Tire Easily?


New member
Does anyone know if tiring easily is a symptom of CF? My son (13 months) has not had any real lung issues yet (DX February). It seems as if he is getting tired really easily. Tonight he (as he often does) was falling asleep at 6:30pm. He had a good nap this afternoon. He sleeps through the night until 7am or so. His Dr. said that CF kids don't require additional sleep.
It just seems like he is exhausted even though he is not fighting an infection or anything else.
Any similar experiences?


New member
Does anyone know if tiring easily is a symptom of CF? My son (13 months) has not had any real lung issues yet (DX February). It seems as if he is getting tired really easily. Tonight he (as he often does) was falling asleep at 6:30pm. He had a good nap this afternoon. He sleeps through the night until 7am or so. His Dr. said that CF kids don't require additional sleep.
It just seems like he is exhausted even though he is not fighting an infection or anything else.
Any similar experiences?


New member
Does anyone know if tiring easily is a symptom of CF? My son (13 months) has not had any real lung issues yet (DX February). It seems as if he is getting tired really easily. Tonight he (as he often does) was falling asleep at 6:30pm. He had a good nap this afternoon. He sleeps through the night until 7am or so. His Dr. said that CF kids don't require additional sleep.
It just seems like he is exhausted even though he is not fighting an infection or anything else.
Any similar experiences?


New member
I don't know about someone that young... but I know I always sleep more than anyone else my age. Having CF, having useless digestion and crappy lungs (and I still have decent lung function - 70%) means your body is always working twice as hard to do the normal crap that everyone else does. So while it may be worth checking into (depending on HOW excessive his sleeping is), it also may be what's to be expected with CF.


New member
I don't know about someone that young... but I know I always sleep more than anyone else my age. Having CF, having useless digestion and crappy lungs (and I still have decent lung function - 70%) means your body is always working twice as hard to do the normal crap that everyone else does. So while it may be worth checking into (depending on HOW excessive his sleeping is), it also may be what's to be expected with CF.


New member
I don't know about someone that young... but I know I always sleep more than anyone else my age. Having CF, having useless digestion and crappy lungs (and I still have decent lung function - 70%) means your body is always working twice as hard to do the normal crap that everyone else does. So while it may be worth checking into (depending on HOW excessive his sleeping is), it also may be what's to be expected with CF.


New member
My daughter who doesnt have CF needs a tremendous amount of sleep. She is always fighting me because of how early her bedtime is and when I try to get nap in for the family on the weekends. I on the otherhand DO have CF & my sleep needs are average unless I am having problems beyond the usual CF stuff. I do think much of it varies with each CFer in addition if the quality sleep isnt there, it doesnt matter how much you get. Go with his needs at the moment!


New member
My daughter who doesnt have CF needs a tremendous amount of sleep. She is always fighting me because of how early her bedtime is and when I try to get nap in for the family on the weekends. I on the otherhand DO have CF & my sleep needs are average unless I am having problems beyond the usual CF stuff. I do think much of it varies with each CFer in addition if the quality sleep isnt there, it doesnt matter how much you get. Go with his needs at the moment!


New member
My daughter who doesnt have CF needs a tremendous amount of sleep. She is always fighting me because of how early her bedtime is and when I try to get nap in for the family on the weekends. I on the otherhand DO have CF & my sleep needs are average unless I am having problems beyond the usual CF stuff. I do think much of it varies with each CFer in addition if the quality sleep isnt there, it doesnt matter how much you get. Go with his needs at the moment!


New member
My non cf daughter (now 3 1/2) sleeps a good bit, and was still taking naps twice a day, and sleeping 11 hours at least at night, usually for a total of 14 to 15 hours, and more if she was having a growth spurt for the first 2 years or so. I was worried about how much she slept, but I looked it up in my Dr. Dobson book, and she was pretty much right on the money <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . If your really worried, keep up with how many hours (write the times down<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) he sleeps for 2-3 days, and ask your doctor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
My non cf daughter (now 3 1/2) sleeps a good bit, and was still taking naps twice a day, and sleeping 11 hours at least at night, usually for a total of 14 to 15 hours, and more if she was having a growth spurt for the first 2 years or so. I was worried about how much she slept, but I looked it up in my Dr. Dobson book, and she was pretty much right on the money <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . If your really worried, keep up with how many hours (write the times down<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) he sleeps for 2-3 days, and ask your doctor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
My non cf daughter (now 3 1/2) sleeps a good bit, and was still taking naps twice a day, and sleeping 11 hours at least at night, usually for a total of 14 to 15 hours, and more if she was having a growth spurt for the first 2 years or so. I was worried about how much she slept, but I looked it up in my Dr. Dobson book, and she was pretty much right on the money <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . If your really worried, keep up with how many hours (write the times down<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) he sleeps for 2-3 days, and ask your doctor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
I would have to wake my daughter up when she was a bub or she would just continue to sleep. as a toddler she would sleep alot as well. When she started primary school she used to fall asleep at her desk and they would pick her up and put her in a bean bag and she wouldnt even wake up. She would fall asleep at her desk through to grade 3. Also when she got home she would fall asleep on the lounge. Now she is in highschool she will still be buggered from school and she will fall asleep while watching tv.

Lately when she has been so tired, she needs a weekend of sleep to recover for the next school week.

I would tell the docs about it just as a precaution. Maybe they can check vitamin levels.


New member
I would have to wake my daughter up when she was a bub or she would just continue to sleep. as a toddler she would sleep alot as well. When she started primary school she used to fall asleep at her desk and they would pick her up and put her in a bean bag and she wouldnt even wake up. She would fall asleep at her desk through to grade 3. Also when she got home she would fall asleep on the lounge. Now she is in highschool she will still be buggered from school and she will fall asleep while watching tv.

Lately when she has been so tired, she needs a weekend of sleep to recover for the next school week.

I would tell the docs about it just as a precaution. Maybe they can check vitamin levels.


New member
I would have to wake my daughter up when she was a bub or she would just continue to sleep. as a toddler she would sleep alot as well. When she started primary school she used to fall asleep at her desk and they would pick her up and put her in a bean bag and she wouldnt even wake up. She would fall asleep at her desk through to grade 3. Also when she got home she would fall asleep on the lounge. Now she is in highschool she will still be buggered from school and she will fall asleep while watching tv.

Lately when she has been so tired, she needs a weekend of sleep to recover for the next school week.

I would tell the docs about it just as a precaution. Maybe they can check vitamin levels.


New member
when you are chronically colnized with bacteria, your body is always fighting to keep it at bay.... this can make you tired.

allergies can make you exhausted as well.


New member
when you are chronically colnized with bacteria, your body is always fighting to keep it at bay.... this can make you tired.

allergies can make you exhausted as well.


New member
when you are chronically colnized with bacteria, your body is always fighting to keep it at bay.... this can make you tired.

allergies can make you exhausted as well.


New member
When Katy's pancreatic insufficiency was worsening, and prior to her diagnosis, she pretty much lost all her energy; wanted to be held all the time or just lay around; was very tired. She is MUCH better now but will usually fall asleep in the car on the way home.

I would suggest that you make sure that all digestive issues have been addressed. Katy is on a typical regimen - enzymes, Prevacid, vitamax. She also is on Ursodiol for liver/gall bladder. There could be food issues as well - search for posts from "Foody" and "Energygal" for ideas there.


New member
When Katy's pancreatic insufficiency was worsening, and prior to her diagnosis, she pretty much lost all her energy; wanted to be held all the time or just lay around; was very tired. She is MUCH better now but will usually fall asleep in the car on the way home.

I would suggest that you make sure that all digestive issues have been addressed. Katy is on a typical regimen - enzymes, Prevacid, vitamax. She also is on Ursodiol for liver/gall bladder. There could be food issues as well - search for posts from "Foody" and "Energygal" for ideas there.