Speaking for MYSELF ONLY I don't like Tobi or Pulmozyne. Reasons: Tobi tastes nasty but I can deal with taht and the extra coughing because it doesn't last long. But it seems that if I am on inhaled tobi for to long a period it doesn't work when I need it, when I have an infection. So I only take Tobi inhaled when I have an infection. Pulmo: I have taken it since it since I was about 11. It worked great then. Then about a few years ago it started to just be a waste of time. Then I started coughing up streaks of blood, my doctor said pulmo can cause this, but I think it was the tobi because the time i coughed up blood i was out of pulmo. Anyway. When I resummed the pulmo I still had blood streaking, still nothing bad to worry about. The streaking was caused by small vessels popping because I coughed so much and so hard after taking the pulmo. It seems as my asthma also became worse the pulmo made my asthma worse or flare up after a dose. I would take a dose of pulmo and feel even tighter before an albuterol treatment, sometimes so tight I could barely breath. Then because of the tightness my bodies reaction was to cough so I coughed a constant exhaling cough until my head felt like it would explode. Then I would have to take a huge deep breath in causing more coughing, thats how the vessels popped. And why I don't like pulmo. As with lots of people after using a medication for a while they can become resistant or even develop an allergy to it. Weird but true. My doctor is fine with me not taking the pulmo. He does however still want me to take it when in the hospital, I am under supervision and they can monitor dosing, like give me jsut half at a time or somthing. He says even though tobi and pulmo are great drugs, and I agree, they don't work for everyone and some people can build a resistance to them. I also know of a few CFers who don't like to take inhaled or iv tobi unless they have an infection and some only want to take it if its a bad infectiond for fear they may become resistant when they need it most. These are just personal opinions. I do not speak for anyone but myself, and I may repeat what others have told me but thats still jsut for those who think that way. I truely believe Tobi and Pulmo are wonderful drugs. AB