

New member
Well, let me tell you, I am tired all the time! I have my blood drawn yearly and I have never had a problem with low salt. Tiredness with CF often happens because your body is fighting off infection all the time and it just tires you out faster. I get extremely tired in the summer months when it's hot out...but it's probably because I'm a lot busier than normal too. It's not unusual for me to have to take a nap when I get so tired. And I usually completely crash at night as well.


New member
This is completely off topic...but I must say how blessed Melissa is to have such an involved and caring husband!

Mine would never come on here to figure out why I am sleeping so much...he just gets frusterated that I do!

Way to go!


New member
This is completely off topic...but I must say how blessed Melissa is to have such an involved and caring husband!

Mine would never come on here to figure out why I am sleeping so much...he just gets frusterated that I do!

Way to go!


New member
This is completely off topic...but I must say how blessed Melissa is to have such an involved and caring husband!
<br />
<br />Mine would never come on here to figure out why I am sleeping so much...he just gets frusterated that I do!
<br />
<br />Way to go!


New member
Hello All,
We are going to the CF center tomorrow. Labs will be done. Also a though checkup.
crystalina0814, Melissa is my life. I love her to pieces. We have been together for 21 years and plan on being together for another 21 years more if I can help it. I have seen CF's scary face more then once and no doubt will see it some more as we travel through life together.
Thank You to all of you who have givin advice. I Thank You


New member
Hello All,
We are going to the CF center tomorrow. Labs will be done. Also a though checkup.
crystalina0814, Melissa is my life. I love her to pieces. We have been together for 21 years and plan on being together for another 21 years more if I can help it. I have seen CF's scary face more then once and no doubt will see it some more as we travel through life together.
Thank You to all of you who have givin advice. I Thank You


New member
Hello All,
<br /> We are going to the CF center tomorrow. Labs will be done. Also a though checkup.
<br /> crystalina0814, Melissa is my life. I love her to pieces. We have been together for 21 years and plan on being together for another 21 years more if I can help it. I have seen CF's scary face more then once and no doubt will see it some more as we travel through life together.
<br /> Thank You to all of you who have givin advice. I Thank You


New member
Okay update time. The physical portion is done. No problems there. Lung function is down by a 1/2 point. No worry there as Melissa always fluctuates. Blood work was done at my request. Waiting on results should have them by monday. Done a great deal of talking with DR. D today. He was happy with blood sugars as they we...re not high and most generally under the 160 mark. Several things he thought of, 100 plus degree weather, Melissa being active, Melissa sweating more this year then in the past, leading to salt depletion. Take into account Melissa drinks alot of water, what salt is left in her system is being diluted dramatically. Which can lead to tiredness and a few other symptoms. His recommendation, salt tablets, stay inside avoiding the heat for the next several weeks. Increase G2 gatorade. Other then that we are waiting on blood work.


New member
Okay update time. The physical portion is done. No problems there. Lung function is down by a 1/2 point. No worry there as Melissa always fluctuates. Blood work was done at my request. Waiting on results should have them by monday. Done a great deal of talking with DR. D today. He was happy with blood sugars as they we...re not high and most generally under the 160 mark. Several things he thought of, 100 plus degree weather, Melissa being active, Melissa sweating more this year then in the past, leading to salt depletion. Take into account Melissa drinks alot of water, what salt is left in her system is being diluted dramatically. Which can lead to tiredness and a few other symptoms. His recommendation, salt tablets, stay inside avoiding the heat for the next several weeks. Increase G2 gatorade. Other then that we are waiting on blood work.


New member
Okay update time. The physical portion is done. No problems there. Lung function is down by a 1/2 point. No worry there as Melissa always fluctuates. Blood work was done at my request. Waiting on results should have them by monday. Done a great deal of talking with DR. D today. He was happy with blood sugars as they we...re not high and most generally under the 160 mark. Several things he thought of, 100 plus degree weather, Melissa being active, Melissa sweating more this year then in the past, leading to salt depletion. Take into account Melissa drinks alot of water, what salt is left in her system is being diluted dramatically. Which can lead to tiredness and a few other symptoms. His recommendation, salt tablets, stay inside avoiding the heat for the next several weeks. Increase G2 gatorade. Other then that we are waiting on blood work.