The Vest


New member
I'm currently fundraising to puirchase the vest airway clearance system. I live in canada, the goverment, nor my private insurance company will not assist in the cost. I have to raise $12,000 cdn, then purchase from the US.
I'm intetested in some feedback on the vest. I've never even seen it up close and personal. Any concerns, suggestions or comments that may help prepare me?? For example, is it true you can actually sleep in it?


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Just out of curiosity, what sort of fundraising are you doing? I live in Canada as well, and would love the vest, but its just so darn expensive.


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Hi Liz,
I am having a dance. It includes a DJ, excellent bar prices and of course, awsome prizes. I have a door prize, a silent auction & sell tickets on items. The prizes have all been donated to me. I circled the city with letters explaining why I needed the vest, I had an article in the city paper. So far I have had an overwelming response....have approx $7,000 raised so far! When you put your mind to it it can be done, especially with all the awsome support I have.


New member
Hello Jennie,

My son has the vest, has had it for a few years now. From what I can tell, and what I'm told, the vests give the "golden level" of P.T. to the person using it. It's easy to use, the Doc will give you the settings. You turn it on, and watch TV or whatever and it does the rest. We have the old model, the one that weighs a ton and is fair large. The new ones are smaller and lighter. We got it while I was still in the Army, but I had to pay about $6000 as part of a co pay.

That being said, my son Tim has used the Flutter, the Vest, and now uses the Acapella. He never liked the flutter, didn't do it correctly most of the time, and we got him the vest. I still believe the vest was the best thing for him as it took self performance out of the therapy sessions.

The reason he swiched to the Acapella is because he's going into a college dorm and he doesn't want anyone to know he's got CF.

It's expensive, and in my opinion better than anything out there so far.

Fadder of Tim, 18, w/cf


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To me, it's basically an adjustable flutter-like device 'cept you can adust the frequency and vibration with a dial.


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I have had the vest since my sophomore year of high school (for about 5 years) and I can not imagine living without it. It is really easy to use compared to using the flutter which takes energy and attention. I can just strap on the vest and basiaclly do anything I want while I sit here. (Read, computer, TV....) Another great thing about it is that you can use some of your nebs while you are vesting. I use hypertonic saline during the beginning of my vesting and it helps so much to be able to do both of them at the same time, it really helps me to cough everything out.

I think it is really helpful all the time but especially when you are sick or tired because it involves no effort and dosent make you tired like using the flutter would for me. And also you can be alot more productive with the vest then with manual things like the flutter because your hands and attention can be on something different.

All in all I hope that you can raise all of the money you need to get one and it helps you as much as mine does me! I use it at least two times everyday and it always makes me feel so much better. The vest i have now has 731 hours on it , and it is the second one I have had, so you know that it must be doing something good=)

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!


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I have had a vest since December, I really love it. I was lucky to recieve it through a fundraiser. One of the families in my clinic were fundraising for there son. They sold tickets to a dinner and a silent auction and raised enough in one night to purchase three vests. I saw on our local news last night an elementary school was raisning money to purchase a vest for one of the students. They did a big walk yesterday. They have had great community support and have raised $13,000. I don't know where to start but I would love to get the government and the insurance companies to realize how beneficial the vest would be to all of us. When I applied to my insurance company they responded by saying it wasn't medicaly nessesary. Arg!!!!



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We got the vest a few months after our 2 year old was diagnosed last year. We were luck that our insurance (Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield) paid for 80%. It is so much easier than the vibrator wand we'd used before and she tolerates it much better. She actually looks forward to it (it's the only time she gets to watch TV.)She has occasionally fallen asleep during treatment.


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My private ins is with manulife. The reason it's not covered by health-care ins, private ins or the canadian goverment is because canada drug admin they do not see the vest is medicall necessary...there are other means of therapy for CFers. Bla, bla, bla.....Maybe in 5-10 years they'll listen, hopefully, then the younger CFers will have a brighter future.

I will get my vest, if it takes me 6 months or 6 years to fundraise. I'm determined...I need this vest. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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We just finished our 30 day trial with the vest for our 9 yr old son. I love it cause he can do it while he does his neb and it frees me up to do other things. My son complains about it - but I think it's because it took away our bonding time when I did his percussion - so last night I did it instead. If I'm not home - he gets along just fine - funny huh? They just called yesterday and said they will check with insurance - if they say no they (Hil-Rom vest co) will appeal it - write letters work with my doc etc. I think some times the clinic or Foundation will help too. She also said to talk with Hil Rom too and they will reduce the copay or help set up payments etc. I think it does do a good job and gets the whole area - which I wasn't able to do all areas at once.

Mother of 9 yr old boy wcf


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Jennie, you inspire me. After what we talked about last night, I definitly think I'm going to seriously consider trying to fundraise this time around.


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Liz, check with your clinic, they may have one for you to trial. I know my clinic has a few that they let people trial or borrow when they are not doing well. I would see if you could try one before you look at buying one, not everyone likes it.



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I've mentioned it in clinic, but they don't have any vest available to my knowledge. Whenever I bring the vest up, no one has ever mentioned there being a trial one I could use. But I will check into it.


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I looked at it this way. If I start fundraising now... it may take me 6 months...or 2 years. If I don't fundraise, and I think 2 years ahead I would have regreted it beaue now I'm two years behind from when I could have started. The best I can do is try. After I had my article in the paper strangers started sending me money, business were calling with donations. Family , friend and co-workers were willing to do anything to help. Yes, $12k is ALOT of money but I had to do something because CF was starting to control me on the outside and on the inside. I needed more help with my CF besides reguler physio and meds. Plus, with my recent breakup from my fiance it has kept me busy and postive. Keeps my mind off the breakup (thank god!)


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