Tired of Doctor's mistakes??



I am getting tired of Dr.'s mistakes... Last Thursday I had a Colonoscopy done because they were trying to see if they could do surgery to fix my prolapse. About 10 min into the procedure they gave me too much Demoral too fast and I quit breathing... It took a minute or two to get me back. When I woke up there were a bunch of people around me and they said that that kind of stuff happens all the time. One of the nurses told me later that it has only happened twice in the 10 years she has been there. The kicker of the story is they made me come back the next day and have the procedure again because they didn't get to finish it... I just get tired of Doctors not admitting the truth about things and just acting like I should just trust them no matter what. Anything like this ever happened to anyone else out there???


New member
Yeah, I bet a lot of doctors are afraid of getting sued for malpractice. It kind of makes you wonder how many mistakes they've made that you've never found out about...


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Before i had my sinus surgery, the ENT doctor wanted to try giving me steriods first to see if we could get the polyps to shrink. Well i noticed that my blood sugars were soooooo out of whack while on the steriods and told him when i went to my next appt with him. He said i should have told him i was diabetic, and he wouldnt have given me steriods since they always drive up the blood sugar. I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM?????????????? WHAT was he talking about !!!!!!!!!! The first two things out of my mouth when i tell any doctor about me is that i have cf and diabetes. Plus it was in my chart !! Dam that scared me to think this guy was going to do my surgery when he obviously didnt even read my chart..................


New member
I went to a man for a second opinion before I had my hysterectomy at 18 (I had to so insurance would cover it). He was someone my obgyn recommended, and I hated the idea because I didn't want to see a man. But anyway, I went, and I was very clearly nervous, and he HATED that. I was questioning what he did (because it had already been done, and there was no need to do one test or another a second time... and he did NOT like that I was questioning HIS authority). He does the exam, and then says something about a rectal and before I can process what he said and open my mouth, he sticks his finger in my rear. Well stupid me figured he had read my charts, and he didn't give me time to respond before he did it. I had had surgery there 5 months earlier. He ripped me, literally. I started bleeding. He was a major prick, and apparently was involved in 5 other people being injured, and a 6th patient DYING in surgery. A nurse "told" on him after he had a tantrum in surgery and she was fired. But apparently if everything doesn't go his way, he throws a bloody tantrum like he's 5. In all honesty, I really hope that guy dies. Heh.


I had a dr. like that. He was one of those I cannot ever be wrong. I have had gyn since I was 8. Any way The first time I saw Dr.G he told me I was a "stupid little girl" after some test showed that I had what another dr said and I told him if it didn't work right oh well that is the point in taking it out. Dr. G origianaly said that there was no way that was wrong with me cause I was to young. Well I had surgery to remove a bunch of cyst all from 3-9cm and mr never wrong used LATEX which I am very allergic to. I stop breathing cause my throat closed. Other them the breathing then I ended up with a horrid abdominal infection that when I went to the hosp cause puss was seping out of my incison sites. He told me if was not infected. When I went to another dr they put iv antib in me and sent me home with some.


New member
This isn't as serious as the previous posts but it still ticked me off like no other. I was transitioning from children's to adult clinic so when I got a sinus infection they kept saying "call children's" "call adults". I got fed up and called my internist who takes care of any non-cf related stuff. She's totally awesome and would not have made me come in for an appointment, but she wasn't in that day. So I had to go in and see another doc at that office. He asked me questions about my symptoms, didn't even look in my nose or throat and said I had a cold and go home. I was starting to argue with him about it when he opens my chart and says "Oh, you have cf. We need to treat you aggressively." I was like good job genius! On my way out I told the receptionist that I never wanted to see that guy ever again. Now the first page of my chart their says "No appointments with Dr. SoAndSo". Hehehe.


Yeah it drives me nuts when the don't read that chart. They aren't there to be paperweights ya know


My grandmother was unhappy with my ENT a few years ago and we decided to change since he kept on recommending surgery and didn't seem to be doing anything else. Usually my sinuses don't hurt, you know they press on them and say "does this hurt?" Well this time, all I could feel was pain, I couldn't smell very much, and it was just horrible and we wanted it taken care of and have good follow up. So the first guy that we went to see was a complete jerk. He talked over my head, I was 14-15 at the time, kept asking my grandmother if I was having pain. Anyway before he took a look up my nose he went out of the room... I told my grandmother that there was no way that I was going to keep him as a doctor. His whole attitude was condescending. He comes back, looks in my nose and says "all clear." A month later my new ENT (the second one we saw) cleaned my sinuses and then said "That's the worst case I've ever had to deal with."
"All clear".... riiiiiggghhhtttt
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

hahaha, this is my 100th post. YAY!


New member
Unfortunately there are some bad doctors. I see lots of cases like these everyday and some LOTS worse. I work for medical malpractice attorneys. We do not take any frivilous cases.....some people seem to think that ALL medical malpractice suits are frivilous. I feel sorry for the patients that have to see idiots that think they are doctors.

I could tell you several cases we have in our office where a doctor completely screw up and either killed someone or disfigured someone for the rest of their life in one way or another. Unfortunately, since the cases are still in litigation, I can't go into detail.

When your doc referres you to someone, get on the internet and find EVERYTHING you can about them. There are all kinds of searches you can do. I am at home, so I don't have the web sites here with me, but I will try and get them sometime this week and post. Call your insurance company, they should also be able to help you with this. There are also places on the net to see if there ever have been law suits filed against them.

Good Luck to you all and I am soooo sorry these things happened to you.

Kay w/o cf
sis w/cfrd
brother w/cf


New member
I will say right out, that Dr. Douglas Conrad and an ER doctor at UCSD Hospital Thornton failed to diagnose me with parasites for over 10 months. I almost died. My kidneys failed twice, I lost 20% of my FEV1 permanently, and my weight dropped from 140 to 114 in the course of those 10 months. I am/was trying to sue their asses off right now, but am having difficulty in doing so because the individual parasitologist who diagnosed the parasites was retired and not plugged into the system. If I could I would beat the crap out of both doctors. To add insult to injury, when my kidneys first failed they tried to convince me that my back muscles were sore as a result of coughing too much, till I demanded that they take a creatinine test to check my kidney function. What do you know? I was right my kidneys were failing and they couldn't figure out why. All they had to do was ask me a typical ER question when a patient presents with unique or odd symptoms..." have you been out of the country in the last 12 months?" All doctors suck. The whole time i was virtually dying and they blamed it on my CF when it was totally something eles.


New member
What state are you from and how long ago did this happen? If I am not mistaken, just because the Doctor is retired does not mean you still can't go after the hospital and the doctor PERSONALLY.

Have you hired any attorneys????? We only cover Illinois and Missouri, but if you need help on this, I can try as best as I know how.

email is


Kay(working for a med mal atty)


New member
oh god, my husband is seeing doctor conrad next week. He is seeing him as a mandatory part of the GHPP program, he has his own CF doctor in the military. But, anything in particular we should be weary of. I hate stupid people, and I understand doctors make mistakes-but I don't leave much room when people don't admit their mistakes.

Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)


New member
If your husband is seeing Conrad for a routine GHPP thing I wouldn't worry. This event of mine began in June of 03, went undiagnosed for about 10 months, the consequences of which I am still working through.

Conrad, who is in charge over there was one-half of the problem. The other half was a former doctor who was either fired or moved on named, Dr. Julie Wood, and an assistant named Michael, who also moved on or was fired. When I was at UCSD Thornton they were highly disorganized, and the doctors were extremely poor about getting back to me (follow-up). They even had trouble responding to simple emails. Since my experience with them, I heard they have had the former the social worker for the team take on organizing and planning logistics over there, a Mrs. Brown. They were capable of routine stuff, but when issues arose the Doctors let me down pretty good. I am still so mad at that team that I have preferred to drive the 2-4 hours up and 2-4 hours back in traffic to go to USC in Los Angeles to meet CF doctors. After working with USC, it is all the more evident to me that UCSD was all turned around and up side down. One up side to UCSD Thornton, was that they have nice hospital rooms, and the pulmonary lab technicians are really great and supportive.

And to address the previous person's response, it was a renowned, though retired virologist/parasitologist who diagnosed my 3 parasites and 2 funguses. Because he was retired at the time of his analysis and diagnosis, my legal case is much more challenging. I figure if a mechanic is retired it doesn't discount his knowledge or skills, but so far no lawyer will bank on fighting for me. At the time, none of the hospital labs would test me without a resident doctor's participation/orders. Not even the independent labs the hospitals contract analysis out to would help or direct me, so I hired a specialist out of NYC, through an OMD who was trying to diagnose me. Since diagnosis and treatment, I have gained much of my weight back and am feeling worlds better, though I am still about 10lbs under weight. But the length and nature of the events took permanently 15-20% of my lung function, and now no matter how hard I try or what measures I take to improve, I can't get rid of the hemotopsis that developed in the course of my extended bout. I never had it before this event.

My only recommendation is that who ever you are, or which ever doctor you see YOU MUST BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN YOUR CARE. Doctors make plenty of mistakes, some not so important, others vitally important. Though it isnt your job and shouldnt be your job, you must check and analyze the doctors work. If I hadnt taken matters into my own hands, I would likely be dead by now. At my worst I was 114lbs, and with a 56 frame, that is pretty light. I didnt have too much more in me to keep fighting, but I didnt have anything to loose by trying to look outside of the box.


New member
It is really scary how many times the doctors make mistakes with us and dont admit it. My family in particular has been the victim of small town doctors more than a few times. Why is it that some doctors think that they are God? From my birth until I was 5 years old the small town doctor that delivered me swore I could not have CF. "It is so rare, your child cannot have Cystic Fibrosis." he said to my parents All during those years I looked like a starving child and ate my parents out of house and home. Five years later, my first brother was born. He was rushed to the University hospital in Omaha, Ne and had an emergency bowel surgery done. The doctors there immediately knew he had Cystic Fibrosis and had me tested shortly after he was diagnosed. The first five years of my life I was really sick because the small town doctor was too ignorant to trust the word of a pair of parents that were concerned about their child.


New member
When I was pregnant with my daughter, we had several misshaps. First, I had a glucose test that appeared high - but they hadn't told me I wasn't supposed to eat. So, even though the seubsequent tests were fine - they labelled my chart with "high risk" and bumped me out of family practice. Then, even though my periods have always been random, they treated my last period before the pregnancy was discovered as gospel. They came in waving lab reports and telling my husband and I that our child most certainly had down syndrome and perhaps other problems as well and told us we ought to seriously consider "not going through with the pregnancy." When I was transferred to a new hospital, they took ultrasound measurements and compared the bloodwork and my abdominal measurements and said everything was perfect for a baby 5-6 weeks younger than my period dated it! Pregnancy was the hardest for me because my CF docs, though usually great, had NO information so I was totally on my own and the OBs were out to get me. Honestly!