Thumbs up clicks look like a thumb down after page refresh.


New member
I've noticed this 'glitch' a few times and just wanted to explain how the oft misunderstood ‘thumbs up’ feature works on this forum.

When you press the green "thumbs up" icon on a post the page will refresh and show a red "thumbs down". Know that you have not just 'thumbs down' someone. What everyone else is seeing is a thumbs up. The red 'thumbs down' that you see is a button that gives you the ability to undo your "thumbs up". Also the counter next to the thumb is always a count of how many 'thumbs up' a post received. There are no negative numbers on that counter and no 'thumbs down' counter. On this site I have found no actual way to 'thumbs down' someone (taking Mom's philosophy of "if you have nothing nice to say...").

So if you like a post hit the green "thumbs up" with confidence knowing that it will display correctly to everyone else (and the poster) as a thumbs up. And if the counter next to your red 'thumbs down' starts to increase, know that the count of other people that have also hit 'thumbs up.'


New member
Also note, you are not allowed to thumbs up your own content, which is too bad because sometimes I really like my own posts :p


Super Moderator
I think it turns red because if you press it again while its red it will "unlike" it. (Not sure why you would want to unlike a post you liked to begin with) Just like facebook. If you press like it shows you like it but if you press it again it will unlike. Not sure what your point is? lol it doesn't bother me. Just a like button.


Thanks Ethan,

There were quite a few times when I wanted to give a post a “Thumbs Up”. The few times I did, and saw the thumb turn red, I thought I had given it a thumbs down instead - so I’ve been staying away from it altogether.

I had thought about asking how the “thumb” worked, but never did.

Your explanation finally cleared things up.