<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Brad</b></i>
I still don't know what this thread was about !
Was it really bean dip and pickles ??
Bean Dip makes me fart and Pickles make me burp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bean dip is good to eat about an hour before shopping
it helps clear the isle...............
RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppppp <img src=""></end quote></div>
I think it originally had a very badly conveyed point of people not posting in threads that the starter wanted to be posted in. The whole "Why don't people post, it drives me crazy" angle or something. The point was very badly presented in this thread. Several people asked "Um, what?", with no real answer. So I said fug it, lets make it about bean dip and guacamole doritos! Seems everyone can agree on that. But I am now way into this Merengue dance. I'm not sure if I am swinging my A*s far enough out though. How am I doing Brad?