Thinking of Allie, Jess (Allansgirl) and everyone else


New member

I just wanted to let Allie and Jess know that I have been praying/thinking about you both today.. I know this is hard being that this is your first Holiday without your CFer..... Know that you are loved, thought of, and appreciated for all that you have done and all that you do.

I know that you are not religious.. believe it or not neither am I.. (not in the way you would think) but at church tonight.. I went..feeling defeated once again about yet another bad dr appointment day and something I walked away with was that it is impossible to be bitter when you are being thankful...believe me I was not in a Thankful mood, but since it was my Pastor who is more of a father to me then I can say.. I really tried to come up with things that I am thankful for.... and you know what it worked.. I have lots to be thankful for, mainly the ppl in my life... and this year though I to have lost ppl I love I was able to count knowing them in my blessings..... It turned my mood around...

Anyway, just wanted everyone who is facing this holiday without the loved one they once had to know I was thinking of them.......

Lots of Hugs and support,



Thank you for sharing that, Jennifer.

I know (from the posts) you have been going through a lot, and am glad you can see so many things to be thankful for (I know it can be tough, sometimes).

I too, have been thinking of Allie, Jess, and Allan. When I entered this forum, I wasn't aware of Allie's loss for a while, but when I finally did realize, my heart felt for her (I was really empathetic towards her). I had also gone through a bit of worry in regards to the loss of Allan, when I first heard his health had dropped drastically. After realizing what kind of special person he was, I hoped to understand him more, but was lost for words when he passed. I guess his passing, and the recolletion of a few others I knew with CF during my early years who passed, had brought back those feelings.

In Addition, it has been a year since my favorite uncle had passed, and I never thought I would never see him again, until I heard the news, which ended up taking two weeks after his death to hear. It hit me pretty hard, but, on top of that, there were others I knew that also passed throughout this entire year.

I really hope that with the consultation and knowlege from your doctors appointment, you can get your treatment, soon. With perhaps, a little "Emily65Roses" laughter medicine; you take that once a day; you'll be better in no time (as long as her laughter doesn't cause you to gasp on your soft drinks!)

Hugs, and the best I can do for support,


New member
Thanks guys. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'm sure I'll get through it, just take it an hour at a time, as it were. You guys have always been great to me.

Jennifer, I went to temple tonight, and was having the same struggle with life that you seem to be. I'm so glad church helped you turn it around.

I hope you two have a wonderful thanksgiving!


Jennifer, Fred, and everyone else who has been thinking of are so sweet. Thank you for caring. Allie's right about taking it an hour at a time, and I'll get through it, too. (((hugs to both of you, too.)))



New member
I am thinking and praying for you guys today! I know its hard, but you'll pull through!
Make the best of it.



New member
I too was thinking of you, Allie and Allans girl and am keeping you in my prayers.

I hope everyone has a great Turkey day. Gobble Gobble



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice to hoard them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
Hello Allans Girl...

I know that this must be a very difficult time for you...

A time of reflecting...of the good times...and the bittersweet...

I just wanted you to know that I...along with many others...are thinking about you today...and praying for you too!!

You and Allan have been an inspiration to me...and I feel that I will never be the same again...seeing how brave you both have been...and coming to understand the meaning of love...and support...and compassion...

Thank you...for being an inspiration...and an example of how to love...unconditonally!!

With Love...Chloe


New member
During my family's dinner yesterday I had the privilage of saying Grace. I included Win Ace & Ry along with all of my fellow CF families in it. Between my health issues and the losses this year, I felt a greater need to remind my family how precious every day is. I discussed this with Allie that its important to know neither of their deaths were in vain. Everyone learns from it and the continued involvement of Jess & Allie with us is healthy for all parties!


New member
You guys know me too well. I was going to make a little joke about "at least you don't have to cook as much food this year" then thought it in bad taste, so I Xed out the box. Haha. But yeah, in all seriousness (I am capable of seriousness, I swear!) I hope you guys will do okay through your first holidays minus Ryan, Allan, and whoever else is missing a loved one. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i><br>You guys know me too well. I was going to make a little joke about "at least you don't have to cook as much food this year" then thought it in bad taste, so I Xed out the box. Haha.<hr></blockquote>

I laughed. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> That's exactly the kind of joke that Allan would have made (well, that or a joke that would make me blush horribly. He was good at that.)


New member
I laughed too. Sometimes the only sense of humor worth having in these situations is a morbid one lol. Like when Ry told me that with the money we'd save with him not being around, I could take Ahava to Disneyworld. no worries, Em <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thank you all again for thinking of means a lot, really.