There must be a way to strengthen the immune system?


New member
Hello all, Sam has been doing very well since his sinus surgery this summer. Sinus rinses have changed the chemistry of his nose. He has clear mucus and it something he can live with....BUT he stays on antibiotics. We have tried to write it off as, oh, it's just the age. He's in preschool. He's going to get sick, but I know we are in this pattern of antibiotics, off antibiotics, cold that won't go away, more antibiotics. He is culturing clear in both bronchoscopies and throat cultures.

The ENT told us there was no way to "cure" him from having repeated blocked sinus passages and the need for surgery. Well, that doctor was wrong. Now, I believe there must be a way to strengthen his immune system. Maybe a quarantine from other people for a couple of months? A break from preschool during the snowy months would not be the end of the world. Has anyone been stuck in this pattern and able to break it?

Last night I dreamed that Sam was swimming in a lake. In the dream, the life jacket fell off of him, and I saw him floating down, down, down. I grabbed his shirt, then I grabbed his hand, and I pulled him out. But in the dream I was scared even after he was out of the water. I thought what about next time? What if I couldn't reach him? What if I had to go into some dark place and just hope I could pull him out without being able to see a thing?

LittleLabCF, anyone have ideas? What can I do?

Thank you as always.
rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 4 years old, ddf508


New member
Do you have his vitamins well balanced? Zinc and vitamin D are low in my family and correcting this really helped?

What about allergies? If the clear snot is there it is sitting waiting for an infection? Wood floors and mattress and pillow covers may help.

During the sinus surgery were windows opened to help with drainage or was it just a clean out.

I also broke the oral antibiotic cycle by using an antibiotic ointment Bactroban in my sinus rinse, but this was an off label use so proceed with caution.

Best wishes

Hello all, Sam has been doing very well since his sinus surgery this summer. Sinus rinses have changed the chemistry of his nose. He has clear mucus and it something he can live with....BUT he stays on antibiotics. We have tried to write it off as, oh, it's just the age. He's in preschool. He's going to get sick, but I know we are in this pattern of antibiotics, off antibiotics, cold that won't go away, more antibiotics. He is culturing clear in both bronchoscopies and throat cultures.

The ENT told us there was no way to "cure" him from having repeated blocked sinus passages and the need for surgery. Well, that doctor was wrong. Now, I believe there must be a way to strengthen his immune system. Maybe a quarantine from other people for a couple of months? A break from preschool during the snowy months would not be the end of the world. Has anyone been stuck in this pattern and able to break it?

Last night I dreamed that Sam was swimming in a lake. In the dream, the life jacket fell off of him, and I saw him floating down, down, down. I grabbed his shirt, then I grabbed his hand, and I pulled him out. But in the dream I was scared even after he was out of the water. I thought what about next time? What if I couldn't reach him? What if I had to go into some dark place and just hope I could pull him out without being able to see a thing?

LittleLabCF, anyone have ideas? What can I do?

Thank you as always.
rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 4 years old, ddf508
To strekgthen Asia immune system we use: Probiobalance Valivita, Omega med and AuqADEKS - according to cf docs - and Flavon Kids And Green (also approved by our dietician and asked to continue). Beore school in the morning we do nasonex after sinus rinces and sinus rince just after school. We use a steam moisturiser in her room and salt laps. However we still have one nasty infection - at least - in a year - in cold season. Then its antibiotics. However - despite what teachers think - I make her stay at least two weeks longer at home.I think a break and change of climate is a good idea. Itw prks for us also


I'm sorry but I think a quarantine from other people is just wrong, or taking him off school for a couple of months. DON'T DO IT! His education and development of social skills and playing and making friends at school are definitely more important than having a cold or taking antibiotics!
At his age I had a lot of sinus problems too, had surgery when I was 6 and when I was 12; but since I was 16 I've been using the "neti-pot", in the morning and evening, and haven't had any (major) sinus problems since then! Thank god for the Hindus who invented it! It REALLY helps.


New member
People with CF are generally more prone to sinus and lung infections. If he is only 4, with sinus problems keeping him from others who are sick is a good idea. In the winter months all kids in grades preschool - 12 will give each other respiratory bugs. It is worse in younger kids, grades preschool- age 8. Kids don't cover their mouth and nose properly when they cough and sneeze. The particles that are expelled from anyone's mouth and nose , with sneezing or coughing...can live for up to 2 weeks on a surface. Kids touch their desks, the door knobs etc.--this is partly how these germs are spread. Keeping his need for antibiotics at a minimum will only help him in the long term. Having hand sanitizer in your purse and having him and you use it will help too. When out in any public place, you should both sanitize your hands when you get in the car. This will also help cut down on the germs he gets in his nose/respiratory system (from his hands). When he gets home from being in a public place, have him change his clothes. This will also help eliminate his germs exposure.

I'm sorry but I think a quarantine from other people is just wrong, or taking him off school for a couple of months. DON'T DO IT! His education and development of social skills and playing and making friends at school are definitely more important than having a cold or taking antibiotics!
At his age I had a lot of sinus problems too, had surgery when I was 6 and when I was 12; but since I was 16 I've been using the "neti-pot", in the morning and evening, and haven't had any (major) sinus problems since then! Thank god for the Hindus who invented it! It REALLY helps.
Hi, I'm a 39 year old with CF, and I think there are certainly lots of ways to strengthen the immune system. Vitamins, exercise, enough weight, exercise, a low stress life, exercise, rest, exercise...

I also think taking your son out of school is unsustainable. My mother, who is British, always says, "You can't live your life in cotton wool." Particularly with CF, it's important to feel part of things. It can be so isolating.

I've had 12 surgeries on my sinuses, and they've mysteriously lessened since I hit 30. I wish you all the best luck. Talk to your son's CF folks, too--maybe they have some ideas?
I think SMMC is right - The viruses and germs spread among preschool kids are far more difficult to treat - and it's no problem to keep a child - at this age in school - at home - and do the school work at home. Also - one thing is school - and another - additional lessons and exersices. I think those are just fine. We also have a problem with many kids being send to school sick and on fever killers....



I'm 34, and I *still* have sinus issues. Last surgery was 3 years ago , and I'm thinking of getting another one. Can't seem to get rid of the polyps. But in the larger scheme of things, it's a little problem to have. I've been extremely lucky with my CF, and the sinus issues is one that, even though it won't quit, feels minor to me.


Let him wash his hands consequently every time he gets home from school, and learn to use the Neti-pot. Keep antibiotics to a minimum, and use them only if he's sick with fever etc. Don't use them for a simple cold, because those are often VIRUSES and you can't treat viruses with antibiotics. Kids need to be sick from time to time because it strengthens their immune system on a later age. I hope he's had all his vaccines because that's also very important. Don't take him off school. Kids are no pets who you can keep in the house if there's too much traffic. They have a life of their own and need to make friends. If you don't do that, he'll become isolated. CF already isolates you mentally from so-called "healthy" people (I know), let alone if you isolate him fysically. A person (or a child) with CF is more than just his disease. Please take that in mind.


Super Moderator
To aid a child in developing a strong immune system they need to be exposed to germs and be given the best tools to naturally fight them.

Generally speaking Sam or other young kids are developing their immunity right now, it is an ideal age. We aren’t born with very much immunity, but our bodies are primed to grow the immune system and develop immunity. I see nothing biochemical in CF that would impact the body’s immune development excepting malabsorption/nutrition, the problem is we have rich environments for infection.

Nietzsche’s maxim of “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger” really does apply when it comes to developing a strong immune system with a growing library of immunities. Each infection our body fights off generally results in an acquired immunity against that particular microbe. The healthiest adults have been exposed to the most variety of infections, won without antibiotics. There is an obvious flaw with CF, prolonged infections scar and deform the organs they attack.

Our infection fighting system is multifaceted, the lymphatic and blood circulatory systems, bone marrow, kidneys, liver and spleen all make up our immune system. Infections are their purpose or partially contribute to that purpose like the liver and spleen cleansing toxins and dead cell parts from the infection battle. Giving those systems the best foods or antioxidants and such will help keep everything in the best possible condition.

There is an enormous amount of information on foods and supplements known to aid in growing and maintaining the best immunity. Antioxidants and Omega oils, detoxifiers like milk thistle and L-Lysine to bolster against viral infections is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest you research this for yourself but I know that foods can deliver nearly all of the same things supplements do. Every CFer must be super hydrated, even more when fighting a nasty bug. I liked Brussels sprouts, parsnips and rutabaga at a very early age... maybe supplements go down easier. The goal of diet and supplements is to encourage, feed and detoxify or help cleansing the organs and systems that fight infection.

By participating with your child in developing the best immunity his/her “chicken soup” helps everybody. Rather than fighting through another doctor appointment each time there is an infection, treating your child with good foods and such to help the natural immunity do its job and speed recovery would be best.

Good lifestyle habits contribute to the quality of the immune system, I believe it also helps growing a strong immune system. Adequate sleep, regular eating times and a no fuss schedule for the school week isn’t to be underestimated. Exercise for a kid is usually a problem of excess, but moderation of exercise for chronic illness is important, don’t cut it out. You can’t fight if you are pooped.

Finally, and this is the most important for a kid’s immunity; lots and lots of laughter. Statistically, children’s recovery from infectious illness is reduced up to 50% by providing two or more hours a day of laughter. Norman Cousins wrote “Anatomy of an Illness” where laughter was put to an empirical test as well as garlic and hundreds of other illness fighting fun like watching the Marx Brothers. It is a deadly serious treatise on immunity. Anybody interested in improving their immunity should dust off this book and give it a read. I Googled Norman Cousins and it came back with a bunch of "Humor Therapy" attributed to Mr. Cousins, maybe there's one for kids who don't get enough already.

CFers can get very sick and die from neglecting an infection so there is a huge grain of salt that must go along with any ideal method. I am suggesting something that must have a doctor in the loop and this might help in starting that dialog.



New member
Great news! Sam cleared a cold on his own. No antibiotics this time. We definitely have to celebrate the small things because they add up to big things. By the way, I did try more laughter and it is a great form of medicine. I will continue to hold him upside down and shake the sillies out. Thanks for the suggestion Little Lab, and thanks to everyone for their input. Happy, Healthy New Year!


New member
Have you tried Colloidal Silver?

have ideas? What can I do?[/QUOTE said:
Here's what you can do: Colloidal Silver.

A little background:

I'm a 61 year old male who doesn't have CF but have lungs that are 'functionally the same' as CF due to an immune problem, which my system yielded to pneumonia dozens and dozens of times since I was 8 years old. Part of one lung was removed at age 14 due to infection. On/off antibiotics routine my whole life, as many as 20 10 day rounds in a year, rotating 3 or 4 different ones. Severe Bronchiectasis, COPD. The dreaded Pseudomonas aeruginosa in my lungs.

At age 41 I was told I had 1-5 years to live unless I got a lung transplant, but I wasn't a good candidate due to my immune problem and prior lung surgery. I told them I wasn't a statistic and they were fired. I've been taking immune serum by IV every two weeks for 25 years to try to boost my immune system, yet I was still playing the antibiotic game and they were becoming less and less effective. Due to lung deterioration I went on oxygen at night in 2001 and then 24/7 in 2006. But by God I'm still here! :)

After doing a lot of research on Colloidal Silver I decided on June 11, 2012 to go to the health food store instead of the pharmacy. I had just left the Dr.'s office with a Rx to refill but I just didn't want to do it any more. It wasn't solving the problem. I bought a bottle of Colloidal Silver that cost $30 for an 8 oz. bottle with a local brand name. I put 6cc (1 1/5 teaspoon) in my nebulizer cup and breathed it in. I did it 3 or 4 times the first 3 or 4 days. By the end of the second day I had already seen marked improvement. Within a few days my lungs were more clear than they had been in months.

Today, 1/3/2014 I am 571 days antibiotic FREE. After a year and a half I also decided to suspend taking the semi-weekly immune IV in August 2013. That's the first time I haven't gotten it in 25 years!

(Before anyone starts posting about the 'Blue Man' I average just over one 8 oz. bottle of Colloidal Silver a month. There is a formula you can use to determine a safe level based on EPA standards. One or two 6cc doses a day is well under the dose to cause any blue problems (argyria). In addition, he Paul Karason) was not using pure Colloidal Silver. He was making his own and added salt to speed up the batch process, which means he was making silver chloride, not pure colloidal silver. And he was drinking a quart a day and rubbing it on his skin for YEARS!)

I use the nebulizer mist and inhale in through my mouth but also through my nostrils and over my face where I tend to touch my face with my hands.

I've only had one or two colds during this entire time (unheard of!) so I boosted my dosage to double it for a few days. When I feel an infection trying to start up I also sip an ounce (in 3 separate sips, that is I sip 1/3 oz. 3 times) and hold it under my tongue for several minutes each time and swish it around my mouth then swallow. When I'm clear I stop taking it altogether. Of course with severely damaged lungs there's still a small collection of mucus, but it's relatively tiny and it is pure white 'spit' not heavy dark mucus. In other words pretty normal lung secretion. I can live with that. :)

My lungs have never been better. My nasal passages are clear most of the time. I don't even have to blow my nose in the mornings and barely once a day now. I'm sure all of you know what your sinuses are like when you have an ongoing infection.

Most of you have a nebulizer. Get a bottle and try it. Brigham's Law: If it can't hurt and it might help, you have to do it. :)

You can go to a local store and buy a bottle at top dollar like I did to try it, but after doing a lot of research and shopping I've been buying it from First time customers get %50 off so you can get an 8 oz. bottle for about $12 bucks plus shipping. I just bought a gallon on sale for $110, which averages out to just under $9 per 8 oz. bottle. (I don't get anything for plugging them.) Be sure you're buying Colloidal Silver not Ionic Silver. I've tried both. It's my experience that the Silver Ion 'colloidal silver' is not as effective as the nano-partical colloidal silver.

To your health!
