To all the bleeders out there...



I recently had a stay in hospital and was improving well and started bleeding, they stopped the Pulmozyme for a day, and gave me Vitam K.


I recently had a stay in hospital and was improving well and started bleeding, they stopped the Pulmozyme for a day, and gave me Vitam K.


New member
I have a vessel in the upper laft lobe of my lung that likes to break all the time for no good reason. It's really annoying. It sucks being a bleeder, it's annoying, embarrassing, scary, and makes it hard to figure out when your infections are acting up. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> That said I have a light hearted / kind of dark story I will share if you wish to read it.

Once during my freshman year in college I was coughing up more blood than normal so I called the on call doc, as it was the middle of the night (my CFs favorite time to act up lol) he called me back and asked for me to quantify how much I was coughing up. I responded "I don't know... about a hamsters worth." He laughed for a couple minutes and told me to come in, when I go to the ER they admitted me and everyone on the team teased me about it, especially the nurses. I know its a cheesy story, but it made my time in the hospital much more enjoyable. And to clarify I am not a hamster murderer, it was just a rough estimate.
*No hamsters were harmed in the making of this memory.

Hope this helps someone laugh, I always do when I think about it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a vessel in the upper laft lobe of my lung that likes to break all the time for no good reason. It's really annoying. It sucks being a bleeder, it's annoying, embarrassing, scary, and makes it hard to figure out when your infections are acting up. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> That said I have a light hearted / kind of dark story I will share if you wish to read it.

Once during my freshman year in college I was coughing up more blood than normal so I called the on call doc, as it was the middle of the night (my CFs favorite time to act up lol) he called me back and asked for me to quantify how much I was coughing up. I responded "I don't know... about a hamsters worth." He laughed for a couple minutes and told me to come in, when I go to the ER they admitted me and everyone on the team teased me about it, especially the nurses. I know its a cheesy story, but it made my time in the hospital much more enjoyable. And to clarify I am not a hamster murderer, it was just a rough estimate.
*No hamsters were harmed in the making of this memory.

Hope this helps someone laugh, I always do when I think about it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Hi to the forum here. Anyway, I've had some hemoptysis here and there for years (33 yrs old now) but its always been pretty damn mild, mostly strands and it goes away quickly. Sometimes it was with an infection, sometimes it just happened out of nowhere. Last night I had a bleed that was a LOT more blood than I am used to...a few tsps I guess. Hard to gauge since I was coughing into tissues, you know? Anyway, I thought that was it and maybe part of the cold I was just getting over and it did stop and then when I woke up there was some older blood when I coughed, but not a lot - figured I was ok. Then it happened again today (few more tsps) and again that was a lot for me, so we went to the ER. Saturday night, none of my docs were reachable and after many hours and a few docs, they sent me home. They did an X-ray and saw nothing, my lungs sounded clear, osat was 99, etc. They'd called the pulmo who was on call and he prescribed Toby since they're banking on this being an infection, so I have that to do twice a day for 8 days. They warned me to keep an eye on it and that it might happen again before I get enough drugs into my system. Of course I was still nervous and then on the way home, I had another bleed. Sigh. Did the Toby as soon as I walked in and am now trying to de-stress enough for bed.

Just needing to vent a little and feel some support from those who have been there. Plan is to call my actual CF docs Monday and talk with them, hopefully get in sometime early in the week.

I know this happens, this was just more frequent and more blood than before so I am shook up.


Hi to the forum here. Anyway, I've had some hemoptysis here and there for years (33 yrs old now) but its always been pretty damn mild, mostly strands and it goes away quickly. Sometimes it was with an infection, sometimes it just happened out of nowhere. Last night I had a bleed that was a LOT more blood than I am used to...a few tsps I guess. Hard to gauge since I was coughing into tissues, you know? Anyway, I thought that was it and maybe part of the cold I was just getting over and it did stop and then when I woke up there was some older blood when I coughed, but not a lot - figured I was ok. Then it happened again today (few more tsps) and again that was a lot for me, so we went to the ER. Saturday night, none of my docs were reachable and after many hours and a few docs, they sent me home. They did an X-ray and saw nothing, my lungs sounded clear, osat was 99, etc. They'd called the pulmo who was on call and he prescribed Toby since they're banking on this being an infection, so I have that to do twice a day for 8 days. They warned me to keep an eye on it and that it might happen again before I get enough drugs into my system. Of course I was still nervous and then on the way home, I had another bleed. Sigh. Did the Toby as soon as I walked in and am now trying to de-stress enough for bed.

Just needing to vent a little and feel some support from those who have been there. Plan is to call my actual CF docs Monday and talk with them, hopefully get in sometime early in the week.

I know this happens, this was just more frequent and more blood than before so I am shook up.


New member
This caught my eye since im fairly new to the whole bleeding thing. My first experience was about a month ago after CPT and a HS treatment. I was coughing pretty good and felt some nice gunk was coming up. Walked my way into the bathroom and got a very metallic taste in my mouth and up came straight blood! Ended up coughing up about half a cup in that 30 minutes. Talked to the doc the next day and it turns out it was old blood that had been hanging out in my lungs. So it ended up being sorta positive that I got it out. Then about a week and a half ago I wasnt feeling great and having some uncomfortable chest pain. I ended up coughing up considerable amounts of blood. I had continual episodes over the next 2 days. Went to the doc and had a bacterial infection to blame. He told me no treatments for a few days to keep me from coughing and I did the whole Vit K shibang. Ended up working. Still trying to finish these lovely antibiotics. I really hope this doesnt become a common thing for me. It is definately scary!


New member
This caught my eye since im fairly new to the whole bleeding thing. My first experience was about a month ago after CPT and a HS treatment. I was coughing pretty good and felt some nice gunk was coming up. Walked my way into the bathroom and got a very metallic taste in my mouth and up came straight blood! Ended up coughing up about half a cup in that 30 minutes. Talked to the doc the next day and it turns out it was old blood that had been hanging out in my lungs. So it ended up being sorta positive that I got it out. Then about a week and a half ago I wasnt feeling great and having some uncomfortable chest pain. I ended up coughing up considerable amounts of blood. I had continual episodes over the next 2 days. Went to the doc and had a bacterial infection to blame. He told me no treatments for a few days to keep me from coughing and I did the whole Vit K shibang. Ended up working. Still trying to finish these lovely antibiotics. I really hope this doesnt become a common thing for me. It is definately scary!


New member
I have been taking Gotu Kola ever since I read this and haven't had any more problems. It is inexpensive and can be found at any health food store.

In my 45 years, I have discovered things that work for me and keeping me healthy and I would like to share them with you and have you participate in this blog, if you are all of the following:
.?Interested in nuts and bolts approach to keeping well.
.?Mentally and emotionally healthy, I won't offer emo support, I am the nuts and bolts guy.
.?Open-minded and Willing to try something new
.?Self-directed in your healthcare.
.?Self aware being able to tune in with your body and get what it is saying to you, hopefully before it yells at you.
.?Notice and respond to what your body is telling you.
.?Have a compatible physician who is willing to listen, really listen to your requests and try something new with you.
.?Anyone else feel free to read.
When I was 20, I was sick for over six months, short of breath, tired and feeling hopeless. I was receiving what I now call Whimpy Chest Pt (wCPT) and in my mind I thought I was getting regular CPT and that's when I met a Respiratory Therapist named Rick and he showed me what I now call Intense CPT or (ICPT). After feeling in my body what it felt like to get ICPT and how significantly different I felt after receiving therapy this way. I never turned back. No one can argue with me and have any ground to stand on once I notice in lungs how much deeper of breath I could breathe. This is what I'd like to do for people wanting to read my blog More on ICPT in future blogs for now, Hemotpysis.
MY SOLUTION: Yes, yes... I remember the fear of getting hemoptysis. And, so here's my simple solution for the problem and it has worked for me 45 y/o and my sister 49 y/o for over 15 years.
.?I take gotu kola 450mg per day and when I forget/rebel to take gotu kola a month or two, which I have done. I will have a bleed, sometimes big bleeds 1 cup of blood and nothing will stop the bleeding. (8 years ago when 2 back to back embolizalizations would not work for my sister to stop the bleeding 16 oz per episode, we added tranexamic acid to my repertoire)
.?I take cyclokapron or tranexamic acid 500mg 3 times daily and if that does not work I add in progesterone see attached medical article"> I imagine that most doctors are not aware of this article because the medication is only available in pill form from Canada and UK. My MD writes the script and I get it filled by calling Best Buy Rx Pharmacy at 877-745-9217. It takes about 25 days to get to the me so I keep an safety stock of it.
.?That's my solution and it's worked for me for a long time. Take it or leave it, that's all folks.
So, as long as I take my Gotu Kola every day... no hemoptysis and when I skip for the month I have a bleed and am continuously remind how powerful this simple herb is. The herb Gotu Kola provides nutrition to the cells in the lungs to help support their flexibility and it works for me.

I cannot tell you how much this regiment has empowered me. Feel free to ask me any questions.
.">Gotu Kola Link -
.">Place where I get Tranexamic Acid -
IN SUMMARY: I have been able to manage my hemoptysis by taking an herb called Gotu Kola everyday and when I skip taking this herb and get a bleed I take a hemophiliac drug call tranexamic acid that help stop the bleeding cold. I hope you will find above a medical article on the tranexamic acid helpful. As far as the gotu kola I have no medical finding, however, I have just found that it works and it takes about 3 months to get up to the level that it will help with hemoptysis. It's worked for me and my sister for over 15 years and I hope it will help you out.


New member
I have been taking Gotu Kola ever since I read this and haven't had any more problems. It is inexpensive and can be found at any health food store.

In my 45 years, I have discovered things that work for me and keeping me healthy and I would like to share them with you and have you participate in this blog, if you are all of the following:
.?Interested in nuts and bolts approach to keeping well.
.?Mentally and emotionally healthy, I won't offer emo support, I am the nuts and bolts guy.
.?Open-minded and Willing to try something new
.?Self-directed in your healthcare.
.?Self aware being able to tune in with your body and get what it is saying to you, hopefully before it yells at you.
.?Notice and respond to what your body is telling you.
.?Have a compatible physician who is willing to listen, really listen to your requests and try something new with you.
.?Anyone else feel free to read.
When I was 20, I was sick for over six months, short of breath, tired and feeling hopeless. I was receiving what I now call Whimpy Chest Pt (wCPT) and in my mind I thought I was getting regular CPT and that's when I met a Respiratory Therapist named Rick and he showed me what I now call Intense CPT or (ICPT). After feeling in my body what it felt like to get ICPT and how significantly different I felt after receiving therapy this way. I never turned back. No one can argue with me and have any ground to stand on once I notice in lungs how much deeper of breath I could breathe. This is what I'd like to do for people wanting to read my blog More on ICPT in future blogs for now, Hemotpysis.
MY SOLUTION: Yes, yes... I remember the fear of getting hemoptysis. And, so here's my simple solution for the problem and it has worked for me 45 y/o and my sister 49 y/o for over 15 years.
.?I take gotu kola 450mg per day and when I forget/rebel to take gotu kola a month or two, which I have done. I will have a bleed, sometimes big bleeds 1 cup of blood and nothing will stop the bleeding. (8 years ago when 2 back to back embolizalizations would not work for my sister to stop the bleeding 16 oz per episode, we added tranexamic acid to my repertoire)
.?I take cyclokapron or tranexamic acid 500mg 3 times daily and if that does not work I add in progesterone see attached medical article"> I imagine that most doctors are not aware of this article because the medication is only available in pill form from Canada and UK. My MD writes the script and I get it filled by calling Best Buy Rx Pharmacy at 877-745-9217. It takes about 25 days to get to the me so I keep an safety stock of it.
.?That's my solution and it's worked for me for a long time. Take it or leave it, that's all folks.
So, as long as I take my Gotu Kola every day... no hemoptysis and when I skip for the month I have a bleed and am continuously remind how powerful this simple herb is. The herb Gotu Kola provides nutrition to the cells in the lungs to help support their flexibility and it works for me.

I cannot tell you how much this regiment has empowered me. Feel free to ask me any questions.
.">Gotu Kola Link -
.">Place where I get Tranexamic Acid -
IN SUMMARY: I have been able to manage my hemoptysis by taking an herb called Gotu Kola everyday and when I skip taking this herb and get a bleed I take a hemophiliac drug call tranexamic acid that help stop the bleeding cold. I hope you will find above a medical article on the tranexamic acid helpful. As far as the gotu kola I have no medical finding, however, I have just found that it works and it takes about 3 months to get up to the level that it will help with hemoptysis. It's worked for me and my sister for over 15 years and I hope it will help you out.


Hi, I can share some sentiments here as well, I've been bleeding off and on for 20 years. I've posted a bunch about my bleeding recommendations. Sounds like causes are a little different for most.
Infection can play a role, but it doesn't always seem to be the most recent cause. Supposedly infection can eat away at the lung tissue, thinning out the barrier between blood vessels and your lung. There needs to be a balance between lung lining strength, blood clotting ability and blood pressure too.

Through trial, error and common sense I've learned to stay away from any blood thinners like ginseng, aspirins, alcohol, etc. Also being exposed to chlorine fumes (bleach or indoor pools) seems to cause a delayed bleed in me, probably eats away at that lining. Also running sets it off, but that's specific to me since it seems to jack up my heart pumping pressure beyond what I'm used to, probably since I rarely ran.

Definitely talk to your doc about vitamin K. I take it in mephyton, and even more important is CFsource Softgels. Vit K is a fat soluble vitamin so we have issues absorbing it, the softgels is an ADEK vitamin with higher doses of vitamin K in water soluble form. Taking probiotics regularly will increase the absorption of vitamin K. Also a dash of cayenne pepper in some warm water seems to dialate the blood vessels, lowering pressure and stopping a bleed during an episode. If the bleeding gets really bad, mention Lysteda, it slows down the breakdown of clots. My docs took me off it but it seemed to help. They were very concerned about a blood clot forming that could kill me, but this side effect has never been reported. Try the other things first, mostly vitamin K.
I was hospitalized 3 months ago after bleeding over 2 cups in a 24 hour period. I've had 6 embolizations and they didn't want to do more b/c it can kill lung tissue. Antibiotics and maybe Lysteda seemed to do the trick.


Hi, I can share some sentiments here as well, I've been bleeding off and on for 20 years. I've posted a bunch about my bleeding recommendations. Sounds like causes are a little different for most.
Infection can play a role, but it doesn't always seem to be the most recent cause. Supposedly infection can eat away at the lung tissue, thinning out the barrier between blood vessels and your lung. There needs to be a balance between lung lining strength, blood clotting ability and blood pressure too.

Through trial, error and common sense I've learned to stay away from any blood thinners like ginseng, aspirins, alcohol, etc. Also being exposed to chlorine fumes (bleach or indoor pools) seems to cause a delayed bleed in me, probably eats away at that lining. Also running sets it off, but that's specific to me since it seems to jack up my heart pumping pressure beyond what I'm used to, probably since I rarely ran.

Definitely talk to your doc about vitamin K. I take it in mephyton, and even more important is CFsource Softgels. Vit K is a fat soluble vitamin so we have issues absorbing it, the softgels is an ADEK vitamin with higher doses of vitamin K in water soluble form. Taking probiotics regularly will increase the absorption of vitamin K. Also a dash of cayenne pepper in some warm water seems to dialate the blood vessels, lowering pressure and stopping a bleed during an episode. If the bleeding gets really bad, mention Lysteda, it slows down the breakdown of clots. My docs took me off it but it seemed to help. They were very concerned about a blood clot forming that could kill me, but this side effect has never been reported. Try the other things first, mostly vitamin K.
I was hospitalized 3 months ago after bleeding over 2 cups in a 24 hour period. I've had 6 embolizations and they didn't want to do more b/c it can kill lung tissue. Antibiotics and maybe Lysteda seemed to do the trick.


sahein79, I tried the gotu kola a few months ago, reading up on it, it seemed to have similar traits to ginseng, an anticoagulant. I tried it and it didn't work for me. Might be different strokes for different folks.
I did get the Tranexemic Acid (Lysteda) idea from your posts, it seemed to help but as I just wrote my docs were very wary of clotting side effects. I'd advise talking with your doc before ingesting anything.


sahein79, I tried the gotu kola a few months ago, reading up on it, it seemed to have similar traits to ginseng, an anticoagulant. I tried it and it didn't work for me. Might be different strokes for different folks.
I did get the Tranexemic Acid (Lysteda) idea from your posts, it seemed to help but as I just wrote my docs were very wary of clotting side effects. I'd advise talking with your doc before ingesting anything.


My Vit K levels have always been ok and I do take the Adeks once a day - for the like the past five or six years. Waiting to hear back on a pulmo appt this week and plan to ask about taking extra Vit K in this case. So far the Tobi seems to be working...definitely irritated since its been over a year since I've done inhaled Tobi and I am coughing from it, but luckily it has all been normal, yellow mucus with some blood strands here and there. Guessing the strands are remainders from all of the blood over the weekend <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Never heard of Lysteda, but will ask about that too - especially if this becomes a more frequent. Thanks all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


My Vit K levels have always been ok and I do take the Adeks once a day - for the like the past five or six years. Waiting to hear back on a pulmo appt this week and plan to ask about taking extra Vit K in this case. So far the Tobi seems to be working...definitely irritated since its been over a year since I've done inhaled Tobi and I am coughing from it, but luckily it has all been normal, yellow mucus with some blood strands here and there. Guessing the strands are remainders from all of the blood over the weekend <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Never heard of Lysteda, but will ask about that too - especially if this becomes a more frequent. Thanks all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">