New member
- Was it easy for you to get pregnant?
No we did 6 rounds clomid and femara with ovidrel that did not work then discovered it was most part due to DH's sperm morphology. We were successful after our first IVF.
- How were your PFT's before getting pregnant?
Excellent. 93%
- Did you get sick during your pregnancy? Did you have to go on IV's during youre pregnancy?
Yes at 7months.
- Were you able to take all your medications while pregnant? If not, which ones did you have to stop taking?
I stopped taking zithromax by my own choice for the first trimester. Evertyhgin else was fine I take zyrtec singulair advair TOBI pumozyme albuterol xopenex
- Did your health/PFT's worsen while pregnant?
just the normal amount most pregnant womans woudl toward end a bit when I was sick and on IVs but not much
- How was your delivery? Did you have to do anything special while you were in labor?
Complicated but not due to cf. Had emergency csection due to the baby position beign stuck in canal.
- How was your health after having the baby?
better than ever, I take myhealh more seriously now I think I was in a bit of denail before and didnt do stuff regularly. Now my PFTs are 97% and it is first eyar I was not hospitilized in feb/mar.
congratulations to you and good luck!
No we did 6 rounds clomid and femara with ovidrel that did not work then discovered it was most part due to DH's sperm morphology. We were successful after our first IVF.
- How were your PFT's before getting pregnant?
Excellent. 93%
- Did you get sick during your pregnancy? Did you have to go on IV's during youre pregnancy?
Yes at 7months.
- Were you able to take all your medications while pregnant? If not, which ones did you have to stop taking?
I stopped taking zithromax by my own choice for the first trimester. Evertyhgin else was fine I take zyrtec singulair advair TOBI pumozyme albuterol xopenex
- Did your health/PFT's worsen while pregnant?
just the normal amount most pregnant womans woudl toward end a bit when I was sick and on IVs but not much
- How was your delivery? Did you have to do anything special while you were in labor?
Complicated but not due to cf. Had emergency csection due to the baby position beign stuck in canal.
- How was your health after having the baby?
better than ever, I take myhealh more seriously now I think I was in a bit of denail before and didnt do stuff regularly. Now my PFTs are 97% and it is first eyar I was not hospitilized in feb/mar.
congratulations to you and good luck!