Those with DDF508 Mutation


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<br>I've been reading a LOT of these posts lately and saw another post which posed an interesting question.  How does fertility relate to your mutation?  I have been watching for someone with the DDF508 mutation to post that they have gotten pregnant without fertility treatments, but I have yet to see it.   It just seems like an interesting possible connection??  Just figured I would head this post with the question and see what responses I got.  Thank you!!!


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I've been meaning to reply to the other post, but since I'm a DDF508 I figured I'd just reply here. I was not able to conceive naturally. I charted my temps (which were always fine), used pre-seed, used ovulation predictor kits, and took mucinex. I did this for probably 6 months and then went on to the fertility docs. My OB said she would refer me after I tried for the 6 months on my own but felt I would ultimately need to go get help.

I did 6 IUIs. I also did accupuncture throughout that period. I did one natural, one with clomid, one with femara, one with femara and a few doses of injectables, and then straight injectables. My doc really took a lot of time with the meds because I really did not want to risk having multiples.

I wish I could tell you I did it on my own, but that wasn't my case.

Good luck!!! I hope you get you positive soon!


New member
As you know I am in the same boat as you mmurray so I am very curious as well as to the ability for DD508s to get pregnant naturally. My CF doc and OBs (I have seen a regular and a high risk) keep telling me I have to wait 12 months to see a specialist, but I see many of your docs let you see one in 6 months. I am kinda jealous!


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<P>I am 38 w/CF with the DDF508 mutation.  I conceived my daughter naturally, although it did take about a year.  We were trying and nothing was happening so we decided that we would quit stressing about it and wait for another time.  I became pregnant shortly after that!  I know it sounds strange, but the doctor told me that stress does play an important part in conceiving.  I was fairly "healthy" at the time as well.</P>
<P>Good Luck to you!</P>


New member
i also have DDF508 i tto proo conceived naturally , but i was where we wanted kids but not so much as right now but we didnt do anything to prevent it from happening... just kinda let things happen ... ive heard strtess has alot to do with it but its understandable


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Thank you two ladies so much for answering back about your natural conceptions. I had been getting down recently, not seeing any DDF508 mutation CFers who had achieved it. I feel like the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders!! Even if I can't, I know it's possible so ttc right now doesn't feel like a waste of time. It means so much to me that you took the time to respond. THANK YOU!

Erin, it is also helpful to hear that IUI worked for you. I'm hoping for the least invasive possible if I have to go through with fertility treatments. Thank you also for sharing your story. Every bit of information makes me feel more confident!!


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I agree that hearing other DDF508s can conceive is so inspiring. My doc said CFers are sub-fertile rather than infertile, but it seems that I couldn't find anyone that actually was successful without doing IVF. It is always great to hear success stories.


Hey there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I couldn't help but add my 2 cents in...

I have just gone through one IUI and am having a break b/c of my veins being shot from too many needles. Will try again nearer the end of this year.

My husband and I sort out fertility treatment when I could not conceive after 2 years. We have been trying for about 5 years now. This one IUI I have just done, is not the be all and end all for us. I have 7 more IUIs to go. So here's hoping it's going to take <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hopefully my veins will not give me anymore problems in the future.
Last time I had to get some bloods done, to see if I was pregnant. The blood lady could only get 1ml of blood from me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then after lady had pricked me twice...half an hour later I got my period. I kinda laugh about it now...but I wasn't amused that day! lol

Anyway sorry if this sounds a little negative. It's been a rough few months, ttc.

Though I'm NOT GIVING UP HOPE, as I believe the Lord will come through for us.
Yes I have the c.f gene: DDf08 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Though...anything in life is possible...And sometimes...when you least expect it...things happen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
For now I will be context to just not stress about it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'm just going to enjoy LIFE for what it is now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Though I really do feel for you all hard as heck- (I should know) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and certainly not something us cfers really want to go through on top of our daily treatments, etc. :/
Heck life is ALREADY hard just trying to keep our heads above the water, aye?! :/

Anyway...sorry if this is so long...wasn't going to go on like this...just letting you all know...I care and appreciate your honesty on here <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I Hope and wish you all the best in whatever you do in life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

KEEP SHINING are all such AWESOME women! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
*HUGS* Shine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Hi, I rarely post, but I'm a lurker. I felt I had to respond because I am a DDF508 and I conceived naturally. The first month I started charting my ovulation I conceived, so it was shockingly easy. For me I think it had to do with weight. I had recently gained some ten lbs right before I got pregnant, where in the past when I was skinnier I had had unprotected sex and never conceived. It probably had a lot to do with accurate timing, too. So yes, DDF508 can conceive without intervention!


New member
Sarah and Petite thank you so much for your comments. It is so helpful to hear all angles of the fertility journey.

Sarah - I am so sorry that you are having to take a break right now. I am so glad that you are not giving up hope and keeping a positive attitude. I agree with you that anything is possible. Miracles happen everyday, it's just whether or not we're paying attention to them. I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to share everything. It means a lot to me.

Petite - How wonderful! I am so glad that you wrote that. I think weight gain does play a part in it. I'm so glad you were able to conceive naturally! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I also notice you have CFRD, did that happen as a result of the pregnancy or did you have it prior to conceiving?


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My husband and I had a very hard time trying to conceive. We went the gamut, but drew the line at IVF. I didn't think that I could do that with the kind of job that I worked (full-time paramedic). We wound up adopting two adorable girls. We feel that they have completed our family, and I know that they are loved as much as any parents could love a child!<br>


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DBC - thank you so much for the information. I am sure your girls are very blessed to have you and your husband as their parents! I do not know if we will go as far as IVF. We will probably try IUI if unable to conceive naturally, but IVF seems so much more invasive. We shall see though.

Also, congrats on maintaining such a high lung function all this time! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> That's really really awesome!


New member
I have this mutation and my husband and I have been trying for a year now without success, I started charting my ovulation about six months ago.
Everyone tells me not to stress and think about it and it will happen which I do, I just go with the flow, however it is hard when you are reminded you are not pregnant every month lol...We will probably go to the doctors within the next few months and see other options.


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mmurray - I am not a CFer, only a carrier, but am a member of this site because of my little nehpew (22 mos) who is DDF508. But this string caught my attention because I just started (then cancelled) my 5th IVF round. Yes IVF is invasive, but when it's successful it all becomes worth it! I have a 21 month old daughter, who was a result of our 3rd IVF cycle. IVF is consuming, but so worth it if you end up getting the chance to be a mom. And I have to imagine with all that CFers go through on any given day, IVF might not seem like a big deal, or really that invasive to you. My biology is fuzzy, but I believe if your husband is not a carrier than you can have non-CF children, right? When I'd spoken with a geneticist I was told with IVF they can determine which embryos have CF and which ones don't. So that would also be a huge benefit of IVF. Just a couple thoughts....

You are all in my prayers every night to be as healthy as possible until a cure is found!


New member
I was speaking to my best friend whose boyfriend's father is a Fertility Specialist. She was telling me that his had said that IVF is not a possibility for a woman who is DDF508 due to the guarantee that the child will have CF. Is this true? I know that my child would be a carrier but I was always told that my partner would need to also be a carrier and the gene would need to be active during conception for this to happen. Either way, it was pretty upsetting to hear this due to the fact that I have been ttc for 1 year and nothing has happened yet. I had started considering talking to a specialist but now not so sure if I should even bother. Anyone DDF508 out there who conceived naturally or was able to use IVF?


New member
that isn't true, both parents still have to be carriers of the cf gene for the child to have cf...i haven't tried ivf so i can't say if it works or not i havent taken that step yet, but i feel your pain trying for a year with no success is definitely frustrating!


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Meg, Ifhusky, and ambermarie: thank you all for your responses. It's greatly appreciated!! Let me share with you what the genetecist shared with us:
If my husband is a carrier, then we have a 50% chance of having a child with CF. The doctor told us that if we needed fertility treatments, IVF would allow us to (as ifhusky kindly stated) choose the chromosones of my husband's WITHOUT the CF gene, thereby eliminating our chance to have a child with CF. We were told that either IUI or IVF would both be fine to do (I imagine with multiple tests and approval beforehand).
We are right now on month #4 without being able to conceive. 2 more months and we will be seeing a reproductive specialist. I hope this helps clear up some confusion.


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mmurray0702 - Wow! I have been ttc for almost a year and nothing yet. Sometimes I think it's because of my CF but then other times I try to think on the positive side and remember that some couples just have trouble conceiving..plain and simple. The truth is though, it probably has a lot to do with CF and I guess I'll just have to face the music and seriously think about seeing a specialist.