thought it sounded so funny. I asked how much it would cost and she told me like $17,000 but insurance will cover it. Thank god!!


I will check with my daughter and get you the settings she uses. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue (14 yr. old daugher with CF)


New member

I know many people have already said that they like the vest, and then some of them don't. I personally do not like the vest, because I do not feel that it does it's job as best as it can. Although, a lot of people like to use the vest... because some people have benifits from it. I think that the people that like the vest the most are males. I don't know why, but for me I got really itchy and I scratched myself until I bled.


New member
Way before the vest came out when I was younger, I often wondered to myself why they didn't use a device that uses sound waves to blast/shake the goo loose so it can be brought up. If anyone has ever been to a loud concert and been near the amps, you know what i'm talking about. I heard something about them using sound in a water invironment (tub) to break up kidney stones. I wonder why a device similar to like a vest couldn't be made that would rattle the chest congestion loose with sound instead of the air frequencies in the vest. Or better yet, the same approach as the kidney stones, with say a tub filled with water (or maybe a better sound conducing cheap fluid) where the CF patient lays in it (with head outside it), and has directed hard shaking sound waves hit his chest/back/sides to break it up. You would think in principle, atleast the water/sound approach would work if it breaks up kidney stones.