this is driving me insane



To me, this is the most difficult part of clinic appts...waiting for the culture results!

The girls had their appt on Thursday. Dr. thought we would have results by today so we can come up with a game plan for Kayla (who has an increased cough and PFTs are down from 113% in January to 94% last week). I realize that 90s are great, but it is the amount that she has dropped that is the concern. Plus she has only gained one pound since January.

So, today they said she has 'normal flora and MRSA'. Well, that is pretty much her normal. But they said that something else is 'growing' and it is not finished yet. So, we wait. I HATE waiting. It puts knots in my stomach. The clinic nurse said that the Dr. said it could be PA, mycrobacteria, etc...How long does it take some of these things to 'grow' PA, or the dreaded Cepacia (scare the you know what out of me...).

I am hating today. I am a nervous wreck. THis is the first time the results have not been back quickly. Ughhhh
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


To me, this is the most difficult part of clinic appts...waiting for the culture results!

The girls had their appt on Thursday. Dr. thought we would have results by today so we can come up with a game plan for Kayla (who has an increased cough and PFTs are down from 113% in January to 94% last week). I realize that 90s are great, but it is the amount that she has dropped that is the concern. Plus she has only gained one pound since January.

So, today they said she has 'normal flora and MRSA'. Well, that is pretty much her normal. But they said that something else is 'growing' and it is not finished yet. So, we wait. I HATE waiting. It puts knots in my stomach. The clinic nurse said that the Dr. said it could be PA, mycrobacteria, etc...How long does it take some of these things to 'grow' PA, or the dreaded Cepacia (scare the you know what out of me...).

I am hating today. I am a nervous wreck. THis is the first time the results have not been back quickly. Ughhhh
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


To me, this is the most difficult part of clinic appts...waiting for the culture results!

The girls had their appt on Thursday. Dr. thought we would have results by today so we can come up with a game plan for Kayla (who has an increased cough and PFTs are down from 113% in January to 94% last week). I realize that 90s are great, but it is the amount that she has dropped that is the concern. Plus she has only gained one pound since January.

So, today they said she has 'normal flora and MRSA'. Well, that is pretty much her normal. But they said that something else is 'growing' and it is not finished yet. So, we wait. I HATE waiting. It puts knots in my stomach. The clinic nurse said that the Dr. said it could be PA, mycrobacteria, etc...How long does it take some of these things to 'grow' PA, or the dreaded Cepacia (scare the you know what out of me...).

I am hating today. I am a nervous wreck. THis is the first time the results have not been back quickly. Ughhhh
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


To me, this is the most difficult part of clinic appts...waiting for the culture results!

The girls had their appt on Thursday. Dr. thought we would have results by today so we can come up with a game plan for Kayla (who has an increased cough and PFTs are down from 113% in January to 94% last week). I realize that 90s are great, but it is the amount that she has dropped that is the concern. Plus she has only gained one pound since January.

So, today they said she has 'normal flora and MRSA'. Well, that is pretty much her normal. But they said that something else is 'growing' and it is not finished yet. So, we wait. I HATE waiting. It puts knots in my stomach. The clinic nurse said that the Dr. said it could be PA, mycrobacteria, etc...How long does it take some of these things to 'grow' PA, or the dreaded Cepacia (scare the you know what out of me...).

I am hating today. I am a nervous wreck. THis is the first time the results have not been back quickly. Ughhhh
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


To me, this is the most difficult part of clinic appts...waiting for the culture results!
<br />
<br />The girls had their appt on Thursday. Dr. thought we would have results by today so we can come up with a game plan for Kayla (who has an increased cough and PFTs are down from 113% in January to 94% last week). I realize that 90s are great, but it is the amount that she has dropped that is the concern. Plus she has only gained one pound since January.
<br />
<br />So, today they said she has 'normal flora and MRSA'. Well, that is pretty much her normal. But they said that something else is 'growing' and it is not finished yet. So, we wait. I HATE waiting. It puts knots in my stomach. The clinic nurse said that the Dr. said it could be PA, mycrobacteria, etc...How long does it take some of these things to 'grow' PA, or the dreaded Cepacia (scare the you know what out of me...).
<br />
<br />I am hating today. I am a nervous wreck. THis is the first time the results have not been back quickly. Ughhhh
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


I have no words of wisdom, Tammy, just big cyber hugs. I hope you get quick answers and that she is growing something that is antibiotic sensitive and gone quickly. I hope whatever it is that the meds help her PFTs to bounce back up.


I have no words of wisdom, Tammy, just big cyber hugs. I hope you get quick answers and that she is growing something that is antibiotic sensitive and gone quickly. I hope whatever it is that the meds help her PFTs to bounce back up.


I have no words of wisdom, Tammy, just big cyber hugs. I hope you get quick answers and that she is growing something that is antibiotic sensitive and gone quickly. I hope whatever it is that the meds help her PFTs to bounce back up.


I have no words of wisdom, Tammy, just big cyber hugs. I hope you get quick answers and that she is growing something that is antibiotic sensitive and gone quickly. I hope whatever it is that the meds help her PFTs to bounce back up.


I have no words of wisdom, Tammy, just big cyber hugs. I hope you get quick answers and that she is growing something that is antibiotic sensitive and gone quickly. I hope whatever it is that the meds help her PFTs to bounce back up.


New member
I'm not sure about all bacteria, but I know most will grow in about 48hrs. Yeast and mold can take about a week or more, so that might be it. Hope you get those answers soon though... waiting is the worst!


New member
I'm not sure about all bacteria, but I know most will grow in about 48hrs. Yeast and mold can take about a week or more, so that might be it. Hope you get those answers soon though... waiting is the worst!


New member
I'm not sure about all bacteria, but I know most will grow in about 48hrs. Yeast and mold can take about a week or more, so that might be it. Hope you get those answers soon though... waiting is the worst!


New member
I'm not sure about all bacteria, but I know most will grow in about 48hrs. Yeast and mold can take about a week or more, so that might be it. Hope you get those answers soon though... waiting is the worst!


New member
I'm not sure about all bacteria, but I know most will grow in about 48hrs. Yeast and mold can take about a week or more, so that might be it. Hope you get those answers soon though... waiting is the worst!


New member
Most microbes will grow and give a positive result in as little as 12 hrs, it usually takes 24 hours for siginificant growth, and it should not take any more than 48 hrs (except for a few exceptions)for the organisms to reach critical mass. If this is a really slow grower, it might be a yeast or a fungus, as they can take several days to grow. I hope you get good news soon!



New member
Most microbes will grow and give a positive result in as little as 12 hrs, it usually takes 24 hours for siginificant growth, and it should not take any more than 48 hrs (except for a few exceptions)for the organisms to reach critical mass. If this is a really slow grower, it might be a yeast or a fungus, as they can take several days to grow. I hope you get good news soon!



New member
Most microbes will grow and give a positive result in as little as 12 hrs, it usually takes 24 hours for siginificant growth, and it should not take any more than 48 hrs (except for a few exceptions)for the organisms to reach critical mass. If this is a really slow grower, it might be a yeast or a fungus, as they can take several days to grow. I hope you get good news soon!



New member
Most microbes will grow and give a positive result in as little as 12 hrs, it usually takes 24 hours for siginificant growth, and it should not take any more than 48 hrs (except for a few exceptions)for the organisms to reach critical mass. If this is a really slow grower, it might be a yeast or a fungus, as they can take several days to grow. I hope you get good news soon!



New member
Most microbes will grow and give a positive result in as little as 12 hrs, it usually takes 24 hours for siginificant growth, and it should not take any more than 48 hrs (except for a few exceptions)for the organisms to reach critical mass. If this is a really slow grower, it might be a yeast or a fungus, as they can take several days to grow. I hope you get good news soon!
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<br />microgirl