Being an adult with CF I have to say that I admire all that you parents go through. I always knew that I had CF, my parents never hid anything from me. I know now how hard that was for them, but I believe it was the right thing to do. My parents worked really hard their whole lives and on top of a huge family (I am #11 of 11) they did all sorts of fund raising for CFF. As I look at it now I can't image what they were going through back then. Truely back in the 60's there was not much hope that I would still be alive today. Anyway that is off the point. I tell my Mom and I used to tell my Dad while he was alive how much it meant to me. Some of you have kids that might not be able to tell you - Thank You for all you do.
Rosie 47 w/CF
Rosie 47 w/CF