This is a response which I had to make easier to find.


New member
Hi everyone, my name is Rob. Im 23 w/cf, living in England, and this is the first time I have ever even looked on a cf website! Im really not sure why I have never looked before, but perhaps I didnt realise the full potential of this type of community support.To tell the truth I am lucky to be in very good health. I was diagnosed with cf at 8 months and have never really 'suffered' from it. I feel I am extremely furtunate. Before moving from the US to UK in 1993, I spent 12 days in hospital to get me up to 'peak' condition so the doctors could have a clear measurement to maintain my health at. Apart from then, I have never been hospitalised. But alas, I can empathise with most of what everyone has said in their messages here. I too sometimes feel torn between either hiding or expressing my illness to others, particularly those who are ignorant to it. Some people have never even heard of it!! Because I have been lucky enough to live my life without many distractions caused by cf, those close to me do not feel the severity of the illness. I make it clear how lucky I am... and sometimes they get sick to death of my positiveness!!!!I agree with all of you, in that having cf, certainly in my case, has been a blessing in disguise. And I really mean that! I look at my friends, my peers, the guys and girls who I have grown up with and who I have always inevitably compared myself to... and I see one huge difference. We are all able to have fun, party, play sports and pretty much do whatever we want in our lives (within reason of course ;-), but for me there has always been this fire inside that has propelled me to better myself and to inspire others around me. I see having cf not as a weakness or something debilitating in any respect, but rather as a fuel for my desire to get the most out of life. Because of my cf, I am more determined than anyone else I know. Not just to achieve longevity, but in outside achievements as well.I am currently doing a PhD, already have 2 degrees, been travelling to many places, played basketball for my respective universities for 3 years and have been blessed with many close friends (i.e. lots of partying!!). I sometimes ask myself if I would have all this without my cf? Would I be so determined to live life to the fullest, had a limitation not been put on my life (i.e. lower life expectancy)? Would I not have been so determined to maintain my health, had it not suffered like it has. My friends joke around with me and call me skinny... but then I show them my six-pack (and my huge appetite) and they are baffelled. I reckon its because of all the coughing!! You tense your stomach muscles for that long and its like a gym work-out!!My friends are a great bunch of people. I have made a real effort in the last few years to inform them of my cf... even though I could go on hiding it. At the moment (and hopefully for as long as I can blagg it!!), I am not doing any chest physio, iv's or inhalers or anything. I take medication with food, but really my sypmtoms are less severe than average. I am so thankful for that... and at no point do I ever feel annoyed or angry about my cf. At the end of the day, there is always something to look forward to, and something to be thankful for. I am privileged to be a healthy cf patient and I have only recently realised the potential of what I can do for the whole cf community. I feel inspired by everyone's words here and I want nothing more than to inspire others (those with cf, parents, doctors etc.).I would love to hear back from anyone... I am new to this forum but it is the best I have seen. I have never known anyone with cf, no cf friends or relatives with cf. In some ways I feel 'out of the loop'!!Love to you all,Rob


New member
rob that was a very well written statement, wish i had continued college like i wanted, unforntunately at that time i was going in and out of the hospital to much to worry about finals, and papers and such. anyway yeah my friends treat me the same way, they see me eat alot and never gain weight, and ask me why im so thin as well, and your right i think every cf'er that has a cough has a nice 6pack, my stomach is by far the most toned muscle on me. You are also right about us seeing things differently, I know i have alot more compassion for the elderly, and sick or disabled then most of my friends. Also i too want to strieve to do as much in life as possible, the only thing i feel I havent accomplished and prolly never will is being part of my own family. The longest relationship i was in was 3 years, and since that ended in 97, I havent dated or anything since. Im kinda content in my life with dealing with my health and my family. Ofcourse every cf'er has it different, and we all do our own thing, but its great to see a person with good health know how lucky they are and take advantage of it, I wish you the best and hope you do many great things in your life, god bless...