<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>albino15</b></i>
I live in the U.S
Have you ever heard the joke: If the U.S get's national health care where will all the Canadians go.
In the main stream media their pushing national health care.
I think that If we had National health care the price of health care would sky rocket because Government would eliminate competition therefore causeing taxes to continueusly increase.
There is no free lunch
we would all eventually become dependent witch is exactly what the lebrals want
and for all of you who agreed with the movie sicko, who ever thinks that Cuba has better health care is probobly crazy
So there's my two cents</end quote></div>
I respect your opinion, but where should I start?
#1 I guess i'll start with your own quotes: "Have you ever heard the joke: If the U.S get's national health care where will all the Canadians go."
It is very well known that our (the U.S.) health care is very high quality, *IF* you can afford it/have a decent job with a decent company that has a plan with private health insurance. Canada's system is based on a triage social system. Those demanding the most important care get bumped up, while those complaing of enflamed tonsils have to hang out a while. I hate to break it to you, but this takes place today, all the time, in modern for profit emergency rooms. It's called triage. It even happens on battlefields...All the time. Those Canadians of any semblance of financial fortitude who (in their mind) want their health care taken care of right away, they will come down here. Just like we have citizens here who aren't being looked after (in their mind), or more than likely don't have the means to care for themselves, go up north to Canada. You must remember in your partisan mind, everything is parity based. What one side does, is somewhat reflected by what the other side does. It's that whole physics thing <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
#2 "In the main stream media their pushing national health care."
I hate to break it to you, but "mainstream media" pushes everything. We turn on our TV's, regardless what entertainment/news we are looking for, we are inundated with complete capitalistic consumer based crap. Be it a new drug for restless leg syndrome, Viagra, the new teaser for 2 and 1/2 men, or the most recent promotional all you can eat at the Sizzler buffet...It's all mindless pap. Mixed with that pap is some form of actual information. You have CNN extremely leaning to the left, and then you have fox news extremely leaning to the right, MSNBC is far from impartial, but not as openly biased as the two previous sources I named. Our system is so broken, you/me/we aren't even sure what news we can trust. So while you say "they", who is the "they" that you are refering to? What are you watching? Who is the talking head of the hour? Also ask yourself, "Why would anyone be pushing anything?"....That in itself is a big first step to being a proper non-drone.
#3 "and for all of you who agreed with the movie sicko, who ever thinks that Cuba has better health care is probably crazy"
While I guess it could be said, that you stating that Cuban healthcare is the Achilles heel of the entire movie named Sicko, you are kind of missing the entire point of the production. We all (those of us with an education and a brain) understand that the Cuban reality is a flawed, failing reality for everyone. And they used this opportunity to try and make the rest of the world feel they were still fully functioning, and superior to us. To many this worked. What most if not all people (mostly the republicans/right leaning people) failed to realize isn't how they were able to just apparently paddle up to the shores of Cuba and get free health care...It was the fact that our own government (the U.S.) totally threw our veterans and rescue workers out to dry because they felt the need to be good humans and patriots in the rescue movement during and after 9/11. These people were treated like dog crap, and left to their own devices. The biggest American ideal is that of reciprocating care, loyalty, and understanding towards those who are heroes and help our citizens. In this instance, our country totally failed. It is *NOT* an issue of "Cuba is right and we are wrong", it's an issue of "Where are our priorities. Why are these rescue workers without health care, dying of COPD?".
#3 "I think that If we had National health care the price of health care would sky rocket because Government would eliminate competition therefore causeing taxes to continueusly increase."
The biggest part about that statement, needs to be reassessed. The part that starts off with "I think". What exactly do you think, and why? You think the same regurgitated pulp that the rest of us think. Constantly contrived, chewed up, and then fed to us like awaiting baby birds, with gaping maws. I have touched on this issue before. But do you have a postal service? Do you get your mail? Are you a half way responsible person who pays their bills in understandable time? Do you still get your mail? While we do indeed have Federal Express, and a few other competitiors...We had the United States Postal Service for a *VERY* long time before we had any form of competition. You know how bad/high taxes went up? Do you recall the social uproar called the "US Postal Service taxation riots of 1921?". Yeah, me neither. You know why? Because a governmental system based on necessity, and not on profit can indeed work. As long as that system realizes it needs to function properly in order to keep us as fat pudgy consumers, wanting to consume more, and in turn they have to supply us with our basic needs via financial correspondence, in order to keep us that way.
As has been said on here several times (including my own input), as long as health care is for profit, there will be inequities, where the general perceived moral and ethical laws will be slandered. People will be denied not based on need/doctors recommendation, they will be denied based on potentiality for decreased profit to it's share holders. As I have said countless times...If you want to find the real "bad guys", or a "reason" why something happened...Just follow the money...Who stood to financially benefit? If you use that rule of thumb, you will find so many sand spurs in your shoes, you will want to vomit from disgust. I know I did.
#4 "we would all eventually become dependent witch is exactly what the lebrals want"
I won't purposely correct the spelling, but liberals want what, and who told you this? Into Limbaugh, Hannity, Schnitt, Levin? (I could go on for a very long time illustrating partisan talking heads from each side of the coin, but admittedly, there aren't many hardcore lefties besides maybe 3...Colmes, Al Franken, Jeanine Garofalo...etc). How aren't we dependent now? Who do you rely upon? If you have CF you depend on a never ending stream of medications/inhalations/equipment/medical care. If you don't have CF and are here, it more than likely applies to someone who you know that suffers with this disease. You are thoroughly nursing on the mass media political teet.
Every single day that we are alive in this country (and it happens in other countries, but this country is the worst from what I have seen), we are constantly forced to fight each other. Like putting two beta fish in the same glass vase. You have the left side bashing the right side, then the right side bashing the left side. It never ends. Do you remember Nazi Germany? Do you remember how all Hitler needed was a common alienated foe to embolden people in one cause? Same crap, but pretend instead of one people, there are two factions representing all the people. That is what you have today. Dems hate the Repubs, Repubs hate the Dems. How long has this been going on? Better yet, when is this most apparent? It becomes the most inflamed when a major issue comes to light. Bill with Monica, Bush Jr. with Iraq. It's easy to exist if you have one focal point for your disdain.
But what if you didn't hate anyone? What if you actually took time to swallow your ego and get to know everyone else regardless of perceived differences? What if there were no Mason Dixon lines dividing society? Guess what? There would be less and less need for those who drive tanks, and tell us who our real boogie men really are. Think about it. Those who question inevitably are considered trouble makers. They endanger the mold which more consumers are born. And consuming = $$$$.