throwing up with cough

Does anyone have problems with gagging and then throwing up when you are trying to clear mucus? When my daughter gets more junky then normal, she starts doing this. It's really frustrating because I struggle so much to get her to eat a whole meal. Also it makes her a bit hesitant to try and cough stuff up because she, like anyone, doesn't like the feeling of throwing up.

I've talked to her doctors about it a bit, and they pretty much told me that the only real fix to that is a surgery that decreases the gag reflex. Obviously neither me or her doctors want her to have surgery unless it gets really bad.

Just wondering if you have experianced this, and if you have any tips or advice.




Digital opinion leader
Its pretty common. Both my boys( I mean young men) sometimes gag and throw up when coughing especially in the morning or vesting too soon after eating.
My younger son had such a bad gag reflex when he was little he had to have a bucket next to him at meals! Yuck!
They have both learned to calm down the gag to avoid vomiting, but it does happen sometimes.


New member
This was DD when she was young - strong gag reflex. She didn't get into solids until around 3 1/2 (and were still only at the snacking level). When ill, she occasionally coughs, gags, and vomits. It has subsided a lot from what it used to be. :)
Oh yea. Both my boys have thrown up from coughing. They are now 22 and 24y/o, and it isn't so bad. Probably they have both learned to read their bodies better. For example, since it turned out that they both had esophageal strictures, smaller bites helped. Also, when there is an exacerbation, lots of liquids help. If weight gain is an issue, be sure the liquid is nutritious (not gatorade, but protein shakes, etc.). My older son appears to have learned how to get most of his gunky crap up in the early morning and spends most of the rest of the day pretty gunk / cough free (well, as much as a CFer can). Its helped with the throwing up.


New member
Yes happens to me all the time. Especially like mentioned when im more junky than usual. It happens in the morning when i wake up, because my mungs are filled with mucus and i keep coughing. And i havent eaten anything yet. Sometimes vomiting is so relieving. It helps my stomach clear up from mucus.


New member
I had this problem and it turned out to be because I had lung infections and we cough with the same muscles we puke with, so if you cough a lot and have refllux, you will puke... it sucks. I ended up on a high dose of prevacid and then just doing cleanouts when it got really bad. Generally if you have little red spots on you face you should go in and get it checked out. sometimes a clean out is all you need and then doing good maintenance with antibiotics.

Good luck! I hope you feel better
