to all those inhaling oregano oil


New member
hi guys!
I am new to this name is mandy/32/cf/cfrd. I have been using gsh for 2 years and have good success with it. I struggled with the decision to inhale it for a long time because I was worried about introducing any new bacterium into my lungs via the inhaled gsh.....the makers of the gsh with sodium bicarb (the stuff you inhale) have it tested and it is endo-toxin free. So, after many long discussions with myself I tried it and have seen improvement. My question to you guys is this....any concern about any interesting bugs in the water soluable oregano? Do you think it could have some scary little microbes in it? or, is that not possible due to the nature of oregano? I only ask because I have the bottle and am suddenly hesitant. Could I take it to a lab and find out if it is growing anything...almost like a culture? Has anyone noticed new bugs in their cultures that are new or different. Also, I have read many posts about how great people are feeling with the oregano...I would love to chat with anyone interesting in sharing.


New member
You could take it to a lab, would be interesting what, if anything that they might find. My response to it has been so great, you could probably come back and tell me there was ebola virus in it and i'd still neb it. There is of course always some chance something might be in anything. Even medical grade sterile water has been shown to have bacteria in it. The added bonus for the oregano oil, vs say any other supplement product that doesn't have a natural inhibitory action against bacteria and microbes in general, is that if there was something in the oil that was introduced somehow during the manufacturing process, there is a strong chance it would kill it anyways. It would be like being worried there might be bacteria in your hydrogen peroxide. To me it was worth the risk. My last culture showed staph and an odd serratia bacterium. Of course because i'm honest, there could be a chance that it came from the oregano oil, but previously to that culture I was in the hospital in an infectious isolation room for 10 days (where everyone goes that needs to be quarantined, so there are tons of nasty bugs in there, and hospital sanitation is drastically reduced). One of the two new bacteria that I showed is directly related to hospital infections.

I have shown staph way in the past and it had gone away though, so who knows. Anyways it's a potential legitimate concern, but to me and others, the risk was worth the rewards that we are reaping. I'd personally take a daily world class A*s woopin from Mr. T in order to feel like how I feel now, due to the OO.