This may be a silly question but..


New member
Ok, this may be a silly question but, thought I would ask anyways. When you have a port the port is metal right? Well if its metal do any of you get "harrassed" sort to say like when you go through metal detectors, like say at an airport? I am getting a port placed tomorrow, and am flying in March. So I was wondering what I had to look forward to, I guess. Just curious.



New member
Ok, this may be a silly question but, thought I would ask anyways. When you have a port the port is metal right? Well if its metal do any of you get "harrassed" sort to say like when you go through metal detectors, like say at an airport? I am getting a port placed tomorrow, and am flying in March. So I was wondering what I had to look forward to, I guess. Just curious.



New member
My son also has a port, never a problem, we did take paperwork from the doctor saying he had a port though just to cover our bases, Have fun.


New member
My son also has a port, never a problem, we did take paperwork from the doctor saying he had a port though just to cover our bases, Have fun.


New member
Its actually titanium and that doesnt send off signals for the metal detectors. I dont know why maybe its to different. I evn had my brother in law go over me with his really good metal detector and nothing. You shouldnt have any problems. But if your worried about it ask the doctor to write you a note. Some doctors give you a small card to carry in your wallet so if your in an accident or say like the airport its kinda proof of you have one and where its located. Even with the note and they still question it show them your scars and where its placed that wont leave any room to being suspisious.


New member
Its actually titanium and that doesnt send off signals for the metal detectors. I dont know why maybe its to different. I evn had my brother in law go over me with his really good metal detector and nothing. You shouldnt have any problems. But if your worried about it ask the doctor to write you a note. Some doctors give you a small card to carry in your wallet so if your in an accident or say like the airport its kinda proof of you have one and where its located. Even with the note and they still question it show them your scars and where its placed that wont leave any room to being suspisious.


New member
I just got mine in this month. They gave me a card to carry in my wallet.

I'm going on a trip in early March, so I'll let you know if I set off any alarms.

37 w/CF


New member
I just got mine in this month. They gave me a card to carry in my wallet.

I'm going on a trip in early March, so I'll let you know if I set off any alarms.

37 w/CF