The doctor who said that DDf508 CFers will automatically give their child CF is 100% wrong. It's not possible for a child to have CF if BOTH parents do not carry the mutation. Your mutation as a CFer makes absolutely no difference on whether or not you will pass on a gene. Because we who have CF have 2 faulty CFTR genes and no "normal" ones, we can only pass a faulty CFTR gene to our children, which means any children we have will automatically be a carrier (one gene). If our spouse is also a carrier, then there is a 50% chance that they could also pass on their faulty CFTR gene instead of their good one, which would make our child a CFer (two faulty genes).
Lots of people, even doctors, who aren't familiar with CF can spout off some pretty crazy info... so I would definitely not trust it unless it comes from your CF doctor!
Lots of people, even doctors, who aren't familiar with CF can spout off some pretty crazy info... so I would definitely not trust it unless it comes from your CF doctor!