Time to say hello


New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi all-

I am fairly new to this site. I just created a blog today, so i wanted to introduce myself and invite you to read about myself and my family. I have enjoyed being on this site and have gained much knowledge here. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future.



New member
Hi there,
Dad from Sydney , Australia, with our youngest daughter (Talia aged 6 with CF). 2 Other daughters as well (no CF) aged 10 and 9.
Love the website, and now a member.
Hello from us Cf'ers from down under.


New member
Hi there,
Dad from Sydney , Australia, with our youngest daughter (Talia aged 6 with CF). 2 Other daughters as well (no CF) aged 10 and 9.
Love the website, and now a member.
Hello from us Cf'ers from down under.