They got 17 eggies!


New member
Hey everyone, quick update and then I'm off to sleep.

They retrieved 17 eggs from me. They were having a lot of trouble with Mark, his procedure was suppose to be about 15-20 minutes, but he was back there for almost 2.5 hours. They usually get sperm on the first aspiration attempt... they got none. They went back in on the other side and got some sperm out but they werent moving. Sometimes live sperm don't move, but there is no way to tell if they are dead or alive unless they are moving. So theey went in a third time and found some more but again, they were not motile. The doctor came and talked to me at this point, right before my retrieval. THey were looking to call a Urologist over from the hospital next door to cut him open and do a biopsy if necessary. But he informed us that sometimes, the sperm are in shock when they are extracted and it can take anywhere from 2-20 minutes to start moving around.

My procedure lasted about 40 minutes total and when I was in recovery they came and told me the good news that they had enough sperm to fertilize my eggs and that they were all moving around now. Whew, this has NOT been an easy journey but I hope it is all worth it in the end!

Mark feels great, no pain or anything, he said just feels like a little bruise. I have pelvic pressure but that's all.

Off to bed now, I'm feeling a little bit drowsy.


New member
Hey everyone, quick update and then I'm off to sleep.

They retrieved 17 eggs from me. They were having a lot of trouble with Mark, his procedure was suppose to be about 15-20 minutes, but he was back there for almost 2.5 hours. They usually get sperm on the first aspiration attempt... they got none. They went back in on the other side and got some sperm out but they werent moving. Sometimes live sperm don't move, but there is no way to tell if they are dead or alive unless they are moving. So theey went in a third time and found some more but again, they were not motile. The doctor came and talked to me at this point, right before my retrieval. THey were looking to call a Urologist over from the hospital next door to cut him open and do a biopsy if necessary. But he informed us that sometimes, the sperm are in shock when they are extracted and it can take anywhere from 2-20 minutes to start moving around.

My procedure lasted about 40 minutes total and when I was in recovery they came and told me the good news that they had enough sperm to fertilize my eggs and that they were all moving around now. Whew, this has NOT been an easy journey but I hope it is all worth it in the end!

Mark feels great, no pain or anything, he said just feels like a little bruise. I have pelvic pressure but that's all.

Off to bed now, I'm feeling a little bit drowsy.


New member
Thank you for all the support, they will call tomorrow with the #'s that fertilized and then the transfer back into me is on Wednesday. I'll keep everyone posted.


New member
Thank you for all the support, they will call tomorrow with the #'s that fertilized and then the transfer back into me is on Wednesday. I'll keep everyone posted.


New member
Woooohoooo!! Happy Implanting to You!! (have you decided how many will be implanted?)

Sticky, sticky, sticky vibes coming your way!!!!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf and baby boy nocf due 5/6/06


New member
Woooohoooo!! Happy Implanting to You!! (have you decided how many will be implanted?)

Sticky, sticky, sticky vibes coming your way!!!!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf and baby boy nocf due 5/6/06