tired in afternoon. dont know if i am getting sick.

just like the title- tired in afternoon. dont know if i am getting sick-. i think i am refusing to get sick :) i have energy in the day but look and feel exhausted in the afternoon. i have a couple of coughing attacks like i am getting sick and tend to feel short of breahte but i can sleep well at nights a good 8-10 hours per night and can do well exercising. i think its mind over matter and i just refuse to get sick.

what do you to chase away an infection? what do you do to boost your enegry?


New member
I was having this same issue with thick mucus and eating more. Called my doctor and he put me on Cipro just to be safe. It's best to call the doctor ASAP so it doesn't turn into anything serious. I have been doing extra vest treatments and continuing my work outs that include running, walking the dog a few miles, and heavy weight training. Take care of yourself :)