This is something I am starting to think about in the back of my mind, too. I have the same thoughts too... worrying about taking a wish away from a more 'worthy' child, but at the same time, I know many kids with other health conditions that aren't expected to ever come back or be 'lifelong' are granted wishes... it's so hard. On paper, Emily's CF in some ways is not bad (great pft's.) In day to day life, though, health issues consume our whole family's life and have financially decimated us. She has the feeding tube and the typical treatments all our kids have, but multiple health conditions. When she gets sick (which is often) she doesn't necessarily land in the hospital, but it knocks her out at home for weeks, not days.
Emily is older than Alyssa- she's 9.5 and probably at a wonderful age to enjoy Disney. She'd probably equally enjoy being a Princess at Cinderella's castle and a Jedi at the Star Wars thing they have there now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It's something, if I get up the nerve, I will probably ask the clinic social worker about at some point.
It will be important for you and dh to be on the same page... you'll have to get Alyssa's thoughts on a wish in more concrete terms, lol. 'If you could GO anywhere in the world, where would it be?' (hmmm, if she was hungry, would it be 'a chocolate chip cookie factory?? Ask her after lunch...) I don't know if this helps at all, but the one time we did a family Disney trip, the kids were 11mo, 3 and just about 5. The boys barely remember any of it at this point; just snatches. They of course talked about it all the time for the first couple years after we went and wanted to go back, but now at 11.5 and 13, they want to go back and do the 'big kid' things and remember very very little about what they already did there (the little they remember is bits and pieces of fireworks, parades, a couple dramatic shows.)
eta> we knew when we went it was too young, ideally, for them to go to Disney... but a very close friend lives there and the trip was as much to visit her family. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">