Thinking about pregnancy


New member

This is the first time I've posted on here, I'm Siobhan, from England. Am 23 with CF.

My partner is just waiting for his appointment to come through to be tested to see if he is a carrier. Once he's been tested (and is ok, hopefully) we want to try for a baby as soon as poss. My FEV1 latest was 66% so I know its just over what the docs like to aim for, and I want to be pregnant while it is this high. I just want some advice really on what you other guys did to help get pregnant, and extra meds you take, anything different at all really that you feel helped in getting pregnant.

Annoyingly I also only have one fallopian tube, when I was 16 I had a cyst and they had the remove one tube (but not the ovaries). But I've looked it up and it says it is possible to get pregnant with one tube (probably just making it even harder for myself as I have CF as well!!)

Look forward to hearing from you, this forum seems really helpful, have been flicking through other posts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Siobhan x


New member

This is the first time I've posted on here, I'm Siobhan, from England. Am 23 with CF.

My partner is just waiting for his appointment to come through to be tested to see if he is a carrier. Once he's been tested (and is ok, hopefully) we want to try for a baby as soon as poss. My FEV1 latest was 66% so I know its just over what the docs like to aim for, and I want to be pregnant while it is this high. I just want some advice really on what you other guys did to help get pregnant, and extra meds you take, anything different at all really that you feel helped in getting pregnant.

Annoyingly I also only have one fallopian tube, when I was 16 I had a cyst and they had the remove one tube (but not the ovaries). But I've looked it up and it says it is possible to get pregnant with one tube (probably just making it even harder for myself as I have CF as well!!)

Look forward to hearing from you, this forum seems really helpful, have been flicking through other posts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Siobhan x


New member

This is the first time I've posted on here, I'm Siobhan, from England. Am 23 with CF.

My partner is just waiting for his appointment to come through to be tested to see if he is a carrier. Once he's been tested (and is ok, hopefully) we want to try for a baby as soon as poss. My FEV1 latest was 66% so I know its just over what the docs like to aim for, and I want to be pregnant while it is this high. I just want some advice really on what you other guys did to help get pregnant, and extra meds you take, anything different at all really that you feel helped in getting pregnant.

Annoyingly I also only have one fallopian tube, when I was 16 I had a cyst and they had the remove one tube (but not the ovaries). But I've looked it up and it says it is possible to get pregnant with one tube (probably just making it even harder for myself as I have CF as well!!)

Look forward to hearing from you, this forum seems really helpful, have been flicking through other posts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Siobhan x


New member

This is the first time I've posted on here, I'm Siobhan, from England. Am 23 with CF.

My partner is just waiting for his appointment to come through to be tested to see if he is a carrier. Once he's been tested (and is ok, hopefully) we want to try for a baby as soon as poss. My FEV1 latest was 66% so I know its just over what the docs like to aim for, and I want to be pregnant while it is this high. I just want some advice really on what you other guys did to help get pregnant, and extra meds you take, anything different at all really that you feel helped in getting pregnant.

Annoyingly I also only have one fallopian tube, when I was 16 I had a cyst and they had the remove one tube (but not the ovaries). But I've looked it up and it says it is possible to get pregnant with one tube (probably just making it even harder for myself as I have CF as well!!)

Look forward to hearing from you, this forum seems really helpful, have been flicking through other posts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Siobhan x


New member

This is the first time I've posted on here, I'm Siobhan, from England. Am 23 with CF.

My partner is just waiting for his appointment to come through to be tested to see if he is a carrier. Once he's been tested (and is ok, hopefully) we want to try for a baby as soon as poss. My FEV1 latest was 66% so I know its just over what the docs like to aim for, and I want to be pregnant while it is this high. I just want some advice really on what you other guys did to help get pregnant, and extra meds you take, anything different at all really that you feel helped in getting pregnant.

Annoyingly I also only have one fallopian tube, when I was 16 I had a cyst and they had the remove one tube (but not the ovaries). But I've looked it up and it says it is possible to get pregnant with one tube (probably just making it even harder for myself as I have CF as well!!)

Look forward to hearing from you, this forum seems really helpful, have been flicking through other posts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">)

Siobhan x


New member
Hi Siobhan,

Welcome! I think you'll find this website very helpful with your pregnancy questions. A lot of CF women on here have gotten pregnant naturally and some haev had to use things like IUI or IVF.

Some of the other girls on here will have some great advice on things that helped them conceive naturally. I think it would be helpful for you to know which side is your "good" side so that you try harder to get pregnant when that side is releasing the egg. Have you seen a fertility expert or anything yet? They'll be able to tell you by u/s which side is releasing an egg during which month. They also might want to do an HSG test just to make sure everything is ok with your other side.

Again, welcome!


New member
Hi Siobhan,

Welcome! I think you'll find this website very helpful with your pregnancy questions. A lot of CF women on here have gotten pregnant naturally and some haev had to use things like IUI or IVF.

Some of the other girls on here will have some great advice on things that helped them conceive naturally. I think it would be helpful for you to know which side is your "good" side so that you try harder to get pregnant when that side is releasing the egg. Have you seen a fertility expert or anything yet? They'll be able to tell you by u/s which side is releasing an egg during which month. They also might want to do an HSG test just to make sure everything is ok with your other side.

Again, welcome!


New member
Hi Siobhan,

Welcome! I think you'll find this website very helpful with your pregnancy questions. A lot of CF women on here have gotten pregnant naturally and some haev had to use things like IUI or IVF.

Some of the other girls on here will have some great advice on things that helped them conceive naturally. I think it would be helpful for you to know which side is your "good" side so that you try harder to get pregnant when that side is releasing the egg. Have you seen a fertility expert or anything yet? They'll be able to tell you by u/s which side is releasing an egg during which month. They also might want to do an HSG test just to make sure everything is ok with your other side.

Again, welcome!


New member
Hi Siobhan,

Welcome! I think you'll find this website very helpful with your pregnancy questions. A lot of CF women on here have gotten pregnant naturally and some haev had to use things like IUI or IVF.

Some of the other girls on here will have some great advice on things that helped them conceive naturally. I think it would be helpful for you to know which side is your "good" side so that you try harder to get pregnant when that side is releasing the egg. Have you seen a fertility expert or anything yet? They'll be able to tell you by u/s which side is releasing an egg during which month. They also might want to do an HSG test just to make sure everything is ok with your other side.

Again, welcome!


New member
Hi Siobhan,

Welcome! I think you'll find this website very helpful with your pregnancy questions. A lot of CF women on here have gotten pregnant naturally and some haev had to use things like IUI or IVF.

Some of the other girls on here will have some great advice on things that helped them conceive naturally. I think it would be helpful for you to know which side is your "good" side so that you try harder to get pregnant when that side is releasing the egg. Have you seen a fertility expert or anything yet? They'll be able to tell you by u/s which side is releasing an egg during which month. They also might want to do an HSG test just to make sure everything is ok with your other side.

Again, welcome!


New member

You are beginning the journey, how exciting! My husband and I were in your shoes last summer and I had a similar FEV1. He went through Ambry testing to find out he is not a carrier, and we started trying in October, and I found out I was pregnanct two weeks ago. It is different for everyone it seems. I think a positve mindset is key. I didn't dwell and anticipate on having problems, I expected not to, and here we are pregnanct shortly after trying. I think perspective is so huge with our health circumstances. If I can give any advice, it would be to RELAX, enjoy trying, and don't over think things. Believe you are healthy and the one tube you have will produce a healthy egg and don't let yourself get bogged down with 'what if'. By our third cycle trying I relaxed alot and just decided we would get pregnant at the right time, and that was the cycle I conceived.

I was on and am on Advair, Pulmozyme and HTS. I just started Zithro MWF for the pregnancy. I wish you the absolute best!



New member

You are beginning the journey, how exciting! My husband and I were in your shoes last summer and I had a similar FEV1. He went through Ambry testing to find out he is not a carrier, and we started trying in October, and I found out I was pregnanct two weeks ago. It is different for everyone it seems. I think a positve mindset is key. I didn't dwell and anticipate on having problems, I expected not to, and here we are pregnanct shortly after trying. I think perspective is so huge with our health circumstances. If I can give any advice, it would be to RELAX, enjoy trying, and don't over think things. Believe you are healthy and the one tube you have will produce a healthy egg and don't let yourself get bogged down with 'what if'. By our third cycle trying I relaxed alot and just decided we would get pregnant at the right time, and that was the cycle I conceived.

I was on and am on Advair, Pulmozyme and HTS. I just started Zithro MWF for the pregnancy. I wish you the absolute best!



New member

You are beginning the journey, how exciting! My husband and I were in your shoes last summer and I had a similar FEV1. He went through Ambry testing to find out he is not a carrier, and we started trying in October, and I found out I was pregnanct two weeks ago. It is different for everyone it seems. I think a positve mindset is key. I didn't dwell and anticipate on having problems, I expected not to, and here we are pregnanct shortly after trying. I think perspective is so huge with our health circumstances. If I can give any advice, it would be to RELAX, enjoy trying, and don't over think things. Believe you are healthy and the one tube you have will produce a healthy egg and don't let yourself get bogged down with 'what if'. By our third cycle trying I relaxed alot and just decided we would get pregnant at the right time, and that was the cycle I conceived.

I was on and am on Advair, Pulmozyme and HTS. I just started Zithro MWF for the pregnancy. I wish you the absolute best!



New member

You are beginning the journey, how exciting! My husband and I were in your shoes last summer and I had a similar FEV1. He went through Ambry testing to find out he is not a carrier, and we started trying in October, and I found out I was pregnanct two weeks ago. It is different for everyone it seems. I think a positve mindset is key. I didn't dwell and anticipate on having problems, I expected not to, and here we are pregnanct shortly after trying. I think perspective is so huge with our health circumstances. If I can give any advice, it would be to RELAX, enjoy trying, and don't over think things. Believe you are healthy and the one tube you have will produce a healthy egg and don't let yourself get bogged down with 'what if'. By our third cycle trying I relaxed alot and just decided we would get pregnant at the right time, and that was the cycle I conceived.

I was on and am on Advair, Pulmozyme and HTS. I just started Zithro MWF for the pregnancy. I wish you the absolute best!



New member

You are beginning the journey, how exciting! My husband and I were in your shoes last summer and I had a similar FEV1. He went through Ambry testing to find out he is not a carrier, and we started trying in October, and I found out I was pregnanct two weeks ago. It is different for everyone it seems. I think a positve mindset is key. I didn't dwell and anticipate on having problems, I expected not to, and here we are pregnanct shortly after trying. I think perspective is so huge with our health circumstances. If I can give any advice, it would be to RELAX, enjoy trying, and don't over think things. Believe you are healthy and the one tube you have will produce a healthy egg and don't let yourself get bogged down with 'what if'. By our third cycle trying I relaxed alot and just decided we would get pregnant at the right time, and that was the cycle I conceived.

I was on and am on Advair, Pulmozyme and HTS. I just started Zithro MWF for the pregnancy. I wish you the absolute best!



Welcome! I'll tell you what I believe helped me get pregnant. I have been pregnant 3 times now but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the Fall (not related to CF - miscarriages just happen - to lots of women)

First, do you chart your fertility signs? That would be my first step. Go to to use their free online charting software. You need to get a basal body thermometer (a regular thermometer isn't sensitive enough) and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed (and preferably at the same time every morning). You will notice a pattern in your chart - when you ovulate your temperature will rise. This can be used to confirm ovulation and help you learn if your cycle is healthy. Also watch out for fertile cervical fluid right before ovulation (it is described as being like egg whites). I usually use ovulation predictor tests along with charting and you can buy them very cheap on the internet (they're not very cheap in the stores). To help the cervical fluid issue, you can use a product called "pre-seed". It is a special lubricant made for conceiving and it mimics fertile cervical fluid. It is expensive but you only need it a few times each cycle since you use it around ovulation time. When I got a positive reading on my OPK I would use the pre-seed for a day or 2 since I don't make good cervical fluid. I also took Mucinex (active ingredient is guaifenesin) to help thin cervical fluid. Oh and ALL other lubricants KILL sperm and will inhibit TTC so don't use anything except pre-seed. Just FYI <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can go to to get more information.

With my first, I had just finished up a course of IV meds and ovulated a few days later and that is when I got pregnant. I think that the meds helped thin my cervical fluid and that is what did the trick. I had been charting for 4 cycles before conceiving. With my second pregnancy, I had been charting for about 6 months (though we were only TTC 1 month) and I used the Mucinex, pre-seed, and an herb called Vitex which helps to regulate your cycle. That pregnancy ended at 7 weeks and we started TTC right away. It took another month and then we were pregnant again - same routine as before. This time the baby stuck and we're expecting in August.

Since you are only working with the 1 tube I would agree with Leah that maybe you could get your ovaries monitored with ultrasound so you know which months are your best shot.

And I agree with Jen - try to RELAX during the whole process. I like being in control and knowing as much as I can so taking all those steps (charting, OPKs, supplements, etc) actually helped me to stay relaxed because I knew I was doing everything I could. But someone else might find it overwhelming and stressful. Stress can inhibit conception so staying as stress free as possible can only help.

My FEV 1 is about the same as yours and hasn't changed in several years. I was pretty healthy during my pregnancy with Logan though I did do IVs once. My asthma gets very bad in pregnancy though - it happens to 1/3 of women with asthma. So that is something to watch out for if you have asthma.


Welcome! I'll tell you what I believe helped me get pregnant. I have been pregnant 3 times now but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the Fall (not related to CF - miscarriages just happen - to lots of women)

First, do you chart your fertility signs? That would be my first step. Go to to use their free online charting software. You need to get a basal body thermometer (a regular thermometer isn't sensitive enough) and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed (and preferably at the same time every morning). You will notice a pattern in your chart - when you ovulate your temperature will rise. This can be used to confirm ovulation and help you learn if your cycle is healthy. Also watch out for fertile cervical fluid right before ovulation (it is described as being like egg whites). I usually use ovulation predictor tests along with charting and you can buy them very cheap on the internet (they're not very cheap in the stores). To help the cervical fluid issue, you can use a product called "pre-seed". It is a special lubricant made for conceiving and it mimics fertile cervical fluid. It is expensive but you only need it a few times each cycle since you use it around ovulation time. When I got a positive reading on my OPK I would use the pre-seed for a day or 2 since I don't make good cervical fluid. I also took Mucinex (active ingredient is guaifenesin) to help thin cervical fluid. Oh and ALL other lubricants KILL sperm and will inhibit TTC so don't use anything except pre-seed. Just FYI <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can go to to get more information.

With my first, I had just finished up a course of IV meds and ovulated a few days later and that is when I got pregnant. I think that the meds helped thin my cervical fluid and that is what did the trick. I had been charting for 4 cycles before conceiving. With my second pregnancy, I had been charting for about 6 months (though we were only TTC 1 month) and I used the Mucinex, pre-seed, and an herb called Vitex which helps to regulate your cycle. That pregnancy ended at 7 weeks and we started TTC right away. It took another month and then we were pregnant again - same routine as before. This time the baby stuck and we're expecting in August.

Since you are only working with the 1 tube I would agree with Leah that maybe you could get your ovaries monitored with ultrasound so you know which months are your best shot.

And I agree with Jen - try to RELAX during the whole process. I like being in control and knowing as much as I can so taking all those steps (charting, OPKs, supplements, etc) actually helped me to stay relaxed because I knew I was doing everything I could. But someone else might find it overwhelming and stressful. Stress can inhibit conception so staying as stress free as possible can only help.

My FEV 1 is about the same as yours and hasn't changed in several years. I was pretty healthy during my pregnancy with Logan though I did do IVs once. My asthma gets very bad in pregnancy though - it happens to 1/3 of women with asthma. So that is something to watch out for if you have asthma.


Welcome! I'll tell you what I believe helped me get pregnant. I have been pregnant 3 times now but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the Fall (not related to CF - miscarriages just happen - to lots of women)

First, do you chart your fertility signs? That would be my first step. Go to to use their free online charting software. You need to get a basal body thermometer (a regular thermometer isn't sensitive enough) and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed (and preferably at the same time every morning). You will notice a pattern in your chart - when you ovulate your temperature will rise. This can be used to confirm ovulation and help you learn if your cycle is healthy. Also watch out for fertile cervical fluid right before ovulation (it is described as being like egg whites). I usually use ovulation predictor tests along with charting and you can buy them very cheap on the internet (they're not very cheap in the stores). To help the cervical fluid issue, you can use a product called "pre-seed". It is a special lubricant made for conceiving and it mimics fertile cervical fluid. It is expensive but you only need it a few times each cycle since you use it around ovulation time. When I got a positive reading on my OPK I would use the pre-seed for a day or 2 since I don't make good cervical fluid. I also took Mucinex (active ingredient is guaifenesin) to help thin cervical fluid. Oh and ALL other lubricants KILL sperm and will inhibit TTC so don't use anything except pre-seed. Just FYI <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can go to to get more information.

With my first, I had just finished up a course of IV meds and ovulated a few days later and that is when I got pregnant. I think that the meds helped thin my cervical fluid and that is what did the trick. I had been charting for 4 cycles before conceiving. With my second pregnancy, I had been charting for about 6 months (though we were only TTC 1 month) and I used the Mucinex, pre-seed, and an herb called Vitex which helps to regulate your cycle. That pregnancy ended at 7 weeks and we started TTC right away. It took another month and then we were pregnant again - same routine as before. This time the baby stuck and we're expecting in August.

Since you are only working with the 1 tube I would agree with Leah that maybe you could get your ovaries monitored with ultrasound so you know which months are your best shot.

And I agree with Jen - try to RELAX during the whole process. I like being in control and knowing as much as I can so taking all those steps (charting, OPKs, supplements, etc) actually helped me to stay relaxed because I knew I was doing everything I could. But someone else might find it overwhelming and stressful. Stress can inhibit conception so staying as stress free as possible can only help.

My FEV 1 is about the same as yours and hasn't changed in several years. I was pretty healthy during my pregnancy with Logan though I did do IVs once. My asthma gets very bad in pregnancy though - it happens to 1/3 of women with asthma. So that is something to watch out for if you have asthma.


Welcome! I'll tell you what I believe helped me get pregnant. I have been pregnant 3 times now but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the Fall (not related to CF - miscarriages just happen - to lots of women)

First, do you chart your fertility signs? That would be my first step. Go to to use their free online charting software. You need to get a basal body thermometer (a regular thermometer isn't sensitive enough) and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed (and preferably at the same time every morning). You will notice a pattern in your chart - when you ovulate your temperature will rise. This can be used to confirm ovulation and help you learn if your cycle is healthy. Also watch out for fertile cervical fluid right before ovulation (it is described as being like egg whites). I usually use ovulation predictor tests along with charting and you can buy them very cheap on the internet (they're not very cheap in the stores). To help the cervical fluid issue, you can use a product called "pre-seed". It is a special lubricant made for conceiving and it mimics fertile cervical fluid. It is expensive but you only need it a few times each cycle since you use it around ovulation time. When I got a positive reading on my OPK I would use the pre-seed for a day or 2 since I don't make good cervical fluid. I also took Mucinex (active ingredient is guaifenesin) to help thin cervical fluid. Oh and ALL other lubricants KILL sperm and will inhibit TTC so don't use anything except pre-seed. Just FYI <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can go to to get more information.

With my first, I had just finished up a course of IV meds and ovulated a few days later and that is when I got pregnant. I think that the meds helped thin my cervical fluid and that is what did the trick. I had been charting for 4 cycles before conceiving. With my second pregnancy, I had been charting for about 6 months (though we were only TTC 1 month) and I used the Mucinex, pre-seed, and an herb called Vitex which helps to regulate your cycle. That pregnancy ended at 7 weeks and we started TTC right away. It took another month and then we were pregnant again - same routine as before. This time the baby stuck and we're expecting in August.

Since you are only working with the 1 tube I would agree with Leah that maybe you could get your ovaries monitored with ultrasound so you know which months are your best shot.

And I agree with Jen - try to RELAX during the whole process. I like being in control and knowing as much as I can so taking all those steps (charting, OPKs, supplements, etc) actually helped me to stay relaxed because I knew I was doing everything I could. But someone else might find it overwhelming and stressful. Stress can inhibit conception so staying as stress free as possible can only help.

My FEV 1 is about the same as yours and hasn't changed in several years. I was pretty healthy during my pregnancy with Logan though I did do IVs once. My asthma gets very bad in pregnancy though - it happens to 1/3 of women with asthma. So that is something to watch out for if you have asthma.


Welcome! I'll tell you what I believe helped me get pregnant. I have been pregnant 3 times now but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the Fall (not related to CF - miscarriages just happen - to lots of women)

First, do you chart your fertility signs? That would be my first step. Go to to use their free online charting software. You need to get a basal body thermometer (a regular thermometer isn't sensitive enough) and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed (and preferably at the same time every morning). You will notice a pattern in your chart - when you ovulate your temperature will rise. This can be used to confirm ovulation and help you learn if your cycle is healthy. Also watch out for fertile cervical fluid right before ovulation (it is described as being like egg whites). I usually use ovulation predictor tests along with charting and you can buy them very cheap on the internet (they're not very cheap in the stores). To help the cervical fluid issue, you can use a product called "pre-seed". It is a special lubricant made for conceiving and it mimics fertile cervical fluid. It is expensive but you only need it a few times each cycle since you use it around ovulation time. When I got a positive reading on my OPK I would use the pre-seed for a day or 2 since I don't make good cervical fluid. I also took Mucinex (active ingredient is guaifenesin) to help thin cervical fluid. Oh and ALL other lubricants KILL sperm and will inhibit TTC so don't use anything except pre-seed. Just FYI <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You can go to to get more information.

With my first, I had just finished up a course of IV meds and ovulated a few days later and that is when I got pregnant. I think that the meds helped thin my cervical fluid and that is what did the trick. I had been charting for 4 cycles before conceiving. With my second pregnancy, I had been charting for about 6 months (though we were only TTC 1 month) and I used the Mucinex, pre-seed, and an herb called Vitex which helps to regulate your cycle. That pregnancy ended at 7 weeks and we started TTC right away. It took another month and then we were pregnant again - same routine as before. This time the baby stuck and we're expecting in August.

Since you are only working with the 1 tube I would agree with Leah that maybe you could get your ovaries monitored with ultrasound so you know which months are your best shot.

And I agree with Jen - try to RELAX during the whole process. I like being in control and knowing as much as I can so taking all those steps (charting, OPKs, supplements, etc) actually helped me to stay relaxed because I knew I was doing everything I could. But someone else might find it overwhelming and stressful. Stress can inhibit conception so staying as stress free as possible can only help.

My FEV 1 is about the same as yours and hasn't changed in several years. I was pretty healthy during my pregnancy with Logan though I did do IVs once. My asthma gets very bad in pregnancy though - it happens to 1/3 of women with asthma. So that is something to watch out for if you have asthma.