This is a little weird....


New member
...but I have to ask. I saw White Noise when it was in theaters. And I bought it today and just watched it again. Mike and I took a "ghost hunting" class with my mom, my aunt and uncle, and my sister. I'm finding myself terribly interested in EVPs. EVP = Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Just a quick explanation... EVP is when you record white noise (a fan, running water, but most often it's TV or radio static) and then when you play it back, it has unexplained voices on it. They're often hard to hear, and only whispers. You have to listen closely and it helps to use software to then get rid of some of that white noise you used to record the voice in the first place, in order to understand it.

Now I know a lot of people think this stuff is bogus, and that's fine. But for those of you who don't or even just wonder about it... I'm just curious: Has anyone here had any success with EVPs in contacting dead loved ones? Has anyone maybe contacted a dead CFer? Just curious. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I have never tried to do this but I totally believe in other worldly stuff and I believe in life after this one and people try to contact us from the other side. It is so interesting!
Good for you to have enough guts to post this here.


New member

Ghost stories, you got to love'em, as long as you don't live with them.

I totally believe, why not. Animals are the ones' to watch when strange things don't quite seem right.

I had a ghost in an apartment I rented. It screwed arond with my electricity, radio, and that all so fun cold room that you just don't want to go into.

My cats behavior changed dramatically. They slept underneathe the covers on the time, which they never did before. There is a lot more details to this story, but ultimately one morning round 630 am, i was going to be leaving for work and in the cold room it sounded like either someone was opening and shutting my blinds, or taking something up and down on them. My cat stared right into the dark room, hair standing up on his back and eyes wide open. I went and looked, like an idiot, and there was nothing of course. It happened when my radio was on, and my radio was acting strangly, difficult tuning in. Finally, amoung other strange things that were occuring, one evening I was talking to a friend on the phone. By this time, all my lights were on in my apartment after 9pm, that's when the energy picked-up to be very strange. Meaning: when someone enters the room and you are not facing them, you turn because you feel a presence, but there never was one.

Well, i was talking on the phone and suddenly my one cat was in the bathroom, and it looked like something was pushing him out of the bathroom. His hind legs were up a little and he meowed really loud, he was obviously upset. Then he and my other cat starting to dash jumping over one another and meowing like crazy from one end of my apartment to the next, at least a half a dozen times. Then as I was wondering what was going on....I turned around and two of my cupboards were opened, which were not before. The energy was so crazy. My friend on the other line could tell somelthing was up, because I swore on the fun, but I whispered it, and I said to her, "get over here right now." I slowly picked up my cell phone and keys and went out the door.

I felt really bad for leaving my cats in there while I was waiting for my friend, but what was I supposed to do. My cats freak at going outside. When my friend got there, we went in, and my little cat was so scared his eye's were bugging and in a stone position underneathe the covers. My other cat was meowing like crazy.

It took me a couple to three weeks to move out. I never slept there again because between my cats meowing around 3 am towards the cold room, and everything else, I said screw-it. If I was living with another person, I might had tried some "cleansing" ceremony I guess, I am not used to this, because well, i never lived with a ghost. But, I choose to leave. EVerytime I came home to pack, usually day time, and if it was dark out and past 9 (this was in late Oct-NOv) I would bring someone with me. But, now the ghost had me, and it new I was leaving. I tried not to be scared, but it was freaky as all get out. Well, everytime I came home, my cat who never hides would be under the bed. He would come out when I was there, and go right back under again. He was freaked. As soon as I got them out of there, moved into another apartment, there behavior went back to complete normal.

So, definitley I believe. Animals know what is going on. Before I moved out, I was always paying attention where my cats were and what they were doing.

The thing is with the cold room, the floors weren't, nor the walls..just the air. I used to work in a nursing home many moons ago, and whenever a resident passed-away, the room go overwhelming cold. Not the floor or windows, but the air.

there's my story in a nutshell... I never did figure out who the ghost was, but i felt a male presence. apparently more males flool around with electricty, just screwing around with the magnetic fields, and radios and such. Karmaically I wasn't suppose to be there I guess. It was crazy.

Tessa 27 w/cf


New member
i saw that film and it scared the hell out of me i dont let the tely or anything go stactic anymore cos i am scared someone will say soemthing to me hahahaha although i am a big beliver in ghosts as when i get ill i belivev my grandma visits me as i always seem to have very strange dreams about her when i am ill and i take it as signs but hey let me know how u get on with doing evps. from Jo <img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0">


New member
I think we've been a little curious about this all along, but since my brother was killed a few years ago in a violent accident, we feel like he's been trying to tell us that he's still out there and he's okay so our interest in EVPs and ghost hunting and other phenomenon has gotten immense. Keep trying Pete! We're listening !


New member
Many people in my family are visited by ghosts or what we think are angels. They come to my grandmother most often, and several very recently. She usually sees them in her bedroom. They have all been women dressed in white, each a different one. They appear and are SOLID then fade away. The other night, she was visited by a little girl who appeared standing on the dresser across the room. This has happened to her all her life and she was visited by her dead mother once.

My mom has seen glowing balls of light in her bed room and also a young black man in army fatigues.

I have yet to actually see someone, but I have had those feelings. I was staying in a hotel a few weeks ago alone. I woke up in the middle of the night, which I thought was odd because I wasn't coughing and hadn't had a bad dream or anything. As I was wondering why I woke up, the tv switched on and the remote was on the table across the room! I had left the light in the bathroom on and it felt so natural that someone was going to come walking out of there. I was sure I was going to see my first visitor.

I'll tell you what my family finds so odd is that when it happens, they aren't afraid or startled. You know when someone sneaks up on you and makes you jump? It's not like that at all.


New member
After reading all of this, I just want to say.....I hope I can sleep well tonight<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


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Em, I wanted to see white noise in theatres but just never made it. Is it a freaky movie-jumpy and all or just thought provoking, or a bit of both? I think I will add it to my netflix.



New member
Julie- I saw White Noise, and I don't recall leaving the theatre scared or anything, but it certainly wasn't a purely psychological suspense movie.


New member
Yeah well I'm an emotional movie dork, but... I cried at some parts (characters trying to reach their dead loved ones via EVP... when they failed, when they had success, etc). And then I jumped at some others. It's nothing that gave me nightmares, but given the bit of suspense, you are liable to jump a little every now and then. I just think the part of the story involving the more realistic sides of EVP (given that it's a movie, they do exaggerate and add for effect) is terribly interesting.


New member
I went and rented White Noise last night, I had to see what you were talking about! THe movie wasn't all that scary, I do have a tendency to jump out of my skin when I'm startled. The bonus materials on the DVD were very interesting and emotional. I would love to try EVP out and see what I can discover.