Tired of Statistics, Anyone????


New member
To all the CF "sufferers" out there...is anyone tired of this 30 something-ish life cutt-off bull- #%^@? I am sick of hearing about my apparent limited life span, tired of obsessing over the "inevitable deterioration of my organs." and the fact that I am not a genetically "normal" human being. Everything I read about concerning CF or what the doctor says scares me to death! I am sorry to vent here, but I feel fantastic! I feel fantastic, that is, until I talk with my doctor or read articles about this THING.

I think the thought of CF alone has ruined my hopes and dreams, and my life. Am I alone with this?


New member

I sometimes feel that way.. Some days I get so mad about numbers and what other ppl say is going to happen to me. Some times even other CFers think that you/I am going to follow the same course as them....and that makes me crazy.. because we are all different...and my lungs are in great shape as of right now...If I dwelled on CF and all the other things wrong with me I would be devasted and not able to do anything productive in my life.. but I do sometimes feel like what is the point in all I do if I am just going to live a miserable life, sometimes I do feel sad and upset by the fact that I am so young and have so many other medical problems.... which is kind of the same as ruined hopes and dreams... I have had to give up many of my dreams already but a lot my old hopes and dreams have been replaced with new hopes and dreams...

What works for me when I feel that way and. I am stressing ME, because we are all different is, I believe in God and I believe He is in contol of my life, so I will pray or kind of surrender my life.... and that makes me feel better.

Also, when I feel like my world is crashing in on me and I am discouraged... I try really hard to surround myself with the ppl who mean the most to me.. and many times they travel so I will call them on the phone or email them or what ever I have to do even call for stupid reasons....just to talk... For me just being around non judgemental loving ppl who treat me like a normal human being turns my feelings of fear and anger right around.

Sorry if I sound to optimistic... I had a really, good day.... I went shopping and got taken out to eat for my birthday that was a few weeks ago... I am not trying to give you pat answers or anything.. just what works for me sometimes.

Hope you find encouragement soon,

33 w/ CF and Addison's



New member
Thank you, Jennifer.

I do have a lot to be thankful for. I am in great health (although on paper I guess it's not so desirable!) I have not ever been hospitalized for cf (just stupid stuff, kinda!) PFT's around 110. I haven't even had a cold in over a year, yet my chances of living to a ripe old age with my husband are nearly nil. We've been together since college and I don't want to ever leave him alone. I understand your point with God and everything. I am so back and forth with Him too! Anger and frustration usually win. I am not feeling sorry for myself, just having one of those days!!!


New member
Your welcome... I totally understand about going back and forth with anger and frustration....and I totally understand "one of those days"....You are human and it is normal to feel that way, and certainly if you do believe in God, you believe he made us, so he understands our moods better.....WOw your PFTS are freaken awesome... Good for you..... who is to say you aren't going to live to a ripe old age??????

If you ever want to talk, please feel free to email me.. the email I use for online is Jennifers_hope@yahoo.com... I would be glad to listen to you....

33/ w CF and Addison's whos should be doing homework but am reading posts instead...


New member
Dont pay any attention to statistics! As medical technology advances, changes are made. When I was born I was given the life expectancy of 5 years. I am know 51! Does that tell you anything? I've had my share of illnesses but I am still here to talk about it. Be diligent on taking care of yourself and never be afraid to seek other opinions, alternative medicines and most of all dont be afraid to live your life to the fullest. A cf'er can do as much as he or she wants to. I have never let my CF stop me from trying new things. Well maybe a cant climb a mountain but I know "Normal" folks that can't either. Catch my drift? No one lives forever and anyone could get hit by a truck tomorrow. Dont' be afraid to ook to the future.

I have been married, divorced and now at 51 re-married. I also am a breast cancer survivor. Still work part-time, have my own computer business too. I'm not done living yet.


New member
I agree as much as I don't here... Some days I really feel great and like I can do anything, just like everyone else. Then I think, this isn't even as good as normal, I don't know what normal is to know if I feel that way! It is overwhelming though, I go to get PFT's and I worry, I go get vitamin levels done, and I worry, I go get an X-Ray and I worry. I think, what will they find now? how many new dr's will this lead to,? how many more tests will need to be run to fully get an idea of how truly horrible this all is? I go home and I forget that there is a hospital full of people who just know I am going to die if I am not constantly being pumped full powerful IV of medications, doing clearance multiple times a day, being weighed at least 5 times a week, taking blood on a 12 hour schedule, dispite being anemic and god knows if you don't wake me up at 4 in the morning to take my vitals, I'll be dead with in half an hour. I hate hearing all this, but I need to know whats going on in my body, but when the information I need to know comes in the form of "you're gaining weight, but have you ever considered a feeding tube at night, or maybe if we gave you even more medication?" or "You're getting plenty of calcium in your blood, but you still have osteoperosis, by the way, you'll need an apointment (or a few) to see how bad it is" It almost gets to the point sometimes where you think, why bother, I'm falling apart already?! Now I live my life to the fullest, and I have a generally positive outlook, but it wouldn't hurt to stop the constant barrage of negative feed back we get from dr's...